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Everything posted by Master-A

  1. Well they did ask us to write our opinions here insted of another topic about the same thing. So they are probebly seeing how big of a probelm this is in one topic. I think this will change. Or this game will die alot earlier than I would ever expect. and again I never thought they would go f2p this early. :/
  2. Thing is I will never get there I want the expensive stuff on the GTN and I will max out my alts I like gearing my alts with modeble gear I think looks good on them and match there class or the RP roll I want for them. I have been saving up loades of credz for 2 thinks in a month and I can only afor one of the things + that the bill killed me even more and made me lose a days work well I'm only going to be glad if they remove it a hell with that day lost its not everything but if this goes on then goodbye.
  3. dont remember how many deaths it was there but they sure was many me trying to tank thru it for the first time in HM well I do have to expect some death. And that fp is a damn dps race so with a tionese geared dps with us then that gotta result in more death. but then again we did have a dps with dread guard gear and a healers that had some accepteble gear. but lets say it like this first healer gave up after few dath at first boss then when found replacement and a better healer joined we made it to the end itill the bad dps dc:ed for a long time and the healer gave up. result we got ourself a better healer and dps. DONE! I do remember that I got repair bills on 90-120k at almost every time I did repair. If it was 200, 300 or 400k in total I do not know but I dont think we wiped 20 times for it. EDIT: Me being a tank will result with me taking the most damage and my gear is all 61+ and right even me wiping it myslef by jumping and kill myself when its a clear wipe resulted in me still paying that much in repair bill not fun not cool.
  4. MAKE IT AS IT WAS BEFOR! 300k in repair bill for doing LI HM is to much! seriously a days work in doing dailies . ofc it pays too whn doing the HM but I ern credz to spend em on good looking gear I want for my char and my alts. Like I have been f2p and doing hardcore dailies in few days just to earn the milion credz I need for the new expensive items on the GTN. and now the next day I sub and I start to think now its time to do some OPS with the guild again and vips. You do LI HM for the first time and end up with 300k. and that was just for kicks, I cant imagen how 16 Man TFB will be and I was looking forward to it. Besides the guild wont do any OPS at all or atleast not the HM and the other harder SM OPS. Make it as it was befor it was perfect like I rember a vid you was saing you was going to look into it with High repair cost.v I neever felt it was high and you sayed you was going to reduce it now its bigger than it ever was. The vid was old I get it it was right befor 1.2 but still why make something cost less and then after all this time make it cost 10 times more than befor. For people who says 10k thats one dailie well I do the 1 dailie to use the most of the credz to buy somethung I want, something I like not to waist it all on repair and do thing of that people not only wipe/die ones in OPS or HM tehy can die up to 10 times there are even people that never give up intill its done even if is in the middle of the night. So please get back to the old repair costs.
  5. As I remember it It was a challange yes and I liked that challange! They took away corsos harpoon is it back!?! if It is I would be very happy. I have seen since I have been running the smuggler class like 4 times atlest past tatooine. THEY NERFED IT! I dident lke that. Is people still complaining? please tell me they buffed it up again cuz the nerf are so easy to beat those who cant I dont know but I feel like sucking but can still beat it so easy So now Im confused did they get back to kill 2 elits or is people having problems with the 2 stong version?
  6. My point is that I have experienced maybe 2 of your points when it commes to HM FPs but very few times then Ifcorse I can add ragequiters after first wipe for someone going into the first group of mobs by mistake or due to lag. When it commes to OPS so far I have never needed anything from there everything is crap! so I havent paid attention on what the nwebis are picking and I never cared but I do know noone have ever complaind. I have been hearing this about need and greed as an issue fro a long time even long befor f2p. This really have nothing to do with BW this have to do with people being jerks! Whatever one do there will alway be a jerk/idiot to do something other people will come to complain about and there are so many more things that needs to be done befor. So the complains about a useless lootsystem will only delay BW from giving us the updates we want the most bth small and big ones. I cant see why people can be so ignorant and not think about that really. There are other lootsystems that I know about you can roll and the teamleader will give the one with the higest roll the item. I have never tried it myself atleast not beeing the one taking care of the rolling but it do look like the leader can choose to give it to someone else that could use it more and he is the one deciding who is the jerk and who is the idiot around. Ofcorse this would work as best if it was a guild run or a fair person sitting behind the leadership of the group. I think there is a third one too. People will never b happy. Im just glad to know that things are comming into SWTOR. Many updates and stuff we know will come but not when. many may have lost hope well then just take a break and come back later it will come. New lootsystems may be comming that we dont know about but just think of the guild capital ship that will come sometime in the future AWESOME! We dont know when but it will come and still there will be many things added in between and after and as new ideas is still comming then they will never be a issue in updating the game . Yes there are bugs but hey give it few years. I dont care if it takes 5 by then it will be a new game that I will enjoy Now I know I went out of the disscussion. but there are different complains about everything might aswell put everything I need sayed here and hope people are reading here. Now the issue here is looting? Everyone says or few people says they run to it all the time I say I ran to it minimum times and I dont open complains about people turning a system where there is nothong wrongwith just people being jerks. Run the fp again another time I do get my BH-comms after all
  7. Well Im in luck then I got none of the options above exept forthe first time I got some dps rolling as healer . Never meet a ninja looter in a HM FP. Never meet a that rushy person but afks do happends but thats like irl playes a big roll. Never meet on a elite that kicked me directly after one mistake or never got kicked at all in all my days but I have meet one jerk that couldent understand that this is just a game ones and that was a long time ago back when I first started tanking HMs.
