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Everything posted by Solzean

  1. Hey, if their goal is to keep Treek as the absolute best companion which is the reasoning for how you unlock her, thats acceptable. I just want to hear them say their goal is to reward loyal players who spend a lot of time on their game and thus have a high legacy. I know im a little demanding, but I think it would alleviate some worries.
  2. This situation is more what I am worried about. Are they planning on making a lot of new unlocks Lvl 40 to then get people such as yourself to invest real life money in it? Or is this really their answer to the complaints that high lvl legacy players dont have anything unique?
  3. Yea, if this is the case and it is the Be all end all companion for those who worked damned hard to get legacy lvl 40, Ill admit I'm fine with the requirement for lvl 40. Though I still think 1 mil is a little high for something someone earned through A LOT of level grinding. Id also probably be fine if 2100 was the price for ALL characters as well with 1400 or so the base. I am mostly interested in if Treek is really is the "ultimate" companion and they dont plan on doing this very often.
  4. No i really wouldn't. The Devs have repeatedly said they want feedback and so I am giving it. I have more than enough cartel coins saved up or credits saved up to buy it. I am not really complaining for my own sake, I am more interested in understand what the thought process is behind the prices. 1400 to me would be on the high end, but I would be far more willing to accept that. Tbh 1200 seems ideal for something like this, 2 months worth of savings with the authenticator is fair to me.
  5. This is one of my biggest issues with the pricing. I feel like people like you get screwed which is unfortunate. I do agree, if the price was 1000-1400 I probably wouldnt have decided to write an essay on it, but this one really bothered me a lot more than any else Bioware has done so far. I am more concerned with their future intentions and if they think that this is a fair price. And once again, if this is SUPPOSED to be a high lvl legacy reward, that is my big concern. If its just for high lvl legacy and the price of the Cartel coins reflects that, cool. But if they now think ANYTHING they release should be priced high for cartel coins, and then they throw out the "well we let you get it in game for a large sum of credits and high lvl legacy" then Ill be quite upset more for friends who play and the future of the game itself.
  6. Honestly, if they do decide to make it so that this is a once a year kind of thing they do for those with high legacy levels, I can accept that. However, if that is the supposed reason for it, take away the 1 million credit fee. Just make it a fun reward for those who have played the game and worked hard on their legacy.
  7. I'm not here to complain about adding an Ewok. To be quite honest, anyone who is complaining about that is just nitpicking. My big issue is the pricing model for her. Cartel Coins - 2100 coins The BIG issue with this, is that with a 500 coin monthly allotment we would need to save up 5 months to get her. I have always believed in this game and that they would not too anything too crazy to screw subscribers, but honestly they are screwing us here. The coins have always been something I have been somewhat grateful for, however, if they are going to be giving us companions or other (what i consider) important story and unique gameplay elements (she is tank/healer) in which we need to spend 20$ for....you must be kidding me. I paid them 10$ for Rise of the Hutt Cartel which im sure was far more work than this simple companion. This is just a terrible money to actual time spent ratio. Oh but dont worry you can get it in game......with.....Legacy lvl 40 and 1 million credits? This is what is beyond me. If they didnt make her so damned hard to get via in game methods I honestly wouldnt have as much a complaint because the cartel coins were so damned expensive. I should mention I am legacy lvl 42 with 15 million credits, I can afford this easily. However I also realize that with all the time I have put into this game I barely meet the legacy lvl requirement. The credits while easy to make for me, don't come so easy to others. So my big question for Bioware is this: Was your goal to make this Companion a reward ONLY for those who have been very dedicated to the game? (thus the lvl 40 requirement) If so, I understand the outrageous price you are charging in cartel coins. If the goal is that when you see someone with Treek you say DAMN that guy has dedication! (or money to waste) In my own humble opinion I really think you guys are over reaching on this one even if it is for the dedicated player. What makes someone with a higher legacy level that dedicated. Isnt someone who plays only 1 main going to have a much harder time obtaining her? I am not here to complain so much as try to understand the reasoning behind the pricing. Are you going to be releasing much more of this content that you either perform a massive grind for, or pay you guys 20$? Is this a very unique event? I truly am worried about you guys if you do plan on doing this more often. I am annoyed enough at the prevalence of cool items only being on the cartel market as is, but if you are trying to make all but the most dedicated player pay you 20$ to enjoy someone like Treek and it is a purely financial decision, I worry. TLDR: Cmon Bioware, 20$ or a massive grind?
  8. How do I kill a thread....Sadly I play republic so I am unaware of the proper way to kill and maim with malice due to my love of the light side! Maybe if I yell at the thread enough it will just kill itself? No...no....that's not Sithy enough....put a shock collar on anyone who responds to it from now on maybe? And no worries if it seemed a little snarky. When I looked and saw the other giant thread I was amazed I missed it somehow.
