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Everything posted by Eddizel

  1. I stopped reading as soon as you said that cover cost a global cooldown. No.
  2. Let me just end this thread right now: http://www.sithwarrior.com /thread Seriously, go there and read the marksmen sniper compendium. Half the posts I have read in this thread are absolute garbage. Go there, there is people doing the math and will break down for you in an informative way how to spec/gear/rotation, everything you need. It is the elitistjerks of SWTOR so far. This thread needs to be locked and thrown into the abyss. I shudder at the thought of some of you raiding on your snipers...........
  3. No, I have never posted about this. It isn't hacking, it is EASY to do and does not require any 3rd party software. The problem is COMPLETELY on Bioware's end. Multiboxing is not hacking and is allowed by Blizzard, the teams stay even anyways, apples and oranges. In short, get back on the short bus.
  4. How the **** is this not being emergency fixed/patched? Seriously? How the hell does a bug creating unfair teams of more then 8 stay in the game for more then 24 hours?
  5. Of course you have zero problems with it if you were lucky and finished your set. Think you might have a problem with it if you had opened tons of bags and had only gotten a few or even no tokens? I think you would. RNG loot system for pvp is flat out retarded.
  6. Stop posting, you don't have a clue. Surge does not come on mods. We are only talking about enhancement slots. You have 3 choices on enhancement slots to go along with crit or power: accuracy, alacrity, and surge. I hear math is hard and following formulas is bad............ You can't "mix and match" and magically create enhancements with better stuff on them. We don't want alacrity and acuracy, worthless for dps. So we will still be forced to take a weakened stat in surge. Your mod slot will always be your main stat and crit or power (as a dps), nothing is changing here. We are talking about enhancements because they are always secondary stats and are universally used by every class. If they nerf surge then we need enhancements with better options on them, we need ones with crit and power on them, or even ones where its just alot of crit or power, and no second stat. In short, our options because of itemization flat out suck. TLDR - do some research before you post, learn what the hell you are talking about, etc etc.
  7. No you don't because they don't exist. You can have crit or power on your enhancement, but the other stat will either be accuracy or alacrity or surge. Along with endurance of course. There is not one with just crit and power.
  8. If everyone clicked pass, then the next person who looted the boss picks up the items with autoloot turned on. Have your leader turn autoloot off and have him be the only one that loots the boss. Then he can click the items one at a time and the will come up for roll. So leave on group loot, never masterloot cause thats broke, have leader turn off autoloot, and have him be the only one who touches boss till loot is done, then everyone click the boss and grab commendations, done.
  9. Oh, and here is a hint why you don't see the same good pvpers on a consistent basis: Once you are a battlemaster, you win your 3 games a day, grab your 30 kills/boxes in ilum, and you go do something else. Alot of us do a few quick premade stomps and you don't see us around after that, we have zero incentive to be. Maybe when they release rateds you will see us around more.
  10. HEY THIS THREAD IS COOL! EVERYONE THROW OUT A RANDOM STATISTIC ABOUT HOW ONE SIDE WINS SOME RANDOM PERCENTAGE OF GAMES ON YOUR SERVER BASED ON YOUR LIMITED PERSONAL EXPERIENCE! THE PVP IN THIS GAME IS GREAT RIGHT? I HEAR GETTING THE BEST GEAR IS BASED ON SKILL AND NOT TIME INVESTMENT! I ALSO HEAR THAT THERE IS SKILL IN THIS GAME! SOME OF THE THINGS I HAVE SAID ARE LIES, GUESS WHICH ONES! This game is a freaking joke right now, it hase zero epeen. The nightmare mode raids are garbage, the pvp is garbage with no way to separate anyone because nothing is rated. But by all means, keep claiming random nonsense statistics, or why people play what, or who is good and who is bad, it is all so interesting.............
  11. You are flat out wrong. This is going to sound elitist but I am fairly hardcore (this game really isn't yet but it is my style for whatever MMO I play) and I am full rakata and battlemaster geared with everything in the game cleared. I have access to every darn 58 and 56 enhancement I could ever need, and make no mistake we are talking about strictly enhancements, this is where the majority of surge comes from. Want to know what your choices are? Lvl 58 enhancements are accuracy and alacrity, absolute garbage for a sniper, GARBAGE. You have to pull those out and put 56 power/surge or crit/surge enhancements in your rakata/bmaster gear to make is best in slot. There is no other choices, there is no pure power enhancements or pure crit or power/crit. You have to take surge because the other two choices (accuracy/alacrity) are awful. I only needed to keep one 58 accuracy enhancement to cap my class. THERE IS NO VIABLE OPTION TO EVEN TRY TO GET AWAY FROM SURGE, IT IS JUST A FLAT OUT NERF FOR A SNIPER. P.S. I know how to balance my stats and min/max everything to a level bordering on OCD, thanks. Please visit sithwarrior.com and study up on some classes and learn about things in this game before spreading misinformation.
  12. Surge comes on all the decent crit/power enhancements. And that is where most surge comes from, it isn't on the mods or armorings. So tell me how to get away from surge, because you can't. Alacrity and accuracy are garbage, so its a flat out nerf because there are no options to change the gear anyways.
