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Everything posted by Azure_Prower

  1. There's none in the PVP vendor nor is there a schematic for them. There's none in the PVE dailies vendor nor is there a schematic for them. The crystal trader vendor is gone. You cannot get them out of your old PVP gear as they're not made modifiable. Where do you get them?!
  2. Seriously. Endless loop of a ship taking off. Driving me crazy. Is this BioWare's ploy to get every one off the fleet?
  3. Have the same issue. Every time I tried to switch it to it, it says out of range on my monitor. This happened every patch, but it was easily fixed by going into the client_defaults.ini How ever, this work around is no longer working. I hope they fix full screen window mode for 1280x1024 resolution. Window mode: works. Full Screen mode: Out of Range. Full Screen window mode: Out of Range.
  4. What if I like the Juggernaut playstyle and want to play on Republic after I got my sentinel to 50?
  5. But the thing is I don't want to delete them. Especially when they're level 50. Because then you won't see the continued story when it gets updated in future.
  6. I'm the guy who likes to level a lot of alts. I already have all 8 slots already filled with every basic class up to level 10 for when I decide what advanced class I wish to play. You really don't know if you're going to like a class until you hit 50. Because some times you dislike a class and then it really picks up at end game with all their abilities working in unison. The thing is. There is only 8 slots per server. If you're not one of those forever alone people, you have friends on this one server you play on. Wanting to try every advanced class with only 8 slots. You usually have to roll the opposite advanced class when you play the Republic and Empire counterparts. Problem is. If you like one advanced class over the other. Yet the class you like is on the faction you don't enjoy playing on the majority of the time, but keep the character around for story sake for when they continue the class stories in future. You're pretty much stuck? Does any one really not see a problem with this?
  7. Leaves room for them to add planets later.
  8. Dear Lord. You people are screaming as if the world is ending. We're getting a new warzone at least. Be happy! Yes, I only PVP in this game as well.
  9. Always check in game before assuming things.
  10. Is the PVP Sovereign one going away at 1.2? Because that one is BOP and 65 valor requirement.
  11. Because working for free for a multimillion corporation is the same as rescuing some one from a burning car.
  12. Free transfers with a 30 day cooldown for each character you transfer.
  13. Obviously the zone counter is borked in the picture. Has been since the last patch. Showing usually 10 less than what there is in the zone at times. Yet this is the first time I saw it at 0. Even saw Sith on Voss on my /who when checking Ilum. Though as for this thread. Was hoping some would come up with some amusing answers as well. This wins the thread.
  14. It uses cripple on Bio Chem. It is super effective.
  15. May as well tell me to stop making money. Not every thing sells all the time. That's why you have to offer a wide variety to make sure there is some thing for every one. If I didn't, there would be nothing on the GTN at all for people leveling up to begin with because no one else is supplying it at the moment.
  16. Not flooding the market. Rather placing one of each type. Green, red, yellow, orange, blue. Endurance stat, critical stat. Blue/rare quality and purple/artifact quality. Level 47, 39, 31, etc. You do the maths. Now add relics, enhancements, hilts, companion gifts, random orange items and what ever other junk I have to sell on top of that.
  17. I do indeed see those things. How ever. You can easily reach the limit with out doing that. Selling every colour crystals at various qualities and levels along with other various items. You reach the limit very quickly.
  18. Because computer hardware and network/internet connectivity are the same thing. I admire your IT skills. Also, just because it doesn't happen to you. Doesn't mean it isn't happening for many others. There's an entire thread of people posting about the irregular 9000 disconnects that has been completely ignored by support after asking people for their connectivity info. No word since. It has been ignored long enough.
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