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Everything posted by Ominovin

  1. That tactical is probably looking for both 'Sith Inquisitor' story and 'Assassin' class, which means it won't work for characters on the Warrior, Knight, or Councilor story. Along similar lines, the Legendary Implants appear to be restricted by Storyline, so your assassins won't be able to share them (you can get an identical one for the non-inquisitor, but you'll have to pay another 6500 fragments for it): I'm assuming this is intentional while the tactical issue is probably a (very predictable) oversight...
  2. The problem with this is you are often using the same gear for multiple loadouts, which makes storing gear in the loadouts themselves problematic... Honestly, I think I'd prefer this option for Outfitter rather than Loadouts: I tend to change those more often (to be fair, I don't have field respec yet so I need to retreat to my stronghold to change my loadout anyway)...
  3. Obtain Shadow Syndicate Certs, either from slain foes or by completing objectives Turn a single cert in on Nar Shadaa (lower promenade) to get a 25pt reputation token. Use said token Get 43,000 conquest points for increasing your Shadow Syndicate reputation Lather, rinse, and repeat the next day... Personally, I think this will be my new 'non-combat' Conquest technique (I have a couple of stealthers who used to just stealth a couple of heroics to get their 50k Conquest each week, but that's not really a practical option anymore). The trick is going to be balancing Conquest point gain vs. ending up exalted with the Syndicate (which will hopefully be relevant at some point in the future): Don't want to end up short when the flow of certs dries up, but you don't want to cap too early and lose out on Conquest points either...
  4. I have to strongly disagree with the OP: So far, I've completed my 7 weekly objectives each week without needing to enter a PvP, Startfighter, Operations, or Flashpoint queue (please note that story mode flashpoints count for the flashpoint objectives, so this week I just stealthed the Battle of Ilum twice). Overall, this is a VAST IMPROVEMENT on Season 1 where players were 'forced' into two of the above queues multiple times each week in order to complete their objectives (my sorcerer is now Valor 50 largely* due to GS1, and I didn't enjoy my battleground experiences at all). And don't even get me started on last season's 'everyone has to kill the same mobs that only exist in extremely limited numbers' objectives... As for the 'Pay to Win' argument, all I can see is that over the next couple of months I'll get an extra 4,000 cartel coins that I didn't have to pay an extra cent for (Subscribers get +200cc at rank 3 and every 5 ranks after that)... *This character did like 3 battlegrounds during the dark vs light leveling contest, so I also used any Valor buffs I received from the daily login rewards on him, which gave him a fair number of valor ranks without actually PvPing...
  5. How did you manage to end up this low on funds??? Mission rewards and trash drops should provide more than enough credits for repairs when needed (typically, a leveling character will replace most of their gear before it truly needs to be repaired). I'm guessing you've been buying stuff off the GTN: Don't do that. As for what to do now, I'd recommend going back to a low level zone, kill trash mobs, and loot them. Lather, rinse, and repeat until you have enough credits to repair your stuff (and get back to your storyline).
  6. THIS. If you don't have any good news to deliver, communication will probably just make things worse. Given the general quality of this expansion, I'm not expecting 'good news' anytime soon. As such, the only move that doesn't actively make things worse is to be silent:...
  7. At a guess, I'm going to say that 500,000 subscribers number was probably accurate for the month the expansion launched: Lots of preferred players would be spending $15 to unlock the new content and level cap but then go back to FTP the next month. As such, it's not an outright lie, but it can be extremely misleading... As for the November 2019 earnings call, they stated the game was 'approaching' $1B in total revenue, which is incredibly vague: I'm guessing total revenue was probably closer to $800MM than $1B at that point, nearly half of which was probably earned in the first year of the game. If you have a link to any of these financials, please share: I've always been under the impression that they don't go into details on how much each game makes or how outside of a 'we are mentioning this because it makes us look good' sort of thing...
  8. EA hasn't given a subscription number since the game went 'free to play' so your '500,000 subscribers' number is either a guess, 9 years out-of-date, or insider information. As I posted earlier, I'd guess the average annual revenue (including cartel coins) is around $50MM over the past 9 years, which is 275k subscribers at most (assuming $15/month/subscriber and no cartel coin sales): Assuming cartel coin sales are a significant part of that revenue number, you're probably looking at 150k-200k subscribers on average...
