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Everything posted by TRONEON

  1. This is too funny, ya mad bro? Just so you know I have no logged out since beta.......still mad bro? Your anger will fuel my power!
  2. We had a few leave our guild and re roll on other servers, were still going strong and planning on beefing up recruitment so not to worry, just annoying that guilds are hurting because of another bioware screw up. Add the constant lag and client issues people are having and then the queue's, people just rage quit, switch servers or just stop playing all together. They really screwed this up on all accounts not just the guild launch program. Which is a shame coz I really like the game.
  3. Yes it is a client issue, yes its a bad performance problem on bioware's swtor client, no they have not taken responcibility for it and yes other gamers cards have been fried by swtor. No I am not a troll and I even have my own thread about the current client issues thousands of players are having problems with. Overheating hardware is just one of a very many issues with the swtor client. Bioware need to sort this out.
  4. Ok could not of said it better myself, bravo. I rest my case. Bioware balls in your court. Please say something and explain what is going on, im calling you out, stop playing like you don't know what we are talking about.
  5. This is what I hear like a zillion times a day from players in forums, through my own exp, on other websites, other forums, in game etc etc.... Aslong as Bioware are willing to accept that its an issue with the client and that there working on it I and probably alot of others would be alot happier. Right now they will only admit to a fraction of what people are trying to describe to them or they are not replying at all to any petitions or responding to the overall main issue.
  6. I have no problem with that tbh but even if it goes to show its a small amount of players or even if the poll would show a massive amount of players, the problems would still be there and we would still be sitting here with no responce from bioware and still having to prove as it were that were not going mad and it is actually a problem with the client... So poll anyway but I doubt it would change anything except feeding the trollz.... Just take a look at chats in game, other forums, these forums, support forums, ask different guilds on different servers, I hear about these issues 10+ times a day since the start of EGA. In beta.....no problems. And the fact that players stories or explainations of what is happening is really similar or almost identicle proves even more that it is an issue with the swtor client and not GET A BETTER PC NEWBS! YOU SUCK! or....my favourite......I dont have an issue I have AN UBER PC OF DOOM YOU SUCK! LEARN COMPUTERZ NEWB! ...so yeah still waiting on silence from bioware.....nothing yet.....
  7. Yes it is all in our heads, nothing to do with the SWTOR client at all no.....course not....
  8. Firstly get your facts right, 75% of the players I play with....not the whole community, secondly I am glad you have not heard much but personally I have heard of loads of players with these problems....
  9. And another one........ http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=62549
  10. And another one....... http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=62836
  11. Good for you, players with the same or even better specs than what you have are still having these game breaking issues....all evidence points towards the swtor client being the main problem. Now we just need Bioware to admit it, communicate and do something about it.
  12. He does attack! He punches the crap out of them with his metal fists! I suppose you could use him as a healer / tank, buff him with as much armor and health as possible send him in first and then dive in with dps. Or do what I do and just get him to craft 24/7.
  13. And oh look another thread showing the EXACT SAME issues we are talking about...... What a shock, we must all be imagining these issues and must be our fault not the clients...... Still nothing from bioware? http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=62774
  14. As you can see there are loads of players having this problem. Here is another example of what players are complaining and stopping them playing the game completely...... http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=31117&page=3 So Bioware are you still going to play dum on this one or are you going to communicate some more?
  15. I plan on completing every single quest and unlocking every single achievement and codex entry and datacron, then max out every title and still find more things to do, then I will do datacron runs for people and runs for the flashpoints etc. I will still find more things to do with guildies, I don't plan on ever hitting fifty, I wana stay as low level as possible as long as I can.
  16. Thanks for the suggestion and I have used the same method for solutions in the past years but from what I gather most were getting issues with older drivers and new drivers, this didn't work for me, happy its working for you though. I might try the 11.10 drivers on my testing comp and do some more playing with it see if it helps. Thanks. Bioware come on you know you wana come talk to us.
  17. Not sure if the one is related but I hope they fix it for you soon. Still waiting on responce from bioware.
  18. Exactly I am just hoping for a big of communication from bioware to say, we are aware and admit these issues exist, we are working on solutions and will be updating as soon as we can. That is all im asking for a bit of communication that they are adressing the issues. Then actually to follow through with what they say. I really hope they fix it soon. Exactly thankyou that is the exact point im trying to get across. The client is whoring alot more resources than it should. It's over double the recommended specs that it is using up....even on the lowest settings when the players comps have 4 times the needed specs.
  19. Most have been reporting the issues since the patch that was between Open Weekend Beta and EGA. That patch changed something thats causing all these problems for "some" players. Ignore the buy a new computer and whining trolls they don't know what there talking about... These issue are real and need to be addressed.
  20. Thankyou im just ignoring all the troll posts from players who don't understand how big an issue this is and how many players are having problems with it, its enough to cause concern and gets some communication from bioware. I know for a fact its not a user issue and is a swtor client issue and so do the players with these problems.
  21. I have found a site which lists the many problems people are having with the swtor client and some possible solutions. None of these worked for me but maybe they will for others so here it is. http://gamebooze.com/fixed-swtor-crashes-appcrash-errors-freezing-lagging-launch-crash-poor-fps-black-screen-no-sound/ Hope it helps some people it didn't help me. Please bioware tell what your doing about it and if some fixes are coming soon? Players who having no issues then great for you, I am happy for you but please stop trollling this topic pretending there are no issues at all, there maybe no issues for you but that doesn't mean there is nothing wrong with the client, its proven fact there is problems not caused by user error or bad pc's for alot of players and it does need addressing asap. Thankyou. o7 o/
  22. Me too which is why im trying to get to the bottom of it and get some communication from the dev's about it. I really want to see this game succeed as so far I am loving playing it and so are the players I play with. Please bioware im asking you to get back to us on this. Thankyou o7 o/
  23. Usual troll comments trying to make it out like its user error and BUY A NEW PC newb! Go read the forums and the 100+ posts over the past week about these issues, ask players in game, check the specs of the computers. Don't get me wrong im not saying its everyone having these issues, it isn't there are players who are reporting no problems with both old and new rigs, but the majority of the players who I have spoken to and read on the forums are having these issues, atleast enough to warrant some serious concerns about the swtor client. You can pretend the issues are not there all you want, fact is they are and for many players, if they care about there game they need to communicate how there planning to solve these issues. Saying its all on your end go fix yourself or blaming it all on user error is not going to make this go away. Communicate and admit to the issues and we can go from there. Thanks. o7 o/
  24. Enough is enough. Almost all about 75% of the players I play with are all reporting the same problem and we all have way above the recommended specs while in beta we had zero problems are now having, BSOD, frame rate issues, memory leaks, double the ram usage on the client that previously, and thats with no matter what settings we use even though there is nothing wrong on our end. There has been numerous posts in support forums and general aswell as tickets and complaints and still not a single word about it from the Dev's. So can we please get some information on what your planning on doing about it and what is causing these issues with YOUR GAME if you even know whats wrong at all... And for the trolls, I used to build computers and work for a computer hardware company in both sales and builds so I am not saying I know everything but I know enough to know there is something wrong with the star wars client. All drivers are updated reports of issues have been with all sorts of GPU and cards from both ATI and Nvidia. There also reporting no problems with any other games EXCEPT SWTOR. So please cut the crap and give us some answers, I just subscribed to 6 months of this game don't make me and others cancel due to lack of communication and terrible custormer service. Sorry for the rant and wall of text but we need answers so we can get the game working as intended for all to enjoy without these issues. I really enjoy the game and would like to continue to enjoy it. Thanks for listening. o7 o/ -----EDIT---- Adding some info that may help people.
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