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Everything posted by Ominovin

  1. While I am on Ziost, my Conquest screen shows as 'Under Review' and I do not seem to be gaining Conquest Points from the dailies. My stronghold transport options also don't work: I can click the 'travel' button (which changes color normally) and I get the 'travel sound' but I stay where I am. Leaving Ziost (either walking to my ship or using emergency fleet pass) fixes these issues but they come back when I return to this world. Also, attempts to file an in-game bug report failed.
  2. Yes, it sounds like you are looking for a single 'good for all DPS' rather than an actual 'Best In Slot' so I'd probably recommend the Overwhelming Offense tactical: Just note that you almost certainly won't be able to keep your stacks up consistently (just using an insta-cast ability followed by an ability with a cast time will create a gap over 2 seconds in length). If you plan on playing one character in particular, then there will almost certainly be a better option (or two) for that particular spec.
  3. Got a vibroknife with Shield Rating on it yesterday when grinding on my 75 Sniper: Makes my chuckle that this combination is still possible for random drops, but I guess after so many years it's a bit of a tradition now...
  4. Never confuse 'revenue' with 'profit': A billion dollars in revenue can seem very unimpressive if your expenses are high enough. SW:TOR is hampered by a couple of things: A game engine that probably needs to be replaced, requiring a complete (and expensive) rebuild. A failed 'story driven' model (When development started, this might have worked, but gameplay these days is too fast and players will always consume content far faster than it can be produced). Bioware doesn't own Start Wars, so Disney / LucasFilm is going to get a cut of every dollar of revenue for this game. I'm not really familiar with Anthem (beyond it's general 'disaster' status) but either Bioware honestly feels it can be fixed or they are just desperate enough to try anyway.
  5. A 'half million subscribers' was the number bandied about as the 'break-even' point for this game in its early days (and I believe it went 'Free to play' a little before its subscriptions would have dropped to this number): 500,000 Subscribers * 12 Months = 6 million subscription months. 6,000,000 months * $15 subscription fee = $90 million per year. $90 million per year * 8 years = $720 Million 'break even' point overall Now, presumably the operating costs are lower than they used to be, but 'close to a $1 billion on Star Wars: The Old Republic revenue from the start of its history' doesn't seem quite as impressive when you consider the relevant expenses.
  6. Arsenal is very mobile at higher levels: You are free to move for 12 seconds of your 15 second rotation once you get the 'Thrill of the Hunt' legendary utility.
  7. Will the current 'Command Crate Trash' items (such as the 'Ruthless Challenger' set) continue to be available somehow when the expansion is rolled out? Will they continue to drop from new command crates or a similar system? Will they be available from vendors? Will they be added to collections? Most of these sets aren't very good, but there are a few gems in there...
  8. Really, you aren't given much of a choice: The alliance is the only thing protecting you from the wrath of Zakuul. Honestly, the Bounty Hunter and Smuggler classes know better than most that you need to 'roll with the punches' or 'play the hand you were dealt' so there is little real issue with leading the alliance (reluctantly or otherwise). Even after the conclusion of the Zildrog storyline, walking away from an established (if diminished) powerbase is generally not a wise idea: Someone will take control of the alliance, and that leader's plans might clash with your own.
  9. There are a couple of helms with goggles sorta like that: TrailBlazer (https://torf.mmo-fashion.com/trailblazer/) Dust Viper Bandit (https://torf.mmo-fashion.com/dust-viper-bandit/) Outlander Maverick (https://torf.mmo-fashion.com/outlander-maverick/)
  10. Lightning Sorcerers do not take cover! Lightning Sorcerers stand proudly and scream "Here I am, tremble in fear of my electricity!"
