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Everything posted by shadowopsx

  1. Thanatôs Warzones Marauder/Sentinel Solo Kills #1 9 http://i.gyazo.com/7ce9d7d3336b352547c661c5c5667a4a.png
  2. Well said. As I underlined you called us top dogs but thinking about it now it isn't that huge of an accomplishment on this server. Personally *Possibly speaking for postmortem?* but the smack talk from certain players does get annoying. It's just got to the point where I'm sick of a certain LD player calling us out and masquerading as he is the best thing that happened to this game. Anyways I was just having fun with MS paint /fun [off].
  3. The final team which was Jerry, VPS, Wildberry, and myself. Do you not remember losing? http://imgur.com/FfbbEF3,PZiySlw,nAkm9yz,yOQcwqO
  4. STALKUH GOOD AT MATH. Proxi help him with 1st grade math again pls.
  5. 1) What toon. 2) What server. 3) What season.
  6. Combat medic= Stalkuh? CONFIRMED. STALKUH IS COMBAT MEDIC. Im pro at MS Paint. So... When were you 'on the best team' in group ranked? Also when where did the mystical 2400 come from?
  7. SHOTS FIRED. /popcorn inbound
  8. dat elitism!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. It helps to have gear. This is the smartest thing someone has said on the JC forums about ranked. *I'm not being sarcastic* But when exactly are the 4's team farming warzones? We're pvp guilds... What do you want us to do lol. Regardless, even if you lose everygame it still takes about a week to get full obroan at this time. I fully understand the frustration of losing in solo queue regs but you just gotta grind through it to get the gear like everyone else, including the people in pvp guilds. 1. Raider, pls get team together 2. Dany, pls play swotr 3. FUSROTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTANK 4. Hayward too stronk, him playing any other spec would break PvP.
  10. Fusrodâh Warzone Biggest Hit #1 Powertech/Vanguard 11973 Pyrodraco Arena HPS #1 Sorc/Sage 2674
  11. Seriously though at least it's not a cool title, like "All-Galaxy".... That just sounds boring.
  12. Yeah i even saw him on today and i was like... da*** lol
  13. I mean, I hope he gets better but idk the point of this thread... Sharing other peoples personal info is kinda random.
  14. Fusrodâh Warzone Solo Kills powetech/vanguard 5 http://i.imgur.com/rfZzsSr.jpg
  15. Warzone Damage Taken #4 Commando/Merc 1,382,017 Fusroderp Warzone Damage Taken #3 Sage/Sorc 1,251,005 Iwalani
  16. When i saw the accuracy in the tank gear... i cried a bit.
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