  8. Yeah Assassins takes more than a Sorceror and if the sorceror cant get the assassin to keep his distance distance then he is pretty much dead
  9. Unlimited characters on the same sever or give us 36 solts one for serius characters and one for the charactters you want to play differentto have a good laugh xD
  10. I want a bunch of things some cartel coins and why not give the F2P players a month of subscriber feeling like you wont have to pay for another month if you sub runes out and the subscribers will have it fun with extra Ops and HM maybe some warzones for the holiday. And that about subs getting a month too is just tp be fair and not starting to think of that they payed for a month for nothing
  11. I uselly spend em on the main gearing and get myself rakata implants, earpeace and relics from dailies.
  12. Is it even posibble to get the gear the generals or grand moffs are wearing and how? I have never seen them but really want them for my agent. I think that all looks, gear and spices u see in the game should be avalible for characters or why do they exist in game in the first place if u cant have it?
  13. How do we know that it was HM btw? I have no problem beliving that it was HM Malagus dident look like the he did hit that hard so with a healer I have always been thinking it possible. What is impossible is the other bosses like HK-47 I cant remeber that I have seen a enrage on normal so I dont know if that was the proof but it can be becaus the NM bosses is a lot easyer to kill so never got the chance to see the enrage.
  14. Always wanted to romance 2 guys at one and see what happends Was hopping to do it with my female SW but Now when I know that its not posibble then I should wait intill it is
  15. I dont get it myself and the complaners are just destroying the game for me I mean sowhat let it go F2P I dident have the money to pay anyway anymore so I was ok with that. Trolls? Ignor them they got no life? True its from lvl 1 too 50 but that kan give u time to lvl all character to 50 and when that is done go endgame by paying or pay from tiem to time when fill like going a period of endgame and whn u do not fell like it just unsub and go lvl alts again atleast u are saving more money this way. Im with you I don't get it really.
  16. SW univers is nice but Im not a big fan of it Some MMO is nice too but this is the one I enjoy to play so I would say I'm a small fan of the SW universe. I was just thinking that this game looked interesting when I heard about it. dident even know that It was going to be a MMO and the fact that its in a time 3000 year befor the movies looked interesting to me . So playing TOR was just to try it and I liked it. becaus of that many started to take me for a SW fanboy but I'm not really
  17. Rs dident stop how do u know SW:TOR will?
  18. If u see a idiot put him in ignorlist I dident see any idiots during beta. what about the people who cant pay dont u think they want to play this game it do not only attract idiots. Besides every time something new commes up u will always see people complanig u cant please everyone but *** isent it better to start playing for free? I dont know if u have played Rs befor but un that game I never even seen a idiot or maybe I just dident cear but still it was the most played F2P MMO. So I got the point but the good things are more than the negative. And I just tired of complains!
  19. So just continue to pay whats stoping you. If this game was F2P already from start then u wouldent have sayed anything right. Lots of people is playing Rs and its working exactly like this when they pay they get the acess to everything they own when they are not they get denied the things that is not alowed as F2P intill you pay again. And who would put his power on lvl 8 characters to 50 all over again in 12 accounts who would even put time in doing 12 accounts. Dont we need more people in every server I see DPS complain about that there are not many healer and Tanks to find in the groupfinder well then here thing just got easyer. If someone is spaming btw just put him in ignor list not that hard is it?
  20. So I dont get it the game goes F2P and still improving and people is complaning why? Some just dont like it and some is becaus they are geting dinied the things they hade when they used to pay. well wake up u payed befor u can pay again from time to time. And for the people who just dont like it I dont know what u like or how u think! Wake up and be greatfull for once. complains, complains, complains what is it with u dont u like to be treated well?
  21. Umm I have a lvl 50 Jugg tank and never seen a elit I couldent kill. I have even killed champs with 98% of health when using quinn and the elits are no different. To me this class was the easyest class I ever played. I mean there is elits I never maneged to kill with my other characters on my way to 50 but my jugg do that without a problem. You just have to learn how to play a jugg tank
  22. Thats a good one I dont think I would have been able to solo the ending of the storry without a healer. I wanted to kill him after his betrail but Im glad I dident get the chans cuz otherwise I wouldent make it in the rest of the story without a friend but If they had a secundary companion for each companion you kill thet would have been better
  23. Nautolan - agreed Togruta - Agreed Voss - OK but don't thinks so becaus of the general story. And Cyborgs looks exactly like humans but withmetal parts why can´t you just give the cyborglooks to all of the species with option 1 always non-cyborg and the other all different cyborglooks.
  24. Well BH is more like if you want to see the Republic's true face.
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