  13. We are doing 16 man hard/nightmare modes and this is a huge issue for us and many others according to the operations forums. Right now, having masterloot on causes no or less loot to be dropped. Pretty ridiculous, been like this for weeks. You have to have grouploot on in order for the bosses to drop all of the intended loot. We missed plenty of loot before figuring this out........... This causes other issues, because while we trust everyone in our raid/guild, sometimes when doing group loot, multiple tokens for the same class will drop, and its hard to coordinate who should roll need or whatever and we have had multiple instances of having people roll need on both or all of it and ended up with two tokens while the other player gets none. This is still better then getting no loot at all........but come on. And we can't really get mad at each other for it because it really can't be helped or worked around, add to this the fact that waaaaaaaaay too much garbage loot drops and if you aren't pretty quick with your need/greed/pass decisions, half of the junk is going to time out on you and auto pass. I don't want to get into a discussion or argument about the best way to do group looting, because that isn't the point. The point is that masterloot is broke and this is flat out unacceptable. When are devs going to acknowledge that this is even an issue or that they are working on a fix? All I want is something like: "Yes, we know about it, yes we are trying to fix it".
  14. If you think gimping your damage by stacking accuracy and leaving the horrid accuracy enhancements in your rakata/bmaster gear is good.......well............nvm, the more noobs the better I guess. Sacrifice a ton of stats so that you can hit tanky pvp classes with shots hitting as hard as a pea shooter.........rofl...........just rofl.
  15. I don't think you get it, your rakata will now be worse then the consumed exotech stims/adrenals. Sure you could use the rakata ones to continue to save money, but you will be gimping yourself. The only benefit biochem will continue to offer is financially, but money in this game is pretty much just lol.
  16. I guess you are right. It has just been one big reroll fest and now they are taking away the one skill that offered endgame perks. I guess crafting skills all just became equally worthless once you have gotten what you needed from them. Pretty much all just a giant letdown. You are right, now that biochem offers no advantage, and you don't need to keep the others once you have crafted the BIS items, they are all equally viable, because they are all equally useless. Don't remind me about the hardmode/nightmare content, ugh, maybe I am just fooling myself that this game will grow into anything fun for a hardcore type player. Giving benefit of the doubt since game just launched and the focus was on the leveling experience. Still crossing my fingers for ranked/rated pvp and whatever the next tier of raid content brings, but losing hope fast......
  17. This is the main reason for the nerf. You are required to be biochem right now in my guild for raiding and premade pvp. After this nerf, I fully expect my guild and many other endgame raiding guilds to require raiders and applicants to NOT be biochem, and to make sure they have a skill that offers a raiding perk. Much in the way many raiding guilds in WOW required you to have 2 crafting professions and no gathering professions because they offered subpar raid buffs.
  18. Let me get this straight, biochem has to be nerfed because too many players feel forced to take it to compete in endgame, pressure from guilds to have it or not be allowed to participate in endgame operations or pvp right? So now this "fix" will cause the exact opposite to occur. Serious players and guilds will demand that people NOT have biochem, as you will now be gimping yourself if you do. Taking away the small stat bonus on rakata/stims and adrenals means that biochem will no longer be endgame viable, as anyone with a brain will switch to an armor crafting skill so that they can have the BIS belts/bracers, or artifice for relics (if they hadn't already leveled these up, crafted the items, and then rerolled biochem). Biochem will be seen as the "lazy" skill, only useful for saving money, and it will be frowned upon by serious players. It will only be for alts, who will get the exotech patterns and supply mains with stims/adrenals better then rakata, and to make money on the GTN. Rakata being reusable doesn't justify keeping biochem for a serious endgame player, the minor stat bonuses over exotech did. This is all just stupid stupid stupid! Endgame players will take whichever skill offers the best stat perk, don't swing the pendulum completely the other way Bioware and force every serious player to drop biochem! TLDR - Make exotech patterns actually work, good first step. Make them usable by anybody so that biochemists can sell them and people won't feel forced to be biochem. Leave us our small stat perk over exotech with our rakata so that we have a reason to keep biochem, or else we will drop for an armor craft. Buff the other skills that offer ZERO endgame perks, such as armstech. Balance your damn endgame crafting perks and stop the pendulum nerfing that will just kill biochem............except for alts!
  19. Operatives are being used for PVE dps?..............lol, ghost is a sniper off hand stat stick, come on guys..........Operative PVE dps, hahahahahahaha, good one
  20. lol, an extra tick of orbital strike and an extra 5 yards on interupt and takedown garbage? I think you are confusing the awesome pvp set bonuses for the awful pve set bonuses for snipers. You definitely want your 4pc field tech for sniper pvp.
  21. The base armor (the part you can't take out) and the mods are the only things worthwhile on the rakata. Like we have already discussed, you have to take out the garbage 58 enhancements, that is where all the useless accuracy is, and replace with 56 enhancements from OTHER classes gear to get upgrades for crit and surge. When that is done, the rakata pieces are the best, its just alot of dumb work to do it.
  22. field tech is the sniper set, the set bonus is for snipers. Enforcer is the operative dps set.
  23. I am not ignoring anything, if you feel done because you are "purple" then you are done. I would argue that techniclly you are far from done, but if you feel let down or want to quit because your gear is purple, feel free, I can't stop you. I don't know how to help you, maybe imagine that tier 1 and tier 2 are "blues" and you aren't really "purple" yet, maybe that will help.........
  24. When I play a video game, I am playing it for the gameplay, story comes secondary. That they could focus so much on story and voice acting and give us a very buggy endgame/crappy graphics engine/unresponsive gameplay is very lame to a gamer. When I want a good story, I read a book or watch a movie.
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