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Everything posted by il-jumper

  1. Just in to remind you. While you romance with Vector and bang him, the whole hive watches and feels it
  2. Most people need dual spec for the reason of pvp. I'm myself a Sniper, which for me it means Lethality for PVP and Marksman for PVE. Lethality does not work in pve, even normal mobs lower level then you are a problem, but then marksman is useless in pvp due to migation and stationary game play. When is it coming? or lower reset cost by a lot until dual spec is introduced. Its not fun paying 100k credits just to be able to pvp for 1 hour.
  3. Don't worry we get the best healing companion in game...
  4. Fix. Force Leap renamed Earth Quake, Leaps to the target dealing 20,000 True Damage (Cannot be absorbed or migated anyway) in 30 meter AoE and stuns foes up to 50 meters for 5 seconds.
  5. I found MM to be unplayable in PVP with Deflect Crap http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#400bZbc0MZGbbkrrudhR.1 Be OP
  6. We know Bioware said that dual spec is coming soon after launch...but when? I'm Sniper myself, so I don't go "OMG YOU CAN SWITCH FROM HEALER TO DPS"! My problem is I CANNOT pvp AND pve. For PVE I have to go Marksman, but Marksman for PVP sucks, its not even usable in PVP. I have to go lethality in PVP. Lethality don't have burst damage to be able to solo PVE. I need Dual Spec badly, paying 100k for respec is NOT fun.
  7. Wall of text that is wrong. On my Server Republic out number Empire 8:1
  8. I'm sorry but Sniper/Gunslinger is least played
  9. I'm sorry bit Cross Server PVP has been done before and didn't make have lag. Cross Server PVP will make Warzone playable. On my server the majority is republic. You are lucky to find 3200 empire online at peak time counting ALL areas at once
  10. LV 33 here. Over 30 min wait time, also 3 people on Empire side vs full republic group. Its definitly not fun and unplayable. LV 50 claim to have hours wait time. Fix this by: Merge Servers Factoin Balance implemented, my current server Republic out number Empire by at least 20:1 estimation using /who function from both side at around 8 PM Cross Server Warzone
  11. So Weakening Blast is used AFTER Applying Dart and Nade? Why is this? Doesn't using Blast before Dart and Nade make them hit harder?
  12. What about Rotation as Lethality? I got lvl 30 and went to try build. At the moment I'm loving it. I just use corrosive dart, corrosive nade and cull. Is Shatter Short worth it using before cull? I guess higher level its Weakening Shot-> Corrosive Dart -> Corrosive Nade and Cull right?
  13. Is leveling as Lethality Sniper feasable? I love PVPing (Rank 23 Valor at lvl 28) but I also needs to do quests. Since Lethality is better for PVP, would it work to level as Lethality? Or is it more effective to stay as Marksman until you get cull?
  14. I only lost once to lvl 50 premade. Its so funny winning against lvl 50 premade with healbots, and even more funny when they gank you (1 Sniper 1 Mercany Healer) and you **** their *** as 20 Sniper, MULTIPLE TIMES.
  15. While I am Sniper, which is the least played in whole game, I rarely see any IA in Warzone, and I grouped only 2 times with Operative healer in pve
  16. I'm always top 5 damage from lvl 10 atm lvl 17 only. I just abuse ground. Best thing is to shoot from unreachable platform MUHAHAHA. Call me back stabber but I focus on helping my team mates by shooting people who are already distracted. Oh yea I see level 50s in Warzones all time and I only had a problem with them only ONCE. One guy had full pvp gear so he just *****
  17. Dual Spec? Give us 5 Specs so people can experiment, do different roles on mood and play pvp and pve without plenatly. I want to tank in pve, for soloing I go dps, with my friends if someone else tank i go dps. For PvP Tanks are useless, go dps. As Shadow I need 1 PVE Tank, 1 PVE Melee DPS, 1 PVE Hybrid DPS, 1 PVP DPS
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