  9. A couple of key points regarding game revenue figures: EA announced to shareholders that SWTOR was approaching $1B in revenue about 2 years ago: I don't know how close they actually were at that time ('approaching' is incredibly vague and announcements to shareholders typically aim to make the company look as good as possible) but it seems possible that they still haven't reached that number and almost certain that they haven't exceeded it by a lot (see my guesstimate of the current annual revenue below). This is a 'total revenue' number, so it doesn't take into consideration the initial development/marketing costs (estimated at $300MM+) or any other expense over the last 8-10 years. More importantly, this is the game revenue so it presumably includes the 'off-the-top cut' that Disney/Lucasfilm gets for allowing the exclusive use of their IP: Given the historical strength of this IP, I'm assuming this is going to be a sizable amount (I'm guessing somewhere in the 10%-25% range, but that is a complete guess in an area I have no personal expertise). FYI, this is why companies like EA keep trying to launch non-licensed game titles: A licensed IP can potentially bring in customers, but it really cuts into the potential profits... The game actually started out fairly strong (2MM+ subscribers at launch), which means a sizable share of that 'revenue' figure was front-loaded (somewhere between $200MM - $400MM coming from the first year's subscriptions before everyone quit plus another $120MM+ from the actual purchases of the base game). So, if I had to guess, I'd say the game has maybe had $50MM in average annual revenue over the last 8-9 years (some of which has to be passed on to Disney/Lucasfilm), which isn't nearly as impressive (for perspective, back when I played WoW the 12MM subscribers would have provided $150MM+ in revenue per MONTH without an IP owner demanding a cut). On a side note, a $50MM annual revenue is consistent with maybe 350K subscribers, which means the actual subscriber number is significantly lower (since revenue includes Cartel Coin sales as well). In any case, this is well below the 500K subscriptions that was originally stated to be the 'break even' point before they went free-to-play and cut development to the bare minimum. I'm assuming the game is still profitable, but not by a lot.
  10. The 'Heroic' space missions require PERFECT execution to complete: You need to know the mission like the proverbial 'back of your hand' and figure out when exactly to use your cooldowns. Honestly, they aren't worth the effort: I completed one or two of them when they were fresh content before walking away...
  11. Assuming upgraded weapons are truly desirable, here's what I see as the likely impact for my characters: Sniper: Certain to be very annoying as my Sniper is a BT4 Female Chiss and long weapons have a definite 'posterior clipping' issue (which is why I've used a 'Compact Infiltrator' sniper rifle for many years now). Mercenary: Likely to be annoying as well. I'm not really invested in a specific weapon, but there is a definite 'Goldilocks' issue with Mercenary Pistols (some pistols are ridiculously large, some are far to small to look right with BT3 heavy armor, but some are just right...). Assassin Tank: Probably not going to be an issue on this character. Marauder: Minor annoyance to lose the 'dual axe wielding' look Lightning Sorcerer: Minor annoyance as his current lightsaber looks like it is made of lightning... Tactics Trooper: Likely to be highly annoying as I really like the 'carbine / short rifle' look I currently have (if you're going to be in melee range, a long barrel is just going to look silly at best). Jedi Knights (2): Probably little to no annoyance here as most lightsabers look the same anyway. Commando Trooper: Annoying to lose the Gatling gun she was literally built around (was bored and decided to create a 'school girl with a Gatling Gun' character). Gunslinger: Probably no issues here as long as the provided pistols aren't too large. Scoundrel (2): Again, probably no issues here. Jedi Sage: Probably a minor annoyance since my current lightsaber hilt matches this character's color scheme. Overall, I expect my 'total annoyance level' is going to depend on how quickly they get the weapon designer update rolled out...
  12. Just to clarify, this mission WAS BUGGED 2 YEARS AGO when this thread was started: It has been fixed for a very long time now.... And no, there are only two potential spawn points for each of the logs (except the last, which is always in the same spot). I don't think there is a mission item or resource node on the planet that has more than two potential spawn points.
  13. Yeah, you clearly aren't grasping the actual issue. If they took the caps out, gear would be even more irrelevant because you are doing level 20, 30, or 40 content on a level 75 character: I soloed quite a few flash points* and world bosses before they put the caps in, and it was really sad... Given that they need to keep old content somewhat relevant (they obviously don't have the resources to add enough 'top level' content in each expansion), Bioware only had three options: Leave things as they were and watch bored endgame players devastate entire lowbie worlds, Develop some sort of complicated scaling system that adjusted content to your level but which would never work in 'open world' and would require group members to all be the same level for instanced content, or Set a cap for PC stats so they won't out-level the content to the point that grouping is no longer required for 'group content' *Disclaimer: Back in my WoW days, I solo-farmed a couple of the old Zul'Gurub 20 man raid bosses every three days for about a year (never got the raptor to drop, but got two tigers I didn't particularly want): I only stopped when they removed the entire raid from the game, denying me my 'Night Elf Druid On A Live Raptor' (though I did get the skeletal version from archeology). Any game with progression will have issues with old content becoming easily farmed...
  14. I would love having a 'companion on a second mount' on my Assassin Tank character: It's just annoying having* to re-guard your companion every time you dismount... On the other hand, A quick mount/dismount is traditionally one of the fastest ways to heal your companion to full, and this change would probably 'break' that. There are a lot of companions that this would be troublesome on (Like T7 and most of the 'pet' companions). As previously noted, the game engine might not handle this well *Okay, you really don't 'need' to guard your companion...
