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Everything posted by aimbotcfg

  1. I love this. People know immersion is important to Bioware, so the claim that it is ruined with the tiniest thing to make it seem far more impotant than it is. I work in a company that runs on SLA's and KPI's and if any of your customers find out what your policies or key terms are, they will use them for every isssue, regardless of if they apply or not. Nice to see it is unversal.
  2. Any reason for not liking the leveling? Or just vague insults in the same way you brand anyone that doesn't slate the game a fanboy? FYI, I only even heard about the game about a month or two before launch and wasnt particularly interested. I played the Beta and pre-ordered after having actually played the game.
  3. I am inclined to think they either spacebarred, or you are making things up to support your point.
  4. Its really not. The first time I leveled in WoW I absolutely HATED it. Like, wanted to scratch my eyes out bored. The only reason I kept with it is because the girl I was playing with at the time kept telling me how great endgame was. It is vastly superior to leveling I have to admit, but not particularly challenging. The hardest part of WoW is finding 9 / 24 other people to raid with that arent terrible and I don't hate.
  5. There is no ability delay. The conditions/damage are linked to the animation, not the button press. Because it works differently does not mean it is not working properly.
  6. Or prefer to eat something that tastes good, as opposed to shoving as much bad tasting food down their throats as fast as possible to try and finish the box and get it over with. Think about it.
  7. So your reply to every one of my actual valid points is "WoW has more quests that ask you to kill boars" Well done still being obvious and bad at trolling lol. I think its pretty plain to anyone thats not you or your troll friend that you actually have no leg to stand on in an argument that uses facts so I'll leave you to this thread. If others want to carry on feeding you its up to them, but I've pretty much just put down everything you had and all you have left is 'But wow has more boar killing' I'm not into boar genocide, sorry. GG HF Troll boi.
  8. Incorrect, all of the quests are the same in wow, they have abolished class quests completely now havent they? And there were certainly never anywhere near as many as SWTOR or a central storyline. I say again, bad troll is bad. FACT: Voice acted quests that make sense for your epic super hero character are better (more immersive) than "wall of text- I don't care that you saved the world last week get me boar hooves for my soup" FACT: WoWs zones are identical every time you play them regardless of class FACT: SWTOR has an interesting central storyline for each class FACT: WoW has gotten rid of class quests and never had anywhere near as many. FACT: You are failing at trolling.
  9. Note this word.... "Current" If you feel that running out of date content which you over gear to the point that it is laughably easy to be entertaining, knock yourself out, you are probably in a guild that prioritises attendance over ability, which is my main MMO gripe. Yes its true that I don't have the choice between Loch Modan and Westfall in SWTOR. However, and heres the kicker. Leveling in SWTOR is fun, because its engaging and I care about my char. Regardless of mt being in Loch Modan or Westfall, it would still be "Click exclamation mark > click accept on none descript wall of text > go get someone 20 boar livers so he can make me some soup". I really can't wait for the forum to be locked to the low IQ trolls. *EDIT* It is also worth noting that I still have my WOW sub, I still play both games, however all I do on WOW is run DS once a week. Then I spend the rest of my time on SWTOR. It is possible to play more than one game, granted, I find SWTOR infinately more enjoyable, but I still do the tiny bit of semi entertaining content in WOW every week with mates.
  10. In wow I can run 1 current raid over and over week in week out. In SWTOR I can level 8 times and have it be entertaining, then run 2 current raids over and over week in week out. Bad troll is bad.
  11. I think you will find that when it comes to ammount of content, comparing a game which has had 2 weeks of live development to a game which has had 7 years of live development is far more nonsense than comparing the games at similar times in their lifespan. However comparing technical advancement from a game that was launched 7 years ago and comparing that launch to a current launch, is completely unfair and nonsense. You really need to be more specific when you are trying to dismiss other peoples arguments wholesale.
  12. Presumable with companions it would be working off of affection rating, so when this is added, in theory, my billion affection points with Vette should mean that I can indeed 'get wierd ideas in that sithy head' of my female marauder and get a positive response
  13. Personally, I love there being no annoying chat bubbles getting in the way of stuff, I'm capable of reading the chat window. If bioware do give in to all the people whinging about this I hope to god theres a way to turn them off in the options.
  14. This is so wrong it is unbelieveable. The fact that people are agreeing with this post makes me want to vomit. It takes a force user to create a saber as it requires the use of the force in a special ritual to properly charge the sabre. Apart from that the only reason a none-force user couldn't use one is if it used a force activated internal switch.
  15. Goto the Imperial fleet? You know, that place where all the flashpoints / PVP daily stuff is? The place that isn't instanced and is clearly meant to be your base when you hit 50? Pretty sure if you spet all your time in ashenvale or somewhere else low-level in wow you wouldn't see anywhere near the number of 85's in /1 either.
  16. I refuse to believe that the EU servers are more heavily used between 1AM and 9 AM than they are 9AM and 5PM. I also very much doubt that ANY numbers BIoware have would support that.
  17. I've found nothing that even comes close to being overtuned. Taspan Ambush is not bugged. It took me 2 failed runs before I got the jist of the playstyle and finished it, not had issues since. And this was when it was still red in my quest log No offence, but if you are finding this hard. Go play Ikaruga on hard mode for a few years then come back. If you can't progress you are doing something wrong. If this wasn't the case then you would have a million people posting on the forum at the point you are at. The game is not difficult. [EDIT] ---------------------------------------------------- I would also like to point out. if many people are 'trolling you' saying that you are bad and doing something wrong. Chances are you are bad and doing something wrong.
  18. I could just be being an idiot here but... I have underworld trading to provide mats for my cybertech. When theres no metals missions available and I'm leveling my UT, I send my companion after Luxury fabrics. So I decided to sell them on the AH... I tried to do a quick search for them, and apparently, I cant see any underworld fabrics, because I don't have a crafting skill which can use them. Am I missing something simple? If not then is there any chance of fixing this, since I'd like to be able to see what kind of price my mats are going for before I guess at a price. Cheers x
  19. Its Star Wars, its meant to repeat itself. romancing the royalty, forbidden love, I have a bad feeling about this, losing your hand.
  20. Graphics =/= Aesthetics Go look up the difference. Of course its the internet, so there will be the obligatory bit of notjitsu where you claim to understand both words better than I, because in fact, you invented them. However, that statement there (specificly the bit where you use the word 'objectively') pretty much proves that you don't. Its also worth noting that Bio-Ware are a shining example of being great with aesthetics and thats proven in this game, every sight and sound feels Star Wars. Which is how its meant to be.
  21. That will be why you've not noticed a problem then, since in my experience tanks/healers ARE the problem. For the exact attitude issue that just reared its head in your post. "I'm the tank/healer I can do what I want, I'm more valuable to you so you cant say **** to me, even if I'm terrible at my role and wasting everyones time."
  22. What? I mean, actually, what? Some people need to stop suggesting 'simple fixes/improvements/changes' when they apparently have no clue about programming, or, in this case, how voices work.
  23. And after those 30 minutes of spamming LFG, how likely are you to act like a complete dick and just get another group if people have a problem with it? Far less than with a dungeon finder you say? suits me fine.
  24. Personally, I don't mind there being no dungeon finder equivilent. At least that way people have to put effort into finding a group, which makes them 500% less likely to pull off some anonomous toss-monkey-ism. Also, berating a game that has been relesed for 2 days because it doesn't have "obviousy vital features" (sarcasm inferred) that have only recently been added to the leading MMO is a bit, well, its just stupid full stop.
  25. Wow..... Just wow. Do yourself a favour and never buy any flat pack furniture.
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