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Everything posted by wixxkruppel

  1. Forgive me if this has been answered elsewhere, but since search doesn't work and google didn't deliver, I have to make a new topic for it. Last night I did my first boarding party, but we were unable to open any of the loot chests after killing the bosses, what gives?
  2. No, really? Damn, I wish I had figured that out.
  3. Yep, you definitely need a team of six to cap an undefended turret. The two pvp'ers going to cap middle appreciate your contribution while they're 2 vs 6'ing in the middle.
  4. Huttball is easily the best WZ in the game. It's small enough to avoid long walks, it successfully manages to encourage team play, while also being the most tactical WZ. The only people who think otherwise are the ones who start alderaan by running to left turret because they're afraid of doing pvp... in pvp.
  5. Is it possible? By this I obviously mean not buying skill x, rank x... and just level on without buying the upgraded skill. When I level up and would normally get a new rank in the skill I skipped, would I be able to purchase the newest rank even though I skipped the previous rank? Also another question, if I Reverse Engineer an item (say a purple item mod), do I automatically learn the recipe to create it myself?
  6. Here's how I'm doing it. Medicine tree: Max everything in Tier 1, no questions asked. Sedatives are insane and you want them, be it pvp or pve. Chem Inlays are better than Medical Consult, so obviously max Inlays. We'll be using our TA's for Cull anyway. That leaves 3x points to distribute between Adrenaline Probe, Medical Consult, and Surgical Steadiness. The thing is, M/L is a very energy heavy build, so 2 points in Probe is a no-brainer. Medical Consult simply doesn't give enough bonus with one point to be worth taking, so I'd sink it in Surgical Steadiness. Lethality tree: Deadly Directive - the only channeled skills we'll be using are Kolto Injection, Orbital Bombardment, and maybe Snipe. 10% increase in Shiv damage is vastly superior to 0.08 second casting time decrease to Kolto Injection. You probably won't even notice the effect is there. 2x Flash Powder = your opponent missing a 3k crit on you is pretty gravy. 2x Corrosive Microbes vs. 2x Cutdown. Obviously, whichever you max, the other one gets 1 point. This one's tough. Still haven't decided. 2x License to Kill - gives you a FREE Cull (energy-wise) for every 3x Culls you fire. Needless to say, that is insane. That's not to say you'll only be using that saved energy for Culls, you can use it for anything. With License to Kill, you can use Cull & Sever Tendon for the same cost you'd spend on one Cull alone without LTK. While Adhesive Grenades give you the ability to slow your opponent down from 30m, I'm dropping it because I picked Cybertech.
  7. You're better off sending a ticket in game (bug report), there's approximately 0.1% chance the information from this thread will actually reach the devs.
  8. Go pvp against any heavy armor user @50 without acid blade with your knife attacks, let me know how it goes.
  9. You don't want server transfers, you want BioWare to raise the stupid server caps by 10x. However, it's already too late, and the damage is done. In a few months, servers will be like ghost-towns. End game content, farm gear (which is silly easy). PvP in 3x warzones until you get bored. Unsub.
  10. You're pointing fingers at the wrong party, it's all on EA. EA doesn't give a flying tarp about the gamers (just go take a look at Battlefield Play4Free forums), money is the only thing they care about. If they can make more money at release by pushing the release during a holiday season, they will do it, no matter how badly the game is broken. EA is basically a completely soulless company that will screw players in a heartbeat if it gives them more profit. Why do you think games these days are basically 10x dumbed down versions of games that were released in 2000? It's because the publishers will influence the devs to make the game more "mainstream", so they can make more money. If EA was the sole publisher on the planet, all evolution in games would cease to exist in a heartbeat. You'd only see CoD 11, BF 27, etc... with massive media hype while in reality they're selling you the same game you've already bought, with better graphics. Anything that happens AFTER launch however, is on BW (speed of patches, server caps etc).
  11. It's quite simply put a very bad design choice, I have no clue what BW was smoking when they came up with it. A simple poll on the forums = 95% of the player base would vote against unique legacy. You'll see this in every online game, designers have no clue & are too detached from the game.
  12. For the love of god, fix the "show dark side corruption" option from resetting itself every time you area load (or even quit/star the game). I'm literally on the verge of rerolling my L28 operative simply because DS corruption makes me look worse than pennywise/joker combined. http://i42.tinypic.com/im719d.jpg If I don't want to look like some beaten white trash lady of the night, I have to... 1.) press esc to get to preferences 2.) click the social tab 3.) untick "show DS corruption" checkbox 4.) click apply 5.) tick "show DS corruption" checkbox 6.) click apply 7.) untick "show DS corruption" checkbox 8.) click apply 9.) close preferences ... EVERY TIME after an area load. What's even worse is that Operatives don't really get helmets/masks that cover the face, only stupid goggles. And yes, I have to farg around with the DS checkbox option THREE times just to make it work, because your character avatar next your skill bar doesn't update until you do everything mentioned above. And no, I will not do a 180 with my character personality just because bioware is too lazy for a 10 minute job. I'm literally paying you money to fix these things, so how about you get to it.
  13. What armor is that, and where do you get it? I've been very disappointed with IA armor so far at L28.
  14. Server forums will not be implemented (already confirmed), now there's a worthy topic to QQ about. What a retarded move from BW, and will cost subs guaranteed.
  15. I've read the cap is 10k LS or DS points, and once you hit the cap, it will start subtracting from the opposite tree. Eg, you have 5k LS and DS points and you get 100 DS points = you're now 4900 LS & 5100 DS.
  16. Leveling in swtor is already way too fast. It's very apparent you don't even know the meaning of the word grind. Instead of bothering to actually play the game, just go buy someone's L50 account or cry/whine until all characters start at L50. /solved Btw, leveling is the LEAST of this game's problems. The real problem that WILL hurt this game badly is the low server population cap (resulting in ghost town servers within 3-6 months). You can forget about server merges due to retarded name constraints.
  17. The issue in OP still stands. If anything, you're just validating his point. It's awesome being a jedi guardian/sentinel @50 in pvp gear looking like a half-samurai half-cardboard box.
  18. Community moderators, ever heard of them? Seriously, no server forums = what is BW smoking? What a joke.
  19. Then your list of games must only conclude the likes of Counter-Strike. For an MMO the story is excellent, but pales in comparison to pure single player RPGs.
  20. The first flashpoint was basically a marketing ploy for the weekend beta players.
  21. +1 AFAIK the preferences toggle to disable DS corruption re-enables itself after every area load. This needs to be fixed. I don't even understand why bounty hunters and imperial agents get dark side corruption in the first place, did Jango Fett look like Palpatine? No...
  22. OR Just click the raid frame button->hide frame. Mission accomplished.
  23. Early PvE leveling rotation doesn't really matter. Just keep using Shiv & Stim Boost, shoot things with Overload Shot, throw frags at groups, debilitate/backstab vs. strong and elites. Just keep pressing buttons and you're good.
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