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Everything posted by Ershiin

  1. Stealth (especially the combat vanishes) does everything force barrier does, better. Infinitely better. And with a shorter cooldown. Why dont you complain about those? Oh, right, because you cant SEE the guy so you're not noticing that the dude you had just bursted to 1% suddenly vanished only to return in an advantageous position with full health. Surely he must have just died and run back really quickly.. Yes, thats definitely what happened. "Whaa whaa! Sins cant selfheal/doesnt run around corners to regen/get healed by others/take health pickups! You cant compare!" Welp, my Operative can and does all of those things easily. Know what I do when a sage bubbles? I heal to full, start capping objectives, kill his buddies. Know what I do when a Sin/Op restealths? Waste a bit of time trying to unstealth him, try to do something else, get hit by a nasty opener, die soon after. When I bubble 1 of 3 things happen. 1: I get healed by someone else, exit my bubble and continue feeling like superman. 2: I dont get healed, enemies treat me as CCd and start doing something that'll effectively force me out of my bubble (like start capping an objective or killing my allies), then murder me the moment I exit. 3: I dont get healed but luckily the opponent team is filled with tunnel visioning morons who hits my bubble while my team is killing them. I then rush off around a corner and h2f myself. When I vanish on my Sin/Op 1 of 2 things happen. 1: I recover fully and re engage with full advantage. 2: All the stars align, pigs fly by my window, hell freezes over, and I get hit by a random stealthscan then -probably- die.
  2. My lethality operative uses its rifle about as much if not more than my merc uses its guns, tyvm. And even my sorc, while having no use for them, does actually have multiple lightsaber animations available for times of goofing around. (Its quite satishfying to land a killing blow with thrash in WZs, lemme tell you that!) Not to mention atleast the sorc has the decency of holding its weapon away and putting its spellcasting hand forward in a proper stance.. The PT stance heavily implies a strong dependency on a gun thats almost entirely useless. My suggestion would be to just merge the old unload animation with railshot for PTs. (yakno, taking proper AIM using their AIM stat to deliver a single powerful shot with their gun) Just something that lets me use my gun more D: I'm pretty sure nobody complaining about this actually care much for any for the utility of Unload, but rather the loss of a full animation for a class where virtually every ability is just sticking your left hand out and.. thats it. Honestly I dont miss it at all on my Vanguard as most of my abilities are based around my rifle there anyway.
  3. Dorian, Sera, Shale, Flemeth, Henpecked Hou, Sir Roderick, or gravedigger Shen. All of these would be amazing cameo comps.
  4. I thought the complaint was about the massive distance you can cover while rolling from the top platforms, and not just the roll in itself.. Hence why the thread had huttball in its title specifically. I'm personally of the opinion that while its utterly ridiculous when it happens, it seems to be hard enough do that it isnt something every Op can just pull off everytime they get the ball. Thus falling into the "clever use of game mechanics" pile that I feel perfectly alright with when people put in the effort to pull them off... Kinda like pulling people into the firetrap and stunning them. I personally find the sin cloak to be a far more annoying thing to deal with, as its far more of a no-brainer, far easier to do consistently and without any kind of team coordination, and the moment he does it you might aswell run back to contest the next ball instead of even bothering. This is specifically for huttball though, as in general i kinda love/hate the operative roll with a passion while I dont really care much for the sin cloak either way. I just dont mind the whole (ab)using terrain to your advantage in huttball thing. Most classes do it to some degree, its kinda part of the beauty of that WZ tbh.
  5. And here I clicked on the thread because I thought you were talking about the drug.. Because as someone with ADD, I am indeed prescribed and using "some form of speed" while PvPing.
  6. Pretty sure ranked is almost non-existent, and if you're Rep you either find out when the Nomads are running their premades or you dont bother queueing at all. But if you're imp and you wanna spam a ton of randoms all the time, you're gold!
  7. What gets me more than anything.. Is how i've yet to hear a better defense from anyone claiming that "they like them" than "because they're fast". And there is a ton of people who does this! Ripping off a bandaid is fast too, but you dont see anyone arguing how thats an enjoyable experience! And it doesnt even hold any water either! Seems to me like the only reason you'd not hate unranked arenas is if you dont like random WZs as a whole and just want to get them over with asap for the daily/conquests. Because not only are these things painful more often than not, they effectively reset your attempt at queueing for a proper WZ.. So the pain isnt even short either! I'd much rather spend 5-10 more min on the fleet, going through my GTN sales and my mail, than spend 5-10min waiting for some half troll-half idiot to finally unstealth/get caught and die for two to three rounds, only to THEN having to requeue and possibly having to go through the same torture AGAIN! D:
  8. Had something longer written, but really. Nobody plays solo ranked on my server, so I guess any experience i might have is irrelevant.
  9. Ershiin

    Time to move on.

