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Everything posted by sharpenedstick

  1. Clearly this game's population is soaring like an eagle on fire with fire coming out of its butt. The point of the server merges, er, I mean, free transfers, was to make room for the masses of players that are due any minute now.
  2. Again, typical fanboi propaganda. I never said they were nefarious. I said they are a for-profit enterprise, and the things they do are motivated in increase their bottom line. If you think they are offering game time because they are just nice guys, you need to cut back on the Bioware Kool-Aid. If it were really just about the players, they could give the free month to everyone with a sub, with no level cap. If they only care about being nice, why do they charge money at all? In fact, Bioware and EA are big companies. They should pay me to play. Wouldn't it be nicer if Bioware paid us to play? Let's get real here. They believe they will ultimately make more money from converting cancellees into retainees. I like that confidence. It means they believe their new features are enticing and polished enough to lure people to stay, and that is good for the game. I appreciate the free month. But I am also under no illusions as to why they did it. You shouldn't be either. Or, if you are, I have a lovely ocean front property in Kansas for you.
  3. Fanbois never cease to amaze me. You think Bioware is giving out time because they're just a bunch of great people? Bioware and EA are large companies. The only reason large companies do anything is to make money. Someone at Bioware/EA has crunched the numbers and guessed that they will make more money by retaining players upset with the pvp changes and otherwise wavering than they will lose from the free month. It's the same reason they are giving out time to cancelled accounts. It's not charity, it's just a stunt to try and hook people. It works out great for those of us who were planning on playing anyway, because we get free time. But don't kid yourself as to why this is happening.
  4. The new crafting mission change is more annoying than anything. Why did the devs bother?
  5. Anyone else experiencing bizarre lag when you attempt to craft an item or RE something?
  6. Exactly. For a game with so much emphasis on story, it's disappointing that something as fundamental as the race of your character is essentially irrelevant.
  7. I agree that having no difference between the races makes the game easier to balance, but that's a pretty sad reason to not have any. Other MMOs seem to manage, and it's disappointing that Bioware couldn't fiddle around with numbers or work up a few more abilities. In WoW, races matter slightly. The profession buff each one gets is a little nice, but not too important. The abilities they get admittedly do cause some arguments as to which is OP, but at the end of the day they are all sort of neat. In SWTOR, the degree of similarity between characters is extremely high. Little racial differences could go a way towards providing some variability.
  8. Races are irrelevant in this game anyway. They're just different color skins. No stat difference, no story difference, and only one meaningless social emote.
  9. Just skip the heroics. Most people seem to anyway. If you really want one of the rewards, go back at 50.
  10. The same reason some people don't like to Be forced to pvp Be forced to watch people from the opposite faction stroll past without consequence Have to meet high requirements for gear See gear given out for free to everyone Craft Have crafting be worthless use a LFG tool form groups without LFG tools And so on. Entertainment is subjective. Some people enjoy grouping. Others prefer to avoid the encumberance of others. It's not about hardcore versus softcore. Plenty of people played Diablo 2 hardcore, and that was perfectly soloable. It's just about play styles. Some people are terrified of being "forced to pvp." Other people find carebear coddling intolerable. There are many such dichotomies in MMOs because you have a single gaming environment that is trying to accommodate the desires of multiple types of gamers at once.
  11. I like how these fanbois only see the development time in terms of WoW's advantage over SWTOR. As though the TOR devs couldn't have seen WoW's development and learned from it. SWTOR should have more features at release than WoW did in 2004. Otherwise what would be the point of new games? Do fanbois even know what logic is? The problem isn't that SWTOR doesn't have everything WoW does. The problem is that SWTOR has issues that should have been resolved long, long ago.
  12. Shh! If you don't say that SWTOR is the best game there is, was, or ever would or could be, the Fanboi Defense Force will jump all over you. They don't understand that the game could be improved.
  13. There are several ways they could add a little spice to the quests: 1) Vehicle type quests. WoW has these, where you ride a vehicle or creature of some type that has special controls, and you have special objectives. Most (but by no means all) of these are rail-shooter types, like TOR space, but you can definitely mix it up. 2) Inverse heroic quests. Rather than making the monsters tougher, the game makes YOU tougher, and then puts you into a mass battle scenario where you wade through tons of enemies. This can be a refreshing experience from time to time, and with the right story (you single-handedly holding back an entire Sith army so your guys can retreat, or whatever) can really capture a heroic, Star Wars feel. 3) Races: TOR 1, er, I mean KOTOR had Swoop races. Races would be neat. 4) Social Quests: Possibly a daily, the goal being to acquire a certain amount, say 50 social points. This has the added benefit that it would encourage grouping during questing. 5) Non-combat quests: Suppose you could attend a meeting of the Jedi council, or watch a session of the Galactic Senate and, through your advice, influence a decision of an individual master or senator. Maybe you could help a cantina patron with a problem, or just listen to him or her complain. There's a quest on Coruscant like that, where the guy's wife wants to leave him. That quest is funny. 6) Crew Skill specific quests: Gather from X nodes on Y planet. Acquire a purple pattern from RE-ing. 7) Scavenger Hunt quests: Find NPC so and so. Sure, sites like TORHEAD would make these trivial, but first of all how challenging is kill 10 rats? And secondly, some people would like the experience of hunting someone or something down from a series of cryptic clues. 9) User-content generation quests: Imagine a quest where you get to draft a news article for the Coruscant Times. You write up a little thing and send it in and get credit. Maybe Bioware reads a selection of them and picks one from time to time, and if yours is picked it gets posted on some news service terminal and you get a special "Muchraker" title. 10) PVP goal quests; How about "Score in Huttball" or "Cap a turret on Alderaan" as quests, in addition to the current win a WZ daily. The objectives could change too. For Huttball, you could have "intercept a pass," "throw a pass," "defeat the ball carrier," "keep someone at 20% hp who is in combat from dying for X seconds (for you healers out there)," and so on. These 10 ideas are just a quick sample of some possible alternatives to the old "kill 10 rats" paradigm. TOR thought they could keep rat killing fresh with voice acting, but as we've seen the reality is a little mixed.
