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Everything posted by Wonkadude

  1. I'm already getting 1700 coins for subbing since launch, possible $10-20 (atm i think that's 5-10 euros, butt don't quote me)
  2. On Dulfy's, she said that in 1.5 you can buy campaign armoring for BH comms, and campaign armoring have set bonuses. http://dulfy.net/2012/10/12/swtor-patch-1-5-campaign-armorings/
  3. Wow, good job noticing! Hope this will be added to make EV more challenging. Maybe with revamped nightmare mode?
  4. I'm thinking of a 6 boss raid that would scare hard core raiders! Boss 1: Combines EV and KP 1st boss and on HM, EC 1st boss too Intended to give the healers a tough time and force the DPS to do enough damage not to wipe, but not enough for consistent raid wide damage. (explained later) SM: Main Mechanics: No aggro table, every 15% raid-wide AoE for set duration. no where to LoS. Tight enrage timer and has a bit of a potty mouth (slimy hutt-spawn bantha poo eating fwarks!) HM: see above, but Raid-wide AoE every 10%, tighter enrage timer and randomly jumps to a raid member doing medium damage. Also, Dread Guard Captain present using battle meditation. Immune to damage until main boss is killed. Cures random condition on set timer and has an AoE DoT. Boss 2: Similar to Kaon Under Siege 1st boss. Previously you have been fighting undead mobs through a tunnel. (In HM there are some booby traps too!). You enter a cavern and have the exit shut on you. The ceiling opens up and you relies YOU'VE BEEN TRAPED! (with 2 cannons, which wasn't too smart of them!) A Dread guard is hovering over you in a speeder. when someone mounts a cannon the battle begins! And remember to USE THE CANNONS! SM: Hordes of the undead attack you. Also, occasionally a missle will be fired at someone. they must run into an undead group because while the damage isn't very much on you, it deals significant damage to the poor undead thingies. when you are finished, a drouk breaks through the exit and the dread master runs away. Then kill the drouk and move on. Soft enrage is higher damage, more health, rockets do more damage and fire more frequently. HM the same, but more undead with more health and more damage, more frequent missiles with greater damage and 2 drouks which will randomly swap targets and become untauntable. more to come
  5. majority of my characters are on a west coast server, IRL i'm on east coast. GIVE ME TRANSFERS! srsly, i'm willing to pay $15-20 to get my 50 PT on a east coast pve server
  6. Bayrn Munich should of won.... ON TOPIC: I doubt it is the same one, just like there are multiple.... Bobs?
  7. FB to 4m and everything else to 10m wouldreally mess up us PvE tanks. but anyways..... Jet Charge should be an ability we get around 40-50 and to replace jet charge we should have it replaced by an ability similar to pommel strike (high damage) and have Jet Speed replaced with something that increases either our new pommel strike like abilitys threat OR increases threat on heat blast (preferably both)
  8. I'm a PT tank, done SM EC 2x in PUGS! and did storm caller both times. What I do is tank him turret front, and when ever DD(?) channels i run behind the DPS and they take debuff. no idea what happens on FB, but i assume it is simmilar
  9. tanked SM KP n bastion, no lag (keep in mind i'm on the east coast and Bastion is WC)
  10. If Darth Baras falls, he would send Dromund Kass out of orbit. [i'm not funny either ]
  11. You sir, have sumed up my thoughts entirely. This will earn a place in my signature!
  12. besides that misinformation, it is very effective. Also a couple of the specs linked are ify, mine seems to be better
  13. http://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/1078240-Guide-Operative-Concealment-PvE A very useful guide on concealment operative end game PvE. (the mirror of scrapper scoundrel) short version: any class is viable in end game PvE, scrapper just must work harder. I suggest http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#401McZGhrodzRdGRZhM.2 5/31/5 build I think it would be best. I picked incisive action b/c you can help with healing (ex a very AoE heavy boss fight) and generate a free TA when you do it. (good for EV 4th boss, for self healing and free TAb/c you can't use hidden strike) 4% endurance for increased survivability. The rest is pretty much standard. PS, picked jarring strikes over the sever tendon root b/c IMHO the cc is more useful, but that can be changed if you feel the need
  14. The ability to speak doesn't give you PANTS! (Sith Inquisitor storyline) MURDER and Pants await! Vader: Luke, I am your pants! luke: NO!!!!!! or Vader: Luke I have your pants Luke Noooooo! Truly wonderful the pants of a child is. Only a Sith Lord deals in PANTS Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my pants, do you?. A Jedi gains pants through understanding and a Sith gains pants through power. most are from here, I will make MOAR:http://www.notable-quotes.com/s/star_wars_quotes.html
  15. 1. Han Solo & Chewbacca 2. HK-47 3. R2-D2 4. Fi, Atin, Darman, Niner, Sev, Boss, Fixer, Scorch (Republic Commandos) 5.Boba & Jango Fett
  16. Ugg, I should of done this! I was the tank for False Emp, died on the last boss, fell off with malgus! while I was loading into ilum, group finished, rolled on loot and quit on me! no BH comms, no loot, no credit for completing the mission. No response after 2 days
  17. Here's a suggestion: roll an imperial agent, pick sniper as an AC. longest range in the game (tied with their mirror GS, and some sorc abilities with a tree buff) story line is amazing (007 like) and 1-20 wont be the same story line. If you want to be ranged ish on your assassin, use the madness tree. most skills require you to be in 10m, but its better than melee range right?
  18. Kiting is running around, avoiding there attacks. assasins can't really do this, since they have to fight in melee range for this boss cause he is immune to force attacks, which is all your ranged abbilites. happy?
  19. he is immune to force attaacks. spam maul, thrash and your free attack
  20. -SERVER TRANSFERS FOR COINS! Seriously, I have SIX! characters on a west coast server, one is a full columi PT tank. (I'm on the west coast btw) Make a planet, Like the fleet, but with everything the fleet has +more (crystal vendor anyone?) duel arena (don't balance PvP around it but still have it), be able to set up shops, ect. FOR subscriptions/ lots of tokens only!
  21. Yes us silent readers really do enjoy it. For a character submission, should I PM you the picture?
  22. Statement: Prejudice set to maximum, MEATBAGS! _evil:
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