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Posts posted by exphryl

  1. It seems like it's posted in almost every build, and I just don't understand it.


    With such a Heat intensive mechanic to Pyro, why is everyone taking this over Rapid Venting?


    Its taken more so for the Stealth Scan over the passive stealth detection.


    Using Stealth Scan on nodes or around a friendly healer that's at range can be very beneficial.


    Sap skills have a very decent range so if you get stuck solo defending again, having a lower cool down scan can help break them out of stealth earlier to either make them waste a vanish or engage fully.

  2. I'm just curious how our Operative Healer Overlords will be handled now without being able to stack power ups. Little ***** are a pain if they have any idea how to play >_< but that's another issue for another thread somewhere.


    I am glad though they went to the cooldown/powerup nerf rather than nerfing our DPS hugely in PvP instead. Actually was a good move. (Speaking about pyro) In a way it will most likely show how in line we are now compared to other classes.


    May have to stop playing D3 for a bit with this patch :X


    Although I still had a bit of hope they would make Pyro not be entirely RNG based and add a bit more dynamic play style to it. Guess I get to spend another patch hoping for procs.


    I am also impressed they made it so the Ion AOE doesn't affect CC'd targets. I have the strangest feeling though they'll mess up that up somehow.

  3. exphryl make a wishlist with your min/max.




    Just click wishlist. I'm actually almost there (I need to update the gear section too to what i have, maybe later), however D3 kicked my swtor playtime in the nuts so taking a week off to get my OCD fix of that game.


    I'm missing about 3 pieces to rip mods of to complete that. I am a bit fortunate on my server that the 16 people that queue, will endlessly queue and lose to our premade over and over. No other way to get comms and they like to try to get on our side. Quite a bit of dedication on their part :) It helps me get comms pretty quickly with little wait time for queues.


    I'm not to perfect in the math part, but I still have yet to see any reason to use a Power Augment over Main Stat augment, other than saying you have more power. So if somebody could correct me on this I'd be greatly appreciative :)

  4. I'd recommend at least around 5% extra accuracy, just for a bit of way of life. you'll still be able to have around 77% surge and high power (the what, 37 power accuracy mods I think are WH/BM such? Can't recall since I'm not online right now there).
  5. lol at 0:52 of the vid, he got charged. It's a funny day when Marauders get charged at the goal line in huttball hehehe


    That was an Intercede.....


    Perhaps you should look a bit closer

  6. Damn no heads up fights vs Trizzle on there. Was looking forward to getting made to look bad!


    I especially enjoy the 4.5k stacked on top of 1.5 crit hits. 6k damage instantly. My augmented dps arsenal merc can't even do that anymore. Well maybe with tracer/HSM combo once every 20s. But it requires cast time.


    Guess I never realized how hard you're trucking people. Poor Arizoar took it to his dome a few times. He is full WH or nearly as well.


    You should see it when we both focus a target. it's pretty comical. :)


    That should be my next compilation video I think, Mara and PT vs X Class. 2v1s to see which class dies the quickest.


    I'm also enjoying this thread greatly, fun video meant for a bit of humor (i.e title and eomak camping etc) sparks outrage among the people who don't understand said humor.

  7. Exphyrl! You should change the names sometime in the future and post this in the Vanguard forums as well. They could use some love. I love the BH community. No other community has done more for their class in terms of guides than the PT community.


    Yeah. I plan on doing that actually (I appreciate the sticky request also). D3 has me tied up probably for a few days so at least the important stuff is done in here :)


    - added leveling as pyro section.

  8. Well you ignored the shield or number of CC abilites did you not?


    Why would I wear a shield as a dps?


    All i'm learning from these posts of yours last few days in various threads is that you are a terrible Sorc who can't take the time to learn how to play.

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