  11. Sorry, I was referring to the 'Dark Honor Guard' dye: There is another red/red dye on the Cartel Market that seems to work a little better. I did a little more companion research and found the following saberstaff users: Kira (Jedi Knight Only) Nadia Grell (Jedi Counselor Only) Vector (Imperial Agent Only) - Pretty much the only viable male option I've found so far. Xalek (Sith Inquisitor / Universal) - No helmet slot, so can't pull off the look. Jaessa - (Sith Warrior) Akavi Spar - (Smuggler / Smuggler & Bounty Hunter) - Actually uses an electrostaff, so she won't be able to use one of the actual 'pikes' but she has the larger body type at least. Basically, a lot will depend on what class you want this companion on: Unfortunately, the only 'universal' companion can't wear the helm. Also, you seem to be out-of-luck if you want a Male guard and aren't an Agent... Please note my research is probably incomplete.
  12. Easiest outfit match for the 'era appropriate' set is probably the Dark Praetorian (https://torf.mmo-fashion.com/dark-praetorian/) or Destroyer (https://torf.mmo-fashion.com/destroyer/) If you want the RotJ look, you probably want to start with helm from the Cassus Fett set (https://torf.mmo-fashion.com/cassus-fett/) and mix it with another set like the Exterminator (https://torf.mmo-fashion.com/exterminator/) In most cases, you'll need to add a red / red dye. Getting the Force Pike will be more of an issue: There are a couple of saber-staffs / electro-staffs that could work (like the Tythian Lightsaber Pike https://torf.mmo-fashion.com/tythian-lightsaber-pike/), but that will limit you to a saberstaff using companion... ADDENDUM: There is an actual 'Royal Guard Dye' in the Cartel Market I looked through the companions on my Bounty Hunter (who has unlocked most of them) and Akavi Spar seems to be the best option if you want the 'weapon look' as well (she has an imposing frame, actually gets the helmet graphic, and uses an electrostaff that she stows on her back). Of course, you need to be a Bounty Hunter or Smuggler to have her...
  13. My Tactics Trooper used to have a 4 second lockout on a 6 second cooldown. I miss this terribly whenever I run the heroic + bonus on Oricon (they aren't hard fights by any means, but it is extremely annoying how much CC the champions throw at you).
  14. Wow, you managed to completely miss the reason that mount went up in price so much: Price is generally determined by Supply and Demand, and there is very little 'supply' of this mount right now, so prices will go up if there is any demand at all (and throne mounts always tend to have high demand). You'll see this with just about every pack item: Prices tend to start out a little high (only the first people to open packs have any to sell), then it comes down a bit as more and more are put on the market, then as the packs fade in popularity, prices will rise again. As the 'supply' dwindles, prices can become rather obscene if it seems reasonable that someone might pay it. Mind you, there is definitely an inflation issue in this game (Prior to this expansion, my richest characters were sitting a little under 20 million credits: My richest character is a little short of 100 million credits now, and that is just from grinding CXP), but that's true of most games (not to mention the real world). EDIT: I should probably mention this is at least somewhat intentional: Bioware doesn't create these items to please you, they create them to put dinner on the table for themselves and their families. Item rarity has always been a 'carrot' for the players to chase after, and the FTP model just means that they've been forced to use the old 'Customizable Card Game' model instead of the more traditional 'keep paying for your subscription' model. If players figure the 'rare' items will be available for direct sale, they won't buy the packs, and if the packs don't sell, there is no point to keeping the game going at all. On a personal note, I generally avoid expensive items on the GTN: I grab up the cheap weapons so I can add them to my collection for possible future use and once in a blue moon I'll buy an expensive armor set before the supply dwindles and the prices start to rise (sometimes I time it right, other times not so much).
  15. One of my favorite characters is my Female Chiss Marks(wo)man Sniper with Body Type 4, but I am essentially stuck using the Compact Infiltrator sniper rifle (the CM weapon that compacts when you stow it) as it is one of the few available weapons that won't clip through her butt cheek when stowed over her shoulder. Of course, I've also noticed on this character: The original agent armor set you used to get from the early bonus series (now purchasable from a vendor) features a row of pouches across the chest, which enhances a BT4 female's bust line even more. Most 'flowing' garments just look too huge on the BT4 female: The mini-skirt options work nicely until you realize she's 'giving a free show' when she crouches into cover. Not strictly BT4 related, but I was extremely amused when I realized the 'defensive probe' ability doubled as a 'T&A' scanner (seriously, if you are facing the right direction, the probe scans your bustline before dropping to inspect your behind). Overall, I'm not a big fan of the Body Type 4: It's probably a bit more realistic, but it does seem to be pushing the limit of an 'action hero' build.
