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Everything posted by lunabaguna

  1. The innaguration that you are talking about on the imperial side is not from the "Sith warrior" quest chain. It does not prove anything, the sith warrior and sith inquis line, which happen last in the sequence, both show correlia being imperial owned with no darth decimus.
  2. He dosnt acctually do anything worthwhile, he is a guy who got too big for his britches and took a small fringe group of crazy-faces.
  3. I just watched the Sith Warrior innaguration thing and tbh, I dont recall that cinematic AT ALL, nor any part of whats being talked about. It must have been a side quest that I didnt do, but thats not the storyline for the sith warrior, thats just an imperial side quest thing I think. The sith warrior questline on Corellia involves completely different things that have nothing to do with darth decimus.
  4. I guess we will have to wait for the expansion to come out to see who won.
  5. I can go to Corellia right now, and everywhere I go, there are imperial banners, the imperial own the entire planet, the main city on the planet is owned by the Imperials. The capital city is Imperial still, Republic did not win. Try to walk into coronet city as a Republic and see if they welcome you.
  6. Imperial mentality is such that if a person dies, whoever succeeds them is actually superior, because they managed to succeed where the other person failed. By killing our weak, we promote the strong. This is how the entirety of the sith order is set up, you learn, you train, you become better than your master, you kill him.
  7. Actually, they are very careful to leave Alderaan control in the air, making you completely unsure of which house is actually going to succeed. Ilum is imperial occupied, not owned. That means that they have a presence there occupying a large swatch of land, but its still contested. Voss is most assuredly never claimed to be allied with the empire, in fact in the SI line, the last line, you piss them off quite a bit and make them less likely to join the empire. Correllia though, is 100% Empire.
  8. The republic are delusional then. I guarentee you, the two sith ones are verified to be the last in the chain and at that point, corellia is firmly owned by the Empire. In fact the government of Corellia has welcomed them with open arms and sworn fealty. Remember, unlike the republic, killing a high ranking person does not stop anything, someone easily steps up and takes over.
  9. Correction on this, in Alderaan, Thul is possibly next in the line of succession, but we leave off uncertain. It is possible that the republic allied house might take over (Organa I believe?) Most of the rest seems correct. Its hard to tell where the IA storyline falls due to its weak connection with the sith line, I know for sure it happens before the sith inquis line due to what you learn about the dark council in that one.
  10. Generally we know: Bounty Hunter Jedi Consulor Smuggler Jedi Knight Sith Warrior Sith Inquisitor With trooper falling somewhere near the Consulor/Smuggler storyline.
  11. Sith Warrior storyline happens post trooper, read my spoiler.
  12. Incorrect, Nar Shaddaa is not empire controlled, its controlled by cartels. Corellia is most definitely Empire owned, completely and fully. Taris is pretty much the Empires now.
  13. Ilum is Empire occupied, but not owned. Alderaan is still a soverign planet, it simply have houses allied with factions.
  14. As far as Belsalvis goes, pretty sure the imps dont want it at all, they were only there for a few specific things, they are of course keeping a presence there, but arent trying to take it.
  15. Also, Dromand Kaas and Koriban are of course both Imperial controlled.
  16. Hutta and Corelia fall firmly under Imperial control as well.
  17. The day this gets into the game is the day I cancel my sub. I am not one of those "I cancelled whiners" I am more lumped in with "'fanbois" but honestly, this is a game killer. It killed wow, it will kill this game too. Cross server lfg creates douchebag groups that make content not fun and kills guild recruitment dead since you rarely play with people from your own server anymore. I will not continue playing a game that has opted to take such a lazy way out and decided to ignore the past history of what it did to wow servers and playerbase. I hope they change their mind, if not, Ill be moving to either GW2 or TerA.
  18. Play an imperial agent as a chiss. You will get your desire.
  19. Also, another biggie in civil war. You can go UNDER the middle, you dont have to go thru it. So when going from east to west, go under, its faster and safer. Also, if you own east or west, you can fly directly to that turret using the far left or far right speeders from your spawn (there are 2 middle ones that both take you to mid).
  20. Can I add, learn your east from your west. Its so frustrating when I am in civil war and someone calls "help north" or "go east" when they mean west. We literally had a guy spamming for everyone to go east 5 or 6 times throughout the warzone when he was at west the whole time. He kept telling everyone we were wrong, despite him being the only one believing what he was calling. Easy way to remember. California is west coast, New york is east coast. (Im assuming here anyone who dosnt know east from west had to have been raised in America).
  21. Classes built entirely around crit: Sniper Operative Juggernaught Powertech Mercenary Assassin Sorcerer Murauder all republic equivalents This is a nerf to everyone. Without high crit damage assassins have nothing, squishy, no roots stuns like snipers have, no immunity to charge/jump, no range, more crit built than snipers by a longshot.
  22. Already bug reported, but posting here to let people know, the jedi shadow equivalent is the same way.
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