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Everything posted by iFruit

  1. Completely disagree. Lvled Sage (hyb DPS) exclusively with Tharan with DPS stance and stormed through all the content, took me 1,5 weeks from lvl 1 to BH/Rakata. All other pets sucked next to him.
  2. Want an Imperial Trooper armor? It will cost you $30, just visit your local retailers to see if they have CE in stock. I wanted it, and just got it off eBay for $40. No serious developer would ever s*it on thousands of people who spent $150 for a collectible item to satisfy your role playing needs, and the fact that you open a thread to demand it is abhorrent and disrespectful.
  3. Yeah, just saw this one 10 min ago, nice:) Mine: Trooper Warrior
  4. Upgraded to CE to feel myself eligible for this discussion. As per the topic of CE vendor updates, at this time I'd be content to have a unique (i.e. no reskins in CM) full armor set added to each side of the conflict. I understand that BioWare has full prio on CM and is not going to divert what few devs they have to cater to CE owners, but a promise is a promise (see swtor.com description of CE and you'll see there's a statement, + Georg said it here) and just 2 new sets should not be that bothersome. A unique speeder would also be very cool but I don't have high hopes for that. Oh, and maybe make existing and future armors Legacy-bound? What I am astutely against is putting discontinued items or their schematics up on CE, that is not what it is about at all.
  5. 1. Add 1 more new and truly unique armor set for each CE vendor. Make CE amors Legacy-bound. 2. Charachter (name/race/sex etc.) recustomization. 3. Enhanced Force alignment options & charachteristics, including neutral alignment.
  6. Off topic: really nice to see how active the community managers have become on the forums. That along with upcoming content really gives me very positive expectations about SWTOR in general
  7. Some that I have: Destructum the Destructive Machete the Merciless Horrify the Heartless Terrorize the Stalwart if I could rename my elder game chars there'd be even funnier combinations
  8. So? Hardly a point, this. I never insisted on getting unique rewards in other games, like WoW, for events that took place 5 years before I even heard of the game. Imagine Blizzard ROFLing at an argument like 'ohhhh, I never got to see it, I'm not less deserving, bo-hoo, so let me open the gates of Karazhan'. And yes, story-wise a complete repetition would be disastrous. Further, unlike Gree event, noone ever promised this would be recurring. Doing so with Plague event would show absolute decay of innovation and determination to further develop the game.
  9. 1. He did note that the statement about the event coming back was from a private chat and not Q&A.. 2. If it does come back (with all the same content on Tattoine, same rewards and title), than I'd be gravely disappointed as all the unique stuffs we grinded for last time when our server was near-dead would be depreciated by the thousands of F2Prs running with them. I would be all for a new plague breakout though (another planet, new missions, rewards and titles).
  10. Lol? Please provide a link to CE description saying you'll be entitled to buy stuff from the exclusive vendor which is otherwise inaccessible. Check Amazon, eBay or whatever to see what CE entails, and it is nothing more than as described. Or wait, don't. Only just realized you're a troll.
  11. Not obvious? It is about people saying "ohh vtf I paid for CE, ooh I'm better than the next lad who grinded events on 5 chars/bought soon-to-be-extinct items with all he had/powerlvled several chars to get Rakatas and Columi before they pulled'em out etc.etc.etc., ohh I should be able to just buy it off that alien thing for a small price coz vtf I got CE". Now that's even more PtW than letting you buy DG gear off CM coz it destroys A LOT more playing efforts than just whiping in TfB HM.
  12. Oh, and of course THIS. CE owners are NOT everyone. WHY should it be for CE owners? CE owners got what they paid for, and the edition's description was blunt and detailed. Why the hell should they be getting additional stuffs now, eh? And at MY expense? Are you aware that Korrealis value in real money ranges roughly 300-450$ (calculated over gold vendor's median exchange rates, assuming Red Eclipse GTN price of 20-30kk credits)? Was your CE price even half that? And evented items? You think you are privileged enough to get smth for free that a lot of us grinded away to get? And say 'Make everyone happy"?! You got your Malgus figurines and map of the Galaxy, just play with that and stop whining to get Pay-to-Win options dude
  13. Sure, sell them Ti/Col/Rak gears on CE if you must, IMO doesn't matter as near anyone has them anyway and IMO they're ugly to start with. But don't touch the Korrealis, are you mad? Let bygones be bygones, it was a very expensive venture for some of us to stack on them back in they day when they announced they're pulling them out. Same should go for evented items like the containment gear and BGr crystals = you were there, you grinded, you got it. I left SWTOR when the Drouk event hit and did not get any bowcasters or whatnot, but that's my fault and I'm not about to whine about putting it on CE/CM etc., because I respect other people's efforts to get smth unique. Next you'd go to the extent of asking for Founder title unlocks and access to the pre-order vendor? ORLY??