    Its really not much of a conspiracy theory as its simply comparing this game to other class based PvP games. Games like dota and lol does this kind of purposefully making some classes stronger and weaker every once in a while ALOT. I'm pretty sure thats where the whole "fotm" term comes from. Devs incentivising people to try new heroes by making it stronger for a little while, that way not only making more money from sales but also preventing the "meta" from growing stale.
  10. I dont tunnelvision, so no. I'm far more tired of the "screw your everything" rolling as thats far more spammable and will often eat roots, stuns, and other important abilities. Atleast the bubble is a pretty damn obvious "dont waste important stuff on me!" ability. Not that I have a problem with operatives/scoundrels, but as for things i'm tired of, that 1 particular thing ranks far higher than someone taking himself out of the fight for quite a while in order to do what every stealther has always been able to do anyway.. Better. Just hit something else untill he shows his face again. Its what you do when sins and ops cloak, treat this the same and just accept you're not gonna be able to burst the guy untill after he has burned his CD.
  11. While I still find plenty of use for my crewskills, I have to agree that aside from relics and the moddable stuff you just use for looks, crafting gear from proffs have felt entirely pointless for a long long time. I've made hundreds upon hundreds of weapons with my armstech char.. Purely to scrap for augment kits. I like making stuff like medkits, adrenals, augments, dyes, grenades, etc. But armor and weapons just feels like complete clutter that i have to scroll through to get what i want. At this point I wish i could just have my proffs cleaned up of all the "gear" and replaced with crafting straight augment components.
  12. Ershiin