  16. Koth is the guy who wants to win the war but is unwilling to pay the 'price' to do so (mainly, accept that civilian casualties are almost certain to happen): If he were the protagonist and the story was written around this being possible, that would be one thing, but he's a sidekick who often clashes with what the Player wants to do. Additionally, he has the 'my people are great, they just need a better leader, like the last one' and ignore all the sins of Valkorian (seriously, did no one ever take this guy to visit Ziost?). I mean, his response to being called on this is literally 'he was always good to Zakul.' The fact that a certain action by the player could cause him to doesn't exactly endear him to a lot of players, either.
  17. When it comes to PC races, consider the following items: Does this race use the 'standard' four body types? If not, Bioware would have to build new models and possibly edit every 'cut scene' to accommodate it (I ran 'Blood Sport' on Rishi so many times before i realized my companion was in the opening 'Cut Scene' because I used Treek a lot and you couldn't seem her in the high-backed co-pilot's seat of the shuttle) Does this race 'fit' the standard voice tracks and their associated personalites? Can it work as a wiscracking smuggler, an angry warrior, a smug Inquisitor, and a glacial jedi? Does it fit all the possible storylines (including companions)? For instance, a Trandoshian smuggler will have odd issues with the Bowdaar storyline. Basically, if a race you'd like to see has any one of these issues, don't hold your breath waiting for it to be an option. If it has all of these issues, assume it' will never even be on the 'wall of crazy.'
  18. Looks like I got hit by this bug this week on my 'Light V' Jedi Guardian: Tired to buy a mount when I capped my LS tokens, but I'm apparently 'Light I' now. Based on my last purchase and my LS tokens earned this week, it must have been a fairly recent occurrence (maybe 60 missions ago, based on my current alignment, and I've been grinding the 'enhanced' Daily missions like crazy) and I did log out while in Section X not too long ago (the GC alignment changed so I stopped grinding dailies for a little while), so I guess I should have been paying closer attention to this forum thread... Luckily, I'm not using any gear that requires an alignment, but I am stuck with a full stack of LS tokens that I can't actually spend, which is annoying but not really really bad (I've already purchased everything of actual interest).
  19. Yeah, it looks like the old 'daily' missions are currently rewarding the same CXP as the 'Do x missions on planet Y' mission that used to be the major CXP source. I thought this was a bug, then convinced myself this was probably deliberate (since no one had posted this as a bug), but this afternoon I ran the Balmorra heroics and was kinda shocked they were only giving around 100 cxp each, so now I'm fairly certain that this is an actual bug. Oricon is particularly fruitful these days: Not only is my Tier 1 bounty Hunter getting 1,600+ cxp per mission (+10% personal perk, +25% all characters buff) but each of the bonus missions is granting 1,600+ cxp twice (once upon completing the last stage of the mission, and again upon actually turning the mission in). I think this character got 9 Command Ranks in a single Oricon run. Personally, I've seen this issue on: Iokath (addition CXP reward consumable is not bugged) Ziost Oricon (Bonus missions grant CXP twice) Yavin 4 (Bonus missions grant CXP once) CZ-198 The Black Hole
  20. Guardians are naturally tougher (due to heavy armor) and generally easier to play (Vigilance spec get a 1 force refund every time he spends force, which makes force management very simple). Sentinels are a bit more fragile (but with defensive CDs), have a secondary resource to manage, and just don't flow as smoothly in my experience. Personally, I greatly prefer my Guardian to my Marauder.
  21. I found I would drop on one character, but not on the next when I did this: Not certain if it was just random chance or the different character made the difference (Finally worked on a Body Type 2 Male Jedi Knight).