  15. Until 2020, I was using my personal Nar Shadaa stronghold or my guild 'capital world' strongholds, but when the chat on those worlds went "all election year politics, all the time!", I retreated to the lower level of my Manaan stronghold (so very peaceful). With the announcement of a new daily mission hub on Manaan in the next expansion, I've been looking for a new home: Umbara - No world chat to deal with, but not a particularly nice stronghold. I have the core utilities set up here in anticipation of the now-delayed expansion, but I can't say I'm a fan... Rishi - I finally unlocked the 'Overlook' section recently and set it as my arrival site and I gotta say I like it: Nice but small area (really don't like only using a small portion of a big room) with a very pleasant view...
  16. Cather did not have 'human' faces at launch: When they created the unlock, they also changed all the cathar NPCs to be 'more human' so they looked like the PC Cathar (which needs the 'human' face for both gear and romance reasons). Bothans would need a similar treatment to be available as a player species option. I'd also like the emphasize that the vocal restriction is actually stronger than 'must speak Basic': Since all characters of a 'class + gender + player language' combination use the same voice track, it is somewhat essential that the species speak Basic without a distinct accent, style, or mannerism as these would not be available to players...
  17. You are aware that none of those decisions actually mattered in the slightest, aren't you? My favorite example was the 'rescue the prisoners' mission for the Trooper: You have to choose between saving your partner in the operation or the prisoners, but whatever decision you make: Garza yells at you, and You never see your mission partner again (either she died or takes time off to process her guilt for surviving). Given how short the expansions have been, I don't know if class storylines were ever an option, but the collapse of the subscriber base after launch killed any possibility there might have been: Doing 8x the work to create content that will probably still be consumed in a single subscription month is just not economical...
  18. Please note that only the choices you make on your first run through the chapter actually count: If you are trying to kill her by replaying the chapter, you can succeed (with the right choices) but she'll still be a live companion when you exit the chapter...
  19. In the Central Time Zone, the offered missions list updates at 7pm, so the trick is to show up just a little before 7, grab all the offered missions, and then wait for 7pm to arrive and grab the last couple you'll need for the weekly before heading off to grind them out...
  20. Wow, there's a lot to unpack here... First off, let's get a little perspective: From the Player's perspective, this game exists to entertain us. From the Developer's perspective, this game exists to put dinner on the table each night and keep a roof over their heads. No matter how much they like/enjoy the game personally, the moment it is clear that it will no longer be profitable, the game is doomed. Now, it was clear just a few months after launch that the subscribers would not keep the game profitable (the 'break-even' point was claimed to be around 500,000 subscribers at the time), so they changed to the 'free to play' model and kept the game financially viable. In short, without the 'ugly monetization' you decry so loudly, the game would have been shut down years ago... As for Galactic Seasons, it's probably one of the best monetizations from the subscriber's perspective: If you don't want to pay anything, you have a lot of time to just play though the content and 'earn' the rewards (including a good amount of cartel coins). If you have tons of credits, you can spend them instead. If you really want the rewards but can't/won't spend the time to play though the season, you can just spend cartel coins (I think it's about 4,000 coins to purchase for the entire season once you take the CC rewards into consideration, and you get 6,000+ coins 'free' each year as a subscriber) Finally, if you don't want to do any of the above options, you can always ignore the whole thing and basically lose nothing of mechanical importance (if you really want a specific item, you can use one of the above options to grind just enough GS Tokens to buy it from the vendor). Simply put, this is one of the few monetizations that you can get without actually paying anything at all: In fact, you 'make money' playing through it when you consider the CC rewards.
  21. Thank you for the goggledoc link: That seems to be what I am looking for.
  22. No, but it's nice to know if the amplifier on a new piece is actually an upgrade or not...
  23. Is there a simple guide to which '+ damage' amplifier generally works best for each spec? Force Sensitivity is the obvious choice for Sage/Sorcerer non-healing specs, but most other specs are a mix or weapon and force/tech damage, so it can be hard to tell which you would be better off boosting...
  24. The Crimson Raider armor is the 'red' version: Notably, it dyes much better than the Havoc Squad version (which has portions that don't dye) so I actually prefer it (or the chestpiece at least) for my trooper outfits.
  25. As I understand it, all the game graphics are stored on your computer: When your character loads, the server tells your computer which specific graphic files to display (like 'chest piece 1a47e2b with color die 65d82'), which keeps Server and Network traffic reasonable. Custom graphics would require: These graphics only be visible to you,* You have the ability to add your custom graphics to everyone else's machines through frequent patches for items most players will never actually see, or All graphics would have to be stored on the game servers, which would greatly increase server loads and network traffic. Given how limited the resources are for this game, I can't see any being invested in implementing custom graphics... *A very long time ago, I remember one of the WoW hacks that was going around was an edit to the game graphics to made resource nodes huge, making them much easier to find and farm.
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