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Everything posted by Jadeor

  1. screenshot of that shadow AFTER 1.1, or it didnt happen... im gonna explain why after 1.1 after 1.1, no healing gained from medpack.. that takes away 2.5k heal, 5k heal, and most likely 75k heal (if your not specced tank), and if you are specced tank, you wont be getting 5k hit, or 300k damage (unless you stay in combat entire *********** game) Shadows donig a good job average 8-10 medals per game.. healers is normally getting 7-9 for donig a good job (inculding the 1 +3k defender), no reason to add the 200k medals for the kids feeling special for rolling a healer Do add mechanism were healers get rewards for healing players that kill players, rather than having healers doing damage and trying to get the alst kill of another person ><...
  2. Do know that damage dealers got 4 medals? 2.5k hit 5k hit 75k damage 300k damage.. guess how many medals tanks got`? Anyway, to be bit more fair, should make a system that gives the healers kills, that will add 2 more medals to them, and would also fix issues with solo healers in opem world
  3. Add something along the lines of this - BEWARE THO!! if you make serval choke points, there should be serval ways to actively bring those chokepoints down so you can attack from serval sides, if not its just gonna be aoe fighting... WaR is a perfect example of this...
  4. guess you open with 2x maul, hit for 2x 1.5k and whine like ****? this is a really nice balanced class, good in many situations
  5. Just went to check it, and its removed - sorry for the post and geting some peoples hopes up.. also, so stupid to remove this, game people a slight chance of beeing semi-competetive when hitting 50, dumb bioware is dumb...
  6. aparrently they removed this gear, which is kida lame if its true.. personally bm so cba going to look i up , atleast know i got the full set in my bank (sells for 1 credits a peice) xD
  7. **Edit : This gear was removed from patch 1.0.2 (dickiest move of BW evar?, i think so..... except ofc for not making objectives give any decent medals in WZ's, but anyway! gear not there anymore) seems that none knows u can buy blue pvp gear? its lvl 118, and can be brought at your capital city (not the fleet), for the republic its a the senate tower next to your skill trainer.... think alot of people dont know this :s tip : while leveling your toon, you can buy these pieces (costs around 500 each), so when you hit 50 you can have a full pvp gear (blue 118), but atleast its something to start of on, should give you 400-450ish expertise Hope this helps newly dinged 50, or people planning to make their way towards 50 and start
  8. seems that none knows u can buy blue pvp gear? its lvl 118, and can be brought at your capital city (not the fleet), for the republic its a the senate tower next to your skill trainer.... think alot of people dont know this :s tip : while leveling your toon, you can buy these pieces (costs around 500 each), so when you hit 50 you can have a full pvp gear (blue 118), but atleast its something to start of on, should give you 400-450ish expertise
  9. make the points closer to eachother, and make it easier to get to the ilum area... so people would be more likely to go there.. also, make armaments at every capture points (my server is 80/20 for imps, i play republic), this would spread the imperials and give republic a better chance of picking a fair fight, and make the imps moan less about standing around at mid for 3hours to get daily done..... would make it easier to get a grp of 4-5 and go to one of the points, instead of going outside of camp and face 50, or to mid and face 25.... smaller proximity and easier acess to ilum, none wants to run for 10mins to get owned in the head by 50imps... thats why republic on my server is not showing up... gonna take some work yes.. but if you really wanna make ilum work, some of these are the steps towards it... also, as 1'st post stats, make grps/ops work on ilum... atm it dont matter wether ur alone or in a full ops grp
  10. She smiles noting her perfect timing, and the fact that her opponent is apparently being played by a monkey, just standing there bewildered, probably mashing '1' and wondering why nothing is happening. - Jedi shadow agrees
  11. Playing a shadow, Bh's are annoying and they hurt like hell if they just get to cast.. Healer BH's are unkillable if you solo tho (if they are not baddies), but the dps'ers/traver missle spammers are easily killable if you ask me (yes, also the 16k hp ones with fullchamp gear)
  12. while all of you are making fun of the sad OP poster about his mobile phone pic, i think we should look a he case he describes and lets just face i.. this is not illegal... hey are Dbags yes.. this is just proof of total poor design of the award system of warzones... medals > objectice gotta fix the fact that warzones are just about getting medals, since 2/18 of the medals are counting towards the objective of the map (which is often broken, cause the objective dont even give points in this catogory), i think bioware should take a sec and look at their brilliant medal award system... *edit - i play a shadow, was averaging 12medals before 1.1 (medpacks ftw), and 9-10 after 1.1, so this is not whine cause i dunno how to get medals... system is just lame
  13. think this really depends on your class, personally playing a jedi shadow (assassin mirror) i can easily tell that using right abillities at right time is a must in pvp, if you dont do that, your damage output is gonna suck compared to the force you use....