  9. I actually did somehow manage to skip over that one, thanks. Now hopefully this thread will simply die in peace.
  10. The title says it all. We got the free 500 coins. Which I wasnt super happy about, but didnt they promise a second subscriber perk in july?
  11. As the title says, is there any means to do this? Differentiating between mine and other players dots can be quite annoying.
  12. I imagine they will also be working on a lot of the fixes as well. I am just hoping that this comes out 2.4 but that is a huge leap.
  13. I really hope this is what they keep bragging about for new PvP content in 2.4. Even if it isnt PvE space combat it is a definite start.
  14. I had just seen an article from data mining on TORWars that said they found information about space PvP, however the article seems to be gone now. Did anyone else see it? It had some interesting bits, information about Sith and Republic objectives as well as Light Fighter and Medium Fighter. Pretty interesting stuff.
  15. Great idea! I say go for Toys for Tots, at the very least you can know that you got some kids for toys no matter what amount you bring in.
  16. Well I found that they are the Blue Mods and Armorings from Cybertech. THANK YOU, makes my life much easier. Going to have to tell others about this!
  17. Are these the 144 blue armoring ones?
  18. Really do tell me how it is done then and what requirements I need to be considered good enough to tank them. I am not here to complain, I'd prefer to get it done and tank. PLus it isnt a cop out. Its one of the reasons why people don't tank as much. Tank gear is harder to get and you NEED good gear to actually manage it, unlike DPS. We are looking for reasons why group finder takes longer than it should, and even experienced MMO tanks such as myself don't always want to put time into gear for a tank spec on a character we might not enjoy. I mostly DPS'd int he past, and so I am reluctant to put time into my Guardian if I cant stand its tanking and should maybe instead use my Shadow. Call it a cop out, but its a reason why it happens.
  19. You may mock the fact that I say that, but the problem is none the less one the community has to face. I can gear up as a tank (since i leveled DPS and all the greens arent good enough for 55 HMs anyway) or I can simply deal with the Q's and keep with the DPS until one day I get my gear through luck. Personally, with a job and other games to play, its less likely that I'll actually get around to gearing it up, and thus the group finder takes longer. The real solution was the original one they had, they gave us all gear to let us pick any set of gear when we hit the max level. Made the game more fun and helped with Q's. Though i know this is just going to get the normal "entitled" complaints.
  20. I would love to tank, problem is that as a DPS it seems like getting all the tank gear id need will be a 2 or 3 week long endeavor without even touching a 55 HM. Maybe I'm wrong but it seems like gearing out a toon for tanking is rather difficult for the 55 HM requirements. Also, a better DPS to Tank/Healer ratio is badly needed.
  21. I have just finally decided on a character I want to play and spend my time gearing up consistently. Problem is that I am running into a few problems that are halting my progress. Part of the problem is that I want to start tanking but I have all DPS gear. Im looking for any advice I can get and am wondering if I am thinking this is more difficult than it actually is. 1) Dailies, it seems like dailies are enough to get you 1 or 2 pieces of gear a week if you do them semi regularly? I hate dailies but am willing to do some if neccesary. 2) HM FP's require at least 148 gear which you can't get from 50 HMs? Except for 1 piece of Black hole? 3) Any crafting gear seems to be 500k for 1 armoring, so up to 1.5 million for a piece of gear? This isnt meant to be a complaint, just trying to understand what my best route to tanking will be. Am I looking at a considerably long process to try to get my Guardian ready for tanking? I am just afraid that at 55 I suddenly am feeling lost without any quick way to start my tanking.
  22. I am a bit worried that they are going to make the new recurring event the Rhakghoul invasion and then give us the old Rhakghoul instances as the new flashpoints. Has there been any confirmation that they are all NEW things or is there a chance 2.3 will just be the Rhakghoul Plague?
  23. Can we simply call this patch what it from now on. It's patch "2.whine." There are some valid criticisms but christ guys, can we stop creating new threads every 5 minutes to complain about it. Yes, I know, people like me should stop making threads like this too. How about we consolidate all of the whine and defenders into one thread, henceforth called 2.whine. I know, it probably won't work, but I figured I'd try.
  24. I have to say that I am extremely happy that they allowed us to change races for only 792 cartel coins. I am one of those players who has problems with indecision and occasionally wants to re roll to a new race. However, the ability to change my characters features or race for a low price of 60-792 coins is amazing. I feel like a lot of people are really ignoring the fact that this is a feature that WoW charges 10 or 25 dollars for. Even our complete make over and race change costs 5.76. Less if you save up your coins. Seriously guys, lets be happy they did not go crazy with the pricing. I'm not trying to just be a fanboy but man we oughta give some credit where it is due. No game gives free race changes. As far as I know the most that most games let you change is your hair color and style for free. Though if im wrong let me know.
  25. I completely agree. I was excited beyond belief for collections but this bothers me a little bit. Id gladly pay to have certain single chest pieces i had replicated but id need to spend another 600k to get the full set.
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