  14. I had doubts about rolling Sent/Mara for a looooong time, coz RDPS was always more my thing..had a Guardian which I was quite satisfied with about tanking FPs but was a drag in lvling..so yesterday I got on a Mara and -pew-pew!!omgwtf - everything is on the floor before I know it, even multiple yellow mobs aren't much of a struggle. Can't wait to get to the upper tiers of Carnage no need for tank/heal pet either, still only have Vette and our DPS tandem is unstoppable.. Even cooler than Commando with Jorgan in early-to-mid game, much like DPS Sage with DPS Cedrax i.e. the efficiency of burning down any sort of packs
  15. Gonna say 5/10 as it looks like a generic random name. My Mara is a Rep Zabrak female, 'Machete the Merciless' Side note: my funniest char to date is a fat Sith Sage named 'Destructum the Destructive'
  16. What is bothersome for me in consideration to the event rep system is that I have over 90 helix components accross chars and about 9k more rep then needed for rep maxout (in trophies) BUT for the weekly cap I am just sitting on it all... Was there any point to rep cap, at least for the Gree? What actual NEED is there for anyone to sit on all these countless trophies for weeks to come?
  17. Ok I'm back in, everything's ok (seems), @ Red Eclipse
  18. Yar, still this, no changes..hmm.. server rollback inc.?
  19. Confirmed, whole Ops just lagged out on 16HM Xeno, one-by-one all DCed, can't even get past loading screen now..da***?!
  20. What's more upsetting is the ability to reset the WBs. Yesterday on Red Eclipse we gathered a pug raid for about 25min and just as we pulled, a Star Wolves guild premaid which monitored our activities through general chat came to our instance, taunted, reset and stole the boss, which was easy enough for them to do as dumb pugs from our own ops helped them burn down a gray boss. Now that sucks, and a lot of hopeful players where very discouraged by this. BioWare should have introduced some safeguard to keep such exploits out of the game. I see a lot of this happening in the 2 weeks to come.
  21. PvP at world bosses is bothering, but adds a certain competitiveness element and makes it fun. What is definitely NOT fun is same faction ops groups taunting away the bosses, resetting them and pulling them for themselves, now that's complete sh**e. It has nothing to do with honest competition for the right to get a rare boss. Yesterday on Red Eclipse we gathered a pug raid for about 25min and just as we pulled, a Star Wolves guild premaid which monitored our activities through general chat taunted, reset and stole the boss, which was easy enough for them to do as dumb pugs from our own ops helped them burn down a gray boss. Now that sucks, and a lot of hopeful players where very discouraged by this. BioWare should have introduced some safeguard to keep such exploits out of the game. I see a lot of this happening in the 2 weeks to come.
  22. Apparently, this idea only gets commented on when posted on Cartel market forum. Try supporting similar threads there
  23. I'm seeing two possible options to this. You just eat reputation consumables until weekly cap then hold. After the ship is gone: 1. Who said vendors disappear with the ship? What should become of llum on it's departure? I'm sure the camps will stay and MAYBE the vendors too. 2. On Rakghouls event they let vendors stay for an extra week after the plague was contained. No doubt this event it's gonna be the same (worst-case scenario). BioWare will NOT fck over dedicated event farmers, no doubt about it.
  24. This is cool! Just got sage to 45 yesterday, and can already do the event, very nice! Would like to clear two things though: - none of my 50s has PVP gear, should they stay out of the Souther shell? Don't wanna buy gear just to get there tbh; - I'm going away for a week, so how long will the event be on? And also recurring means how often? Annually? Thanks.
  25. Yes, that is a complete bummer customer-service-wise..but if you've been here enough you probably aren't THAT much disconcerted, it's just he way it goes here. I just want them to Implement this feature, don't much care for scheme they chose to make it happen
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