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Everything posted by TRONEON

  1. I reckon maybe friday for early december if were lucky. All my guildies are online now and there saying there is barely 70+ players on korriban the starter sith force user planet. Tbh that just sucks.....beta weekend there were 300-400 online at same time with no issues so kinda lame. Hope they increase the amount of waves and how many they bring in per wave. Can only hope.
  2. I hate them for doing it this way.....all of my guildies are in game they just got emails......im probably not going to get in until after 2moro....... Think I just lost any reason to bother playing this game, I won't be able to play with friends now as they will all be 1-2 days worth ahead so il be playing catch up just to be able to play with guildies.... The part of the crafting I was going to be doing for the rest of the guild will now be pointless. This staggering crap has basically turned the game into a single player for me..... Thanks bioware just ruined the game for me. Think il keep my money and wait for Guild Wars 2 atleast Arena Net keep there promises and dont treat there players base like utter crap with a proven track record......also in that game, it doesn't matter what level you are, you can play with friends no matter what level content they are doing. Screw you bioware.
  3. Think you might be wrong on that one in Beta it shows that DDE and CE get access to the VIP Lounge or normal members with 1 million credits. DDE do not get access to the in game store. But with the authenticator key people do get access to an in game store but it has not yet been confirmed or deny'd if the key in game store, or the CE in game store are the same or not.... As usualy Bioware suck at launching this game and suck at giving out correct information.
  4. Trollz are incoming TAKE COOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooovvvvvvvveeeerrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Yeah bloom / shadows / anti aliasing always causes FPS drop on medium to low end GPU's.
  6. Well with the pvp exploit / bug players will be 50 by 2moro easily, as for those just playing pve I know players that have 30-35+ already.
  7. Anyone got any ideas how to spec one for pure DPS or a few builds? If possible without taking too much away for DPS is it possible to have DPS / Cloaky build? Cheers.
  8. Is it true that the only players that get to have re usable consumables are the players who have BioChem as crafting? As there are Bind on Pickup and not tradeable? Anyone know the answer to this?
  9. I just wish they would get rid of the companion screw skill bonuses like they said they would do, or make them universal so you can choose any profession or class mixture with any companion..... At the moment the system is far too messy and makes it alot harder to choose what to play and what to have. Also remember some of your 4th or 5th companions you won't get until you have a much higher level or further into the game. So please bioware get rid of them like you said you would or make the bonuses universal for all companions to have the same bonuses.
  10. 1st Dec Pre Order and I'm In!!!!!! FLAME ON!!!! Only kidding im not in. You all hate me now. Your hate will fuel my power.
  11. Please delete this topic.....forum gave me an error on the first topic so thought it hadnt posted... Please delete this topic. ty.
  12. I thought they were getting removed? My source is from a live stream of somone playing who I asked them to show me. http://www.twitch.tv/innverse
  13. Ok so on this live stream of somone playing http://www.twitch.tv/innverse I asked them to see if there companion still has crew skill bonuses and they did.... I thought they said they were removing them from game? It makes it really annoying to choose what crew skills to have with what companion and is an extremely messy system. I can't find a match either for what I want to choose so this really screws me up....
  14. I would also like to know this.
  15. Are they still keeping companion crew skill bonuses or are they gone now?
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