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Everything posted by Crowleyz

  1. No idea if you're trying to defend or disprove something with this statement but it actually just illustrates the point. You forgot to mention making it impossible to interrupt and how you can refresh the cd with a talent;) I'm glad you agree with me though, cheers mate.
  2. I agree, operative healers can be quite awesome if people know how to play them. But compared to a geared up Commando/merc they are playfull little kittens.
  3. So you're talking about a fight spanning easily several minutes here, and also, we're talking about Battlemaster Commandos. A certain Commando on my server was able to hold off 5 players for 2 minutes alone in the basecontrol warzone... can't remember what it's called. Also, Check out: 2v6 there
  4. As Assassin at least, nah can't see any way I can even make a dent in their health. Insane amounts of HP, insane amounts of healing, defensive cds and yeah... really horrible.
  5. Anyone else noticed how completely impossible it is for 2-3 people to kill a good geared Commando healer? Heavy armor, defensive cd's, uninterruptable cd, instant healing etc. What is the point of this? Are you just trying to mock people? Hitting them for 90, 100 and then my biggest attacks CRIT for 500. In the meanwhile they are able to heal about 5-10 times that. This entire class is a freaking gimmick, just horrible how you can actually put this in your game. Even if you by some accident manage to interrupt 3 of their heals in a row, with 2-3 people hitting them, they will have lost aproximately 20-40% hp in that time. Anyway, that's my whine, now to my question. How do you intend to adress this? Now, please understand that I have no personal vendetta here, I'm not interested in attempting to destroy a class that seems to basically be a good concept. I'm only interested in a leveling the playing field so to speak. Some people argue that "Oh Commandos/Mercs are so disadvantaged compared to other healers", and yet they are the ones in heavy armor which, in my experience, piss people off more than any of the other classes. Please understand that this is strictly PvP related, if they are worse at healing in Operations, that's a totally different issue. Honestly, I doubt the classes listed that can supposedly "handle" Commandos/Mercs have much problems with the other two healing classes, probably a lot less. That goes for me as well, there is absolutely no point in going after the Commando healer, I simply can not properly damage him, at best I can distract him from healing others for a very very limited amount of time. And yet, if I do not put pressure on him, he outheals my damage easily. This is how healing should be. Except the healer should actually be killable. Without needing 4-5 people to get him down. Now I understand that Bioware clearly had in mind a "paladin-analogue" if you will when designing this class, but I do feel they have gone slightly overboard here. I do of course understand that there are a lot of different opinions here, and honestly "L2P" is never a good reply to anything. I've been an active PvPer in a myriad of MMO's, even to the point of accepting ingame money for "boosting" others through ratings and whatnot. I will not sit here and claim to be tha ubahgod, if your opinion is that I am the standard to which all badness should be measured, go ahead. However, this class is a bit out of hand at the moment that is my opinion. And I welcome other people's opinion on this matter, wether you agree or not. If you do intend to introduce competitive, rated PvP in this game, you kinda need some semblance of class balance that promotes competitive playing instead of making you the laughing stock of the gaming community. I will freely admit that while watching the Ilum PvP movie after the initial Ilum change was pretty hysterical, but it also made me sad because I knew it would give this game a bad rep to potential players. And something the haters need to understand as well, we don't criticize to be douchebags, we do it because we want the game to improve. Otherwise it's just whining for the sake of whining and that seems like a lot of unecessary whining(especially when people make threads whining about others whining).
  6. Where are they hiding all these people? Prime time has 50 imperials in Ilum and 20 republic at best. The server capacity is freaking joke, world pvp is basically non-existant and warzones are just huttball after huttball after huttball. This on a server which was heavy/full the first weeks after launch. Well gg, you distributed your players over too many servers and apparently mergers aren't gonna happen anytime soon. If only people had some sort of incentive to play republic, quite obvious that most would choose sith tbh.
  7. Now THAT'S constructive criticism for you! ****!
  8. SSD's are incredibly superior to the standard HDD, but if you wait 1 year, or longer, you can buy twice the capacity at half the price. Personally I'm waiting until they release them at a fair price with storage that slightly exceeds what I expect I will be needing(1 TB is probably a lot more than any normal person NEEDS).
  9. Alright update! After 16 wins I finally got my weekly quest complete! And it didn't even require twice the number of wins! Hooray!
  10. Tried that as well. I was not impressed.
  11. 15 wins, still not done. I cannot express how NOT impressed I am.