  22. Just ran the Ziost dailies a little bit ago on my Assassin tank and discovered that probe droids that self-destruct before you can kill them are no longer lootable, which means you can't get the mission item from them. Is this an intentional nerf, or just a weird glitch of some sort?
  23. Completing a SOLO Star Fortress should have opened up 6 'Resistance' alliance alerts (one for each planet/fortress combo): The Ephemeris fight revealed you need to destroy the planet based shield generator before you can hit the station reactor. Clicking on one of these alerts will transport you to an NPC who is organizing a resistance movement and asks you to do some recon (which leads to a fight against an elite). Once that recon is complete, you'll be asked to help provide supplies for the impending assault (You get the necessary supplies for free for your first alert, but you'll need to do heroic missions for the others). Once you've provided the supplies, you and the NPC will blowup the shield generator (easy fight). Now, you have unlocked that Fortress for HEROIC 2+ mode: Despite the name, they are quite solo-able for the most part* (there's a machine in the first room of the station that can give you a series of buffs if you are soloing), but Voss is one of the worst (or at least, most annoying). The issue with Voss is the end boss Exarch has a self heal: You can interrupt it, but he'll just cast it again long before your CD is complete. It's only about a 10% heal, but it makes for a much longer fight than the other 5 Fortresses. *Note that some classes have a much easier time soloing these stations than others. Personally, I find strong CC ('vs. all mobs' is best, but 'vs. droids' only or 'vs. organics' only are also helpful), good AoEs, Heavy Armor, and mobility (exarch fights have a lot of 'do not stand here' areas) make a big difference.
  24. Please keep in mind that forum posts are not necessarily a fair representation of players in general: These are just the people who shout the loudest... Operations have always been a bit of a niche product: A lot of players will never step into one and don't really care about them. Generally speaking, I'd expect the Return on Investment is much higher on non-Ops content (i.e., money spent on non-Ops content probably attracts/retains more players than Ops content) 'extra attacks ect.' sounds like it would just be changing things from a 'gear grind' to a 'virtual gear grind': Getting 'harder hitting' attacks is pretty much the same as 'higher item level weapon' Getting more stuns or the like would just add to stun-lock issues. Getting additional stun-breaks would just make stuns not worth using at all. A lot of classes already have a 'set rotation' for optimal: Are these new abilities going to be so good they are worth breaking this cycle? Are these new abilities only usable in PvP? What about open world PvP? They are adding three 'difficulty levels' to the game in this expansion, so if you want a challenge, you should be able to play on the higher setting. That being said, 'harder' is an awfully subjective term. For example, here are my experiences soloing the Star Fortress heroics: First character was my Marksman Sniper, who (after a bit of a learning curve) soloed trash and mini-bosses with little trouble before failing miserably on the Alderaan Exarch many times. I took a break from the sniper and moved to my Arsenal Mercenary: I was shocked how easily all six exarchs perished under his twin guns of fury (even got the 'solo kill with no buffs' achievement). My Vigilance Guardian had some issues with mini-boss fights (no CC) but had no serious problems with the exarchs so far (still have two to go). The Lightning Sorcerer I leveled for 'DvL' turned out to be far more fragile than I had thought and took several tries to get an Exarch down (only needed one for the achievement) I believe i've done one exarch each on my Darkness Assassin and Carnage Marauder, but i don't recall how much trouble I had with them. Am I that much more skilled on my Merc? No, it's just that heavy armor, good mobility, excellent CC and even some self-heals makes it a ridiculously good class for soloing content like this. If I find a fight challenging on my Merc, about half my other characters will fall into the 'don't even try it' bucket... No, you are completely failing to grasp the impact of this idea. All this would do is encourage the formation of 'super-guilds' who can dominate these competitions. What you think is a better product is not necessarily what everyone wants to see.
  25. 'Pushback' refers to your cast bar being 'pushed back' when you take damage, not your cast being stopped when your entire character is 'knocked back from' or 'Yanked toward' an opponent.
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