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Everything posted by TRONEON

  1. Still think were making these issues up? http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=22835 1500 posts and 100,000 views.......still counting... Hope they fix these issues soon....
  2. Dude what is your problem your in every thread trolling where people are saying they have issues with the game and peformance issues... Get a life...... The swtor client has serious issues with performance.
  3. One of the biggest problems is Slicing, you can make 100K with slicing without breaking a sweat and that doesn't even include selling the schematics you get..... The economy is messed and will stay that way because everything in the game is easy to get, simply a space monkey could get any item in the game with ease......
  4. I am at Dark 4 at the moment and my skin went from dark red to pale pink and my face just got a little black on it, with red eyes... Really dissapointing.
  5. If you go slicing you'll have a few hundred thousand credits by the time your lvl 25. Its very overpowered in credit making.
  6. Ignore the trolls guys, there the same ones in most topics. End of the day these problems exist for ALOT of players and that is fact, you can dney it all you like and bioware can be silent all they like, they just will lose those players as subscribers.... There are major performance issues with the client and its using up far more resources than it should, fact.... Has Bioware bothered to communicate anything about it? No, they have stayed silent and not said anything about it. For those having no problems well good for you, there are still a large amount of players with these issues and please respect the fact its the swtor client causing these issues, nothing else..... Getting 1-10 fps on computers than can run this game 10 x over while the client is soaking up well over 4+ GB of ram to run and overheating GPU's causing them to fry on low settings with everything off and 800x600 res....... is ridiculous. Keep trolling trolls, still waiting on bioware to give us any or some sort of communication about this or to even admit it, they should be ashamed.
  7. Bump. Still zero communication from bioware about these ongoing and game breaking issues. My guild recruited around 5+ more players today, all of them have these issues, almost everyone I speak to is having these issues. Alot of them play alot less because of these issues. Come on bioware just communicate a little.
  8. Depends on whether bioware start communicating more and fix the client performance issues and resource hogging issues. If they don't then no, if they do then yes.
  9. Even if you only do solo quests don't do any space battles and pvp, you still end up being higher level than you need to be for most areas. I agree with OP lower the exp this game is too generous and too easy at the moment.
  10. I agree with everything else but the above. Two words....Bio Chem. So worth making purples at lower levels. I have perm stim, perm self heal, perm heal for me and my companion and perm adrenal all through my leveling on my marauder. Wiping through mobs like butter. Not to mention I can now make implants. I agree loot needs to be more rare though. One thing that annoys me though is 40k for a speeder skill and 40k for a 2nd bargo bay slot is just silly.......easy for slicers but anyone else its guna take a while...
  11. Yes. Except for the fact alot of us can barely play for 30 minutes without having huge performance and client issues like 1-5 fps on low settings on a rig able to do 10 times that...... Other than that im loving it.
  12. Yeah just annoying it puts the item into chat...
  13. Well I don't know about any of the others but for me patch made things worse and now I am getting actual game crashes where I didn't before.....getting it on my testing computer aswell....frame rates just crashing down to 1-10 fps with 800-600 res and everything turned off.....reproduced on all types of settings.... I am running out of patience with it and starting to think this is just how the game is going to be for good. Il give it until next month after that if these performance and client problems continue il just be cancelling my subscription.
  14. Would be cool if they created a whole planet that had nothing but never ending open space but with easter eggs datacrons and random secrets to find all over the huge open space planet. They could even open it up for full world pvp and we could have massive battles on it Empire vs Republic! Sith vs Jedi! Ultimate Power!
  15. Aside from the performance drain issues and client issues which im sure they will fix soon, I am loving the game and already subscribed for 6 months.
  16. I would like a droid companion that looks, sounds and feels like R2D2 but is his long lost cousin. He would have electric shock attacks and can squirt oil over enemies while setting them alight with his rockets.
  17. So the players who were having issues with fps drop, resource drain etc etc, Are you still having issues after today's patch?
  18. I disagree I like the way it is, the whole point is to reward players for EXPLORING OFF THE BEATEN PATH. Explore the swtor world.....putting them in easy to find places means loads of easter egg's, cool looking world's would just be rushed through and ignored. I have found loads of things I would never have found if I had not bothered to explore. Just ask my guild, they used to think I was nuts until some of the things I found and they were like holy crap, from now on im exploring everything... and now they do it all too . I agree with they need more explanation in game but other than that I wish there were more of them in even harder to find places! Nom nom nom! FEED ME DATACRONS MASTER!!!!!!!!!
  19. Not trolling or anything but im finding the complete opposite to the OP, aslong as you do solo quests with companion and group quests with friends or guildies or pugs, you'll be fine. Sometimes you need a healer and tank with dps as a minimum but not very often. I am way above the level I need to be for the content im doing because I have not rushed I have done every single quest and try to fill up my codex and datacrons as much as possible, I do all heroics and flashpoints etc. Do all the side quests and you'll be 25+ easily by the time you leave balmorra, so far I think pvp and space combat get way too much credits and exp and overall I think the whole game is alittle too generous with exp. I am leveling way too fast and im not even doing pvp, or space battle that much and im not skipping anything. The game seems far too easy if anything.
  20. Could not agree more. I am happy for those with no problems and I may be shall we say a little "blunt" at times but I am a straight to the point sort of person. I do really like the game and im enjoying it tons and I do think Bioware have done an awesome job, these issues that alot of players are having though are pretty serious and damaging to there hardware, it's not something that can wait for a responce that may never come. Either way im guna do some more testing and hopefully today's patch has improved things.
  21. New patch today maybe some of these issues got fixed? Anyone still having issues, im guna log in game and do some testing. Let us know if you got any responce from bioware yet. Cheers o/
  22. Ok I have new one's, enemies freezing mid air after dying as if there doing bullet time out of the matrix. lol This next one is a spoiler for the warrior storyline on balmorra..... Using force choke for the first time on a creature 10 times your size lifting them a couple feet off the ground. lol
  23. I feel for ya so many in the same boat and no help or info from bioware on why the client is overheating GPU's, a huge resorce hog on memory and cpu, constant low frame rates etc.. Here is my thread about it. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=575441#post575441
  24. Here are more issues linked with what we are talking about, is more to do with the game causing graphic cards to overheat and being a resource hog. The list of issues is endless and why after in beta they all say they had no problems, then patch before EGA causing all these problems. Bioware need to say/do something. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=24455
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