  12. I'm sure everyone has noticed a massive lag spike every time an area changes faction control in Ilum. Is this because the zone mechanics are poorly coded or could it be that a quest updates for 50+ people all at the same time? In any case, the overview we are currently given of Ilum is severly lacking at the moment. Fills up the quest log and is somewhat poor for quick reference. Also clutters the screen uncessearily. Would it perhaps be possible to make these into area objects that are just present at the top of your screen as it is done in many, many other games? Might help the lag spike issue, might not, I don't have inside information on what's causing that, but I do think that area objectives for everyone is far prefferable to 5 quests which don't really make any sense. Improves the overview, clears up your screen, there really aren't any backsides to this. Shouldn't be extremely hard to implement either.
  13. Dear ignorant douche, All the people that play SWTOR are doing so because they in part do not want to play WoW. I know this is difficult to understand, logic and reasoning are tasks not suited for everyone. Furthermore, comparing a game to a direct competitor, in fact comparing any product to a direct competitor and asking for improvements to bring it up to par, is not a statement that one wishes to own or operate the competing product at all. Quite the contrary, one would not bother making such comparisons if one was not at all interested in continuing to operate the current product that was the basis of the comparison in the first place. While this is by far the most popular arguement in the Fanboi Handbook™, it is highly advised that attempting to maintain individuality and making coherent arguements based on one's own creativity is by far a prefferable solution to following the handbook line by line. That is to say, this arguement is pointless, lazy and does not help improve the game in any way what so ever. If you are indeed happy with your product remaining sub-par compared to the opposing products, one could reasonably argue that you were one of the unfortunates that didn't get handed an appropriate amount of "baggage" when the destination(Earth) was reached. If you wish to redeem yourself, may we suggest showing a certain amount of interest in improving the product for the benefit of current and future customers, so as the product, and in fact the community, can grow and flourish instead of succumbing to a high rate of entropy and decay the likes of similiar products that have been introduced the latest years. Hope this helps, have a pleasant day. Sincerely, Disappointed PS: I am happy to see that a member of the opposition, that is to say, the ninjas, have joined our discussion and uttered his opinions demonstrating his complete lack of any analytical ability what so ever. This only helps further our point and our cause. Thank you.
  14. Just a horrible, too-easy-to-****-you-over system. I know their chief arguement against this is "play with people you know", but honestly, I like meeting new people in MMO's, and a way to do that is by doing Flashpoints with pugs. I've added a new person to my friends list with every Flashpoint I've done, but when some douchebag decides to ruin that by ninjaing stuff it puts a damper on the mood.
  15. See this happen a lot in Flashpoints, people roll on armor which they have absolutely no use for, and claim they are doing it to take the mods out and sell. Or they just say nothing and leave the group instantly. Why haven't you implemented a failsafe for this? WoW has had this for quite a while, in that game you can't roll on armor types that you can't use. Would it really be that hard to make people unable to roll on need armor that is either an armor type you simply can't use, or it has stats you can't utilize at all. Please, put an end to this ninja ********. It's really frustrating, it ruins a lot of fun in the game and the latest incident makes me think twice before joining any Flashpoint group.
  16. This isn't educated, saying so is an outright lie. This is guesstimation at its finest by a person who hasn't played the post-balanced operative. Pointless, rediculous, unecessary and completely fictionbased thread. Arguing that the Operative/Scoundrel class should be left as it is is an insult to the people paying to play this game. In my opinion you have two choices: Balance the Operatives/Scoundrels, or enjoy an overpowered class in an empty game world. Obviously a lot of people choose the latter(and put in excessive crying to emphasize it).
  17. Same, always use the same partition for all games and a seperate one for OS and important progs. Prob is though, you'll get some registry messups if you clear 1 partition and don't reinstall stuff on the other, if it contains a lot of programs etc. If it's only media it doesn't matter.
  18. On a seperate but related topic, my female Sith Assassin with PvP gear makes me feel like a weird humanoid peacock.
  19. I really don't understand why everyone goes 2 points into Thrashing Blades rather than Charge Mastery. With Surging Charge, EVERY ATTACK except discharge will get 6% armor reduction. Every single attack. Instead of boosting one attack slightly that is only a filler you use for better shock when discharge is on CD, Duplicity is not up and you can't use Assassinate. Other than that it's pretty much the same specc I use, really enjoying the double shocks, especially after getting the PvP set bonus, makes for some hardcore burst.
  20. If you want a headset that'll last for years, being able to take massive amounts of beating and giving you extremely good sound all at once, you can't go wrong with Sennheiser. Might cost a little more, but it's definately worth it. I've had my Sennheiser PC 350 for about 4 and a half years. It's been tossed around, stepped on, thrown into a wall countless times, fallen on the floor twice as much, survived 2 trips to the us stuffed in a bag and other general harassement. It still functions perfectