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Everything posted by Rayvonuk

  1. I only intervened because you were trying to be a smartarse when you clearly didnt read or understand the post, you were the one off topic, he was only asking what there was to do.
  2. This is so true, I always play for the fun of it but it seems nowadays people need some sort of virtual reward or be spoon fed in order to force them to get anything out of it. Quite sad really, shows that people have less imagination as time goes on.
  3. The implications of the title can sometimes be different to the actual content and it is normally nessecary to read the actual post before replying. He was simply asking what there was for him to do, not implying that he had done it all as you stupidly assumed.
  4. This, Give it a bit more time and when you get more 50's knocking about, you should get alot more action, you seem to be quite patient anyway, unlike most people on here. How does this answer his question ? you need to learn to read.
  5. Stopped reading at "wow Clone" get a clue.
  6. As it happens i much prefer it like this, i can have a whole work team going at it while i quest and do other things without having to watch a bar go up over and over and over and over while listening to that retarded noise time and time and time again.
  7. good job your opinion means jack ****.
  8. If blizzard wrote this game i would be a cartoon sheep.
  9. your laughable, bottom line is i am right, wow was terrible at release, not much max level stuff worked at all.
  10. me too, but guess what, luckily, people that fail to adapt will die out eventually, leaving everything else to the rest of us.
  11. I nearly didnt buy it and i am so glad i did, its so much more enjoyable that that blizzard rubbish, the storylines are really well done and i really like the voice overs and huttball.
  12. why do all these whiners think they know better then everyone else ? and why do they think we give a **** ?
  13. Cya It was never going to work anyway, you clealy dont have the patience.
  14. I have always been a firm believer that if a game is good then no incentives are needed. However, there is not much pvp going down here, i think it will improve when more people reach max level, but if there is no improvement in the near future then i think these ideas may work well.
  15. I think if you are playing soley for some pvp and have no friends then you may end up sorely disapointed.
  16. Im liking Huttball alot, any pvp game has the chance of turning into a mindless zerg but when people play it properly I find it really enjoyable.
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