  14. My point is telemarketing cold-calling may be your idea of fun and community building. The rest of us would like TOR to join 2012 in having LFG tools.
  15. So basically this fanboi's solution is cold calling random people until you get what you want. Oh yeah, definitely a better community building method than a completely voluntary opt-in tool that let's you find like-minded people looking for a group.
  16. No, this is not another "resolve is worthless" thread. Resolve definitely has some value, even if it is not quite as effective as many people would like. To me, the essential problem is that resolve is all or nothing, and by the time you have it all, you are dead. A quick fix would be to make resolve work on a pro rata basis, so that the duration of cc is reduced in proportion to your current resolve bar. This then provides you a benefit at every level of resolve.
  17. Why do people roll on RP or RP-PVP servers if they have no interest in immersion or RP? Thus far I have only been able to identify two reasons, and neither are particularly good. 1) To troll RPers. Not only is this pretty silly as a motivation, it isn't even effective since the RP and RP-PVP servers have virtually no RP anyway. 2) For a more "mature" player base. Yet most of the player base consists of people who can't follow the rules to select the server that best matches their play goals. Not exactly a quality I'd call mature. Note that the stupider someone's name, the more likely they claim they want to play with "other" mature players. If you are one of the 90% of people on an RP server who doesn't RP, please tell me why you rolled on one.
  18. Relax Fanboi Defense Force, this isn't a hating post. Overall I like that game. But it has issues. Some of them are very, very simple things that SWTOR doesn't do or doesn't do well. If these convenience features were fixed, it would improve play at little cost: 1) Items do not auto stack: Say you buy multiple auctions of item X, then take them from the mail box into your inventory. They don't auto stack. They don't auto stack with the item X's you already have in your inventory. If you try to put them in the bank, they don't auto stack with X's already in there. Seriously? Auto stacking is so 1996. 2) There is no way to leave a chat channel: It is impossible. YES, you can turn off the chat display, so you won't see the chat, but you won't have left it. Why does this matter? If people join or leave the channel, you get spam from the System Notification. To turn that off, you have to turn off all System Notifications. What MMO makes it impossible to ever leave a chat channel? 3) Knowledge base is useless, where it isn't actually wrong: According to the knowledge base, typing /chat will list the chat commands. Try it sometime. it doesn't. Most entries in the knowledge base are useless, and several are wrong. 4) Loading screen tips are wrong: The loading screen says ALT+Right click lets you see what an item would look like on you. Nope. It's CTRL+left click. ***? I bought an item on accident, trying to see how it would look. 5) Server Forums: Why are there not server specific forums? For a game that is supposed to be all about community, that doesn't help things. 6) No enforcement of RP naming guidelines or behavior on RP or RP-PVP servers: What is the point of RP-PVP servers if you have people like "SugrDaddi" running around? 7) Preferences do not stick: Keybindings and many preferences are character specific, rather than account specific. Okay, you might want different bindings per character, fair enough. But many times you won't, or you will want them similar. Where is the import function? When you open up a crafting window and sort the patterns a certain way, why doesn't it remember that sort as a default? 8) Too many empty locations in transits: Going to Typhon is a pain. Going to Balmorra is a pain. Why so many Republic locations involve going to a space station, then running through an empty station, then entering a shuttle bay, then taking a shuttle, just to get to the planet. Seriously? 9) Instances are very buggy if everyone doesn't have exactly the same quests: Getting through Jedi Prisoner is like pulling eyeteeth. Anyone who has been caught in the "Refresh All Flashpoints" hell spiral knows what I'm talking about. 10) The AH is primitive: No price per item option. No ability to sort by stat. Multi-listing is a pain.
  19. Are the missions you can buy from other players only one use?
  20. Is there any point to RE'ing purples? Can you get better purple patterns, or even legendaries?
  21. Please release a hotfix so that items stack automatically when you put something from your inventory that you already have in your bank. Having to manually stack crafting mats is pretty annoying, and this seems like an easy thing to implement.
  22. A big thank you to everyone who emailed a game reviewer, TOR fansite, or filed a BBB complaint. Together we did it. We got our grace period back!
  23. I want to thank everyone who agitated on this issue. We got our grace period back together!
  24. Why would there be a grace period? It's not like Bioware said there would be one...
  25. Bioware screwing us over the grace period guarantees this isn't the best launch ever.
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