    1v1 or doubles 2v2

    And this is exactly why i dont want to ever see it. Your nostalgia goggles may have blinded you to the memories of SL/SL+Restodruid combos and all of the other ridiculous nonesense, but it haunts my dreams to this very day. Also the less people in a WZ, the more you have to homogenize things to keep it balanced. And the last thing i want this game to take from WoW is class homogenization... They did that alot when the 2v2 arenas were all the rage and it sucked. Alot.
  13. God mode? Really? You try healing sometime, its not all sunshine and happiness. Fact is that the role/playstyle of tanks and healers are inverted for PvP. Tanks in PvP are the guys who never get hit while they spam abilities that'll keep other people alive longer. While healers in PvP are the guys who snatches all the aggro and as such need the ability to take all the punishment. A Taunt in PvP helps the person getting attacked stay alive longer, but is only really good longterm for the meatshield. (just like how heals work in PvE) While heals in PvP will generally always make whatever was attacking someone else than you snap towards you instantly, completely forgetting about their original target and keep focusing solely on attacking you so long as you maintain heals. (just like how taunting and aggro works in PvE)
  14. During the prep phase and if just joining a WZ in progress i'd consider perfectly valid times to drop out. If its a super sucky game and you really dont wanna be there anymore. I'd say go on untill someone kills ya then leave after ressing. As chances are there is a barrier up that'll last long enough for someone else to fill in before you'd be able to rejoin the fight anyway. Also if you've for some reason not autoquit an arena (maybe you're there for comms/conquest and just want quick points instead of fun?), and you end up in one of those utterly horrible games where there is a stealther who thinks he is being smart by hiding in a corner while waiting for the timer to tick out. Then thats a perfectly good time to quit out of frustration too. Especially if he is on your side as 9/10 times he'll just instantly die once the timer runs out anyway, causing you to have just lost 5-10min (if he does it both rounds) in order to lose anyway. All in all though, just leave if you dont feel like it. I've never had any issue with people leaving and never felt bad when I was the one leaving either. Infact, i'd rather have someone who doesnt wanna be there leave as they might be replaced with someone more motivated to actually win. Having an unmotivated player stick around for the whole game can easily be alot more damaging for a team's performance than being without one for the 10-20sec it takes to get a replacement. Only time i'd consider it kinda rude is if you're solo guarding a point or carrying the ball.. Because at that point people actually are relying on you.
  15. op reminds me of how it was like fighting frostmages back in WoW.. Only without ever getting that 10sec immunity. I'm just glad this game atleast puts mezzes knockbacks and stuns in the same basket.
  16. Jumping on this train.. Hate arenas, they're the worst. Especially the random ones that interrupt your queue to force you to wait for some stealthing idiot who spends every round in some random corner waiting for the timer to tick out. Even worse when that stealthing idiot is on your side, ignoring his team who are literally BEGGING him to just get it over with, being all leik "Don't worry! This works atleast a 10th of the time!".
  17. Because unlike in Dragonball, power does not always translate into one's ability to beat other people up. Sidius' power comes from more than just being a fancy duelist and a sorceror. He is a shrewd leader, able to bend people to his will without the need of brute force and petty threats. Sidius did what no other Sith before him could manage, and not only brought the Republic to its knees, but turned it into his service.. Willingly. During the movies, he is not only the most powerful Sith, but the single most powerful person that has ever lived. Because beyond a meager handful of pitiful rebels and some worthless crime gangs. He commands the galaxy it in its entirety. Remember that even though there can be no doubt that Bruce Lee would be able to beat up someone like Stalin without breaking a sweat.. There can also be no doubt as to which of the two were more "powerful".
  18. In terms of "power"? I'd say Nox is clearly the more powerful force user. However if it came down to a straight up duel, I have no doubt the Wrath would win. Killing opponents who are "more powerful" than him/her 1v1 is pretty much all the Wrath has ever done.. Nox would be no different. If anything, Nox being more powerful would likely be what gives the Wrath his/her edge.. Seems to be a glutton for punishment. Ofc is Khem is there, the Wrath is boned. May be a rather bad companion gameplay wise, but lorewise having a dashade with you when fighting another force user is just too big of an advantage.
  19. I keep getting thrown into horrible arenas, isnt that punishment enough? Give me the choice to opt out of certain warzones (in my case arenas, for other people i know it would be huttball), and i'd happily stick with that I get. Because what I get is quite often something I really dont want to do in the first place. To me, getting a random arena is the PvP equelevant of queueing for an Ops and getting stuck in a KDY group. I dont want it, and since I cant opt out before I get placed there, i will opt out when I do get placed there. And while something like placing a penalty for leaving a WZ thats in progress while letting people leave during the preparation phase sounds reasonable. One should remember that you can often get tossed right into the middle of a horrible losing match thats about halfway through already. We dont need a penalty for leaving WZs, we need a better matchmaking system that doesnt form terrible composed teams which makes people want to leave. If there are 5 imp healers in the queue and 3 tanks. Dont stick the 3 tanks in 1 group and the 5 healers in the other, then make them duke it out. Its just frustrating for both parties. They have a system where you can select what you queue as and get matched up accordingly for PvE. Maybe give include something like that for PvP too? Because i'm sick of getting stuck in random arenas with 3 other healers when I just respecced healer because during the last 3 WZs my side didnt have any. bloody. HEALERS.
  20. Treek is best companion for any situation, period. Doesnt matter what class or spec you are. Doesnt matter what you're trying to do. Treek outperforms them all at all times. Using any other companion for any situation is purely a matter of flavour/personal preference... And thats ok, I dont use her either.
  21. You should see the kind of numbers we get when we get matched up as 4+ sorcs vs 5 or so healers in Voidstar. 2mil is on the low end of dmg done for the sorcs.. Healing done isnt even funny. At the end though, all that matters is the 1 operative with 20k dmg done but the only bomb placement the entire game.
  22. Problem is really in how the game handles what is light/dark compared to how the lore handles it. Light and Dark in this game is more about stereotypical Good vs Evil than what its actually supposed to be. The light path usually involves being thoughtful and considerate, focusing on "the greater picture", but really has nothing to do with being kind or helpful. While the dark path usually involves being passionate and selfish, focusing more on the here and now, yet it can be just as beneficial as it can be destructive. (Love being one of the most selfish of emotions, etc.) Its really more yin/yang than good/evil from a lore standpoint. Also there is a difference between following the dark side and being a Sith. To be Sith does actually require alot of control and focus. Perhaps even moreso than being a Jedi. While the Jedi consider themselves followers of the Light, the Sith views themselves as MASTERS of the Dark Side. It is the key difference between a Dark Jedi and a Sith. They are taught not to follow their emotions, but to draw strength from them. As such, it is completely possible to be a Lightside Sith within the good/evil context of this game as opposed to actual lore. As a Sith would simply be drawing from "lightside passions" (which is as dumb as it sounds), like love, friendship, and general patriotism as according to the Sith code. Infact it may even prove far superior sources of power as the desire to protect what they love would drive them far more than simple anger or greed. And should they lose the things they love, their hatred and despair would be unparralelled by most other Sith. However outside of how this game handles dark/lightside, a kind and loving Sith who draws from the power of "Heart!" would actually be considered super darkside and likely to rip the faces off of anyone who even looked at their loved ones wrong.
  23. The sith academy itself? Probably a year or two. Complete training to become sith? Considering they do accept force users of any age, i'd say they probably offer a full base education aswell, which could take several years. Remember that Sith are meant to be Lords of the Empire. It would make sense that the educational system for force sensitives within the empire is quite well funded. Korriban is where you prepare and partake in the final trials to finally become Sith. Does not mean there isnt a lifetime of study and practice behind the scenes. All this ofc is only if you're born Imperial citizen. If you're from some conquered planet, a republic defector, of poor status or whatever, chances are you're just shipped straight to Korriban as fodder. (Like the inquisitor.)
  24. I'm amazed she didnt turn out to be a Revanite tbh... Guess it would have been too obvious. With the introduction being on Taris of all places and her sudden rise to power from where she keeps trying to escalate the conflict between the reps and imps, it only seemed logical.
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