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Everything posted by il-jumper

  1. Are we playing same game? As Sniper I get less Medals then Marauders. I saw Marauders getting 75k Heal Medal too. As Sniper I'm more squishy then Marauders, I have ZERO Defensive CD. As Sniper, My damage is way less then Marauders.
  2. Is it me or hybrids seem better then 31 point builds? the 31 skill seem quite lacking. Rapid Fire sucks. Its useless using 3 SoS in a row. Weakening Blast is meh, its only good if target below 30% hp Plasma Probe is good for denial in pvp but... Example Marksman/Engineer Hybrid http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#400rsrbdMoRZbIbrRo.1 Example of Lethality/Engineer Hybrid http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#400bZbI0rRoZGbbkrMhd.1
  3. there is a reason why smuggler/ia are least played class. From Sniper persepective. Lethality is countered easy, and cull costs too much energy, should cost 20. all top their skills sucks. going marksman engineer or lethalith eneringeer hybrid is better they have no surivilbity at all, nada, nothing. no ultilty.
  4. Wait 4 second interupt with 12 seconds CD. As Sniper, the weakest and least played class in game, I just get ***** by anyone I get focused by unless I get help, despite my BM Gear. Its fun interupting Grav Round, they tank you for 4 seconds then follow up but killing you in 3 Grav rounds whiley ou spamming everuything
  5. lets not mention in pve it doesn't work. mobs can still charge you, knock back, and pull you during entrench
  6. most i did was 570k as full marksman build. full duration huttball were the stars aligned and I was never attacked. Btw why people say lethality is useless? it eats up tanks
  7. Sniper is really glass cannon. If I'm with useless team, I will die the most in match but tunnel visioning idiots (and on my server lots of people do it) In a good team, despite tunnel vision people will help. In a good team I wreck havoc.
  8. You forgot that Sniper/Gunslinger is countered by Deflect and Armor due to being physical only. You forgot to add that no one sane would take a sniper/gunslinger to pvp nor pve, since they bring nothing.
  9. I want a stealth pvp only character Don't know if Operative or Assassin. As Assassin I dont want to tank, and they say decepition sucks in pvp?
  10. If you take 5 hour queue for warzone and having game breakin bugs, the game is dead.
  11. And before you whine, I did play the game in question during community play event. Its the best MMO I ever played (Playing MMOS since Ultima Online) Due to combat system. It also has best armor art I saw.
  12. if you go IA, don't go sniper. Cover too bugged
  13. While tracer missle is broken skill, due to the fact that it costs 16 energy, gives armor reduction, is tech damage and gives energy on crit (tell me of any other skill that does this no matter the talents)...........it keeps people from going a more effect pyrotech.
  14. Sorry but despite i am always top damage and least death in warzones, I am useless. I'm unable to properly help team. Also no one can beat bugs. Lets not mention, to be useful as sniper in pvp you have to go lethality, since marksman doesn't work in pvp. its a fact. Too many bugs in cover and white damage.
  15. Sniper is bad idea for any class. Look at my last pvp match, all I saw was "Unkown Effect Result" Bug unable to take cover 90% of the time. The class is riddled with too many bugs, no survibility and low damage in pvp due to being physical.
  16. why don't you try play gunslinger? i wish i didn't take useless AC
  17. same with sniper only corrosive dart and corrosive grenade
  18. Funfact: You can Obliberate during knockdown! Its fun using Force Leap to a Sage, he uses knockback, and you use Oblibirate mid air So what about OTHER pvp specs?
  19. Lol this isn't even a choice. The only reason one would go Sniper is for STORY, but then Operative is better. Sniper/Gunslinger is the most useless class in game XD
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