  14. bump to first page so bioware devs will notice this, probably some bans/penalties coming ur way guys :/... doubt they will allows this kind if "agreement" in order to abuse the system to farm valor
  15. good change so sad the objective in any warzone is to get medals?... why not just make a killbox and fire baron deathmark?
  16. They lowered the limit on each ilum instance, thats gonna make it 50vs10 instead of 100vs20.... so thats no fix.. No fix to the fact that reward system is stupid as hell, gotta do damage to the player if you wanna get credt for the kill (same for warzones).. they truely dont want any healers in pvp? Warzones is still only about trying to get 300k dmg done, 50k guardian, 25kills, assassin solo kill ect ect.. why would they not change the current reward system for warzones is just beyond me... Boken before, hope they would fix it now, they didnt = still broken to its core /unsubscuribed
  17. take a sec to look at the screenie the guy posted before you.. thats about 500valor in 1min right there for you, thats 30k/hr, so how is 90k/8hr not possible? note that he was on republic side, the emiprial side often controls the planet, meaning another 300% = additional 60 on each kill, if the imperials control the republic base at the same time, they are "defending a point" giving even more valor, so that would be what... 150/kill... if that happens 6-8 times per minute, those kilos could rack up fast
  18. Wanna start out this thread by saying its not gonna be a massive whine.. i'm playing on the republic side of a 80/20 server, and i got spawn farmed for 30mins or so before i decided to close the game and wait for bioware to fix it, obviusly stuff happened that wasnt intended to happen, life sux, but the fact that alot of imperials gained alot of valor from killing players over and over again, is not the real problem with pvp in this game.. Here are my suggestions on what patch 1.1 really should have fixed on the pvp side of the game. - Ilum Letting 200 people clash onto eachother in an open world pvp is ofc gonna create massive aoe-festing battles, hopefully some smallerscaled battles aswell, but thats the idea about open world pvp. The problem is that some of the mechanics of the way you, and specially your party is rewarded from this is bad... soo bad.... -So, whats the problem? - To qualify for a reward on killing a player, you have to interact in combat with that payer, not 100% sure about how this works, but think you have to attack/debuff the target in some kind of way to get a reward for the kill.. So basically in a 16v16 battle against 2 setup operations, you would only get the kills from players you actually attacked. This leaves healers, and players who are set to lockdown enemy healers, with a way lower valorgain than the people actually killing, unless the healer is tapping of everyone with damage (which a healer shouldnt have to do).. This also totally gimps healers who go out there on their own for the daily/weekly with no group.. - how to fix? : Share valor within the group, with the current system there is no reward from beeing a healer at all, or beeing in a group playing with your friends for that matter, its just like running around competing about getting a hit on every player to get the max valor gain.. For the solo healers problem, make it so that whenever you heal a person, you are qualified for their kills the next 20sec, this would also fix some issues with healers medalgains in warzones... - Another problem to be adressed is the population imbalance on servers.. By making a cap to the amount of people that can be in every instance on ilum (or lowering the current) you are not going to make the ratio of imperials/republic in every instance better.. This will probably still cause most of the battles to end up at the lesser populated spawn point (or as far as the game mechanic allows the upper hand side to push them back).. There needs do be some sort of buff to the lesser populated fighting group, dont know how exactly you would impliment this, but if you want any republic players to be on ilum at my server (80/20), you gotta buff the republic players when there is an imbalance in one of the instance on ilum, or they simply wont show up..... guess thats not what is intended of the new fixed open world pvp? - Warzones I like the design of the current warzones, and i love to play them.. The problem is that the reward from playing a warzone is very much determind on the amount of medals you gain. Since 2 out of 20(i can think of) possible medals are the "Objective medals", this dosent really encourage players to do the actual objective of the warzone, rather go of and try to get 300k damage, 2.5k hits, 300k healing, 25kills, i could keep the list going. As i said, the design of the warzone is great, its just too bad the reward system from warzones dont encourage people to do the design of the map, rather go and fight in the middle for maximum medals.. this is bad, really bad... - How to fix? : As i see it, there are two possible ways to fix this 1 : Decrease the amount of valor/commendations/xp you gain from the medals you earned, and make it matter wether you win or not, this is going to encourage people to actually win the warzone (which i can only assume is what you intended, since you would probably just have made a killbox as warzone if not). 2 : Make 2 different type of medals. One called "Combat medals(basically the current system)", the other called "Objective medals".. These objective medals could be everything that includes in helping the objective of the map. I will list some suggestions Voidstar: -Plant the bomb/open barrier (could add stages of how many times u did it) -Help planting the bomb (be within 20meters of guy planting the bomb) -CC someone within 30 meters(casting range), while the bomb is beeing planted, granted that this results in a complete plant -Defuse the bomb -Stop an enemy from planting the bomb List could go on, pretty much everything you could possibly imagine that would benefit to the objective of the game, rather than just fighting over combat medals. Really find the game fun. I enjoy the pvp side of the game over the pve, so i was hoping that patch 1.1 was going to bring some changes to the pvp side of the game, not just ilum, also the warzones.... /discuss
  19. So, they are fixing the fact that we cant get camp spawned anymore.. now lets move on to fixing the fact that the open world pvp ilum system still suck balls, here are some reasons why.. - Valor is not shared within your group, this means that if you didnt do any direct damage to the player that died, you are not gonig to get any valor for it.. This means that healing on ilum sucks balls, well, guess they really dont want anyone to play healer in pvp anyway, since they didnt fix the fact that healers suck at getting medals in warzones aswell, since the healer in a warzone have to tab every signle enemy with a dot or damage, to get credit for the kill.. also, please add some usefull objective medals to warzones... ilum will always be a zerg fest with massive battles and aoe, thats the way open world pvp always will be... atleast make *********** warzones decent... Also.. rollback....
  20. Just went on and canceled my sub, when i did so, it asked my nicely to tell them why, chose the pvp for obvius reasons... the funny thing is that a nice droid came up with an anwser "if you find pvp boring, it might be an idea to reroll a new class for better pvp experience", that should should fix that to "WE ARE SORRY FOR 1.1, WE WILL FIX ASAP, PLEASE RESUB" Slighty more on topic - I really think the next move from bioware is gonna decide wether or not atleast 25% or maybe even more (concidering that alot of people arent 50 yet, and cansee the disaster going on) are gonna resub to the game, or its just gonna be another ghosttown, free to play within a year mmo.. best of luck bioware! cant wait for gw2
  21. Go see for urself http://imageshack.us/f/215/screenshot2012011818561.jpg/ 400% buff from 5x point cap, 300% buff from holding ilum, thats about 120valor per kill? - Guide to get battlemaster in 1h - Aoe the respawn point, and you will get about a kill every 2nd sec.. to make worse even worse, how do we get out of that place as a dead person, clicking the respawn just kills you had a decent laugh about this, but not its just sad **Edit - can anyone who killed the turret tell if it gives valor?**
  22. Only problem (that i see) is that the initial opener from stealth is doing 4-6k crit AND knocking the opponent down in addition it applies 2k tick dot... all of this in same GCD, sure looks like it tho
  23. Dont know the system from DAoC, since i didnt play it, but sounds like renown system in WAR, each level of "valor" you can unlock a perk, not major stuff, but nice little bonuses that made the "valor" you get worth while, current system is just a grind, bioware should defo look into this
  24. So ya, if you havent got a character lvl 50, or havent tried out this content, i dont think you should comment on issues like this... and if you have both of the above, then you are simply stupid to think its okay these bugs exists.. Would expect the most of these to be fixed at launch, specially since (as someone said) these bugs were discovered and given as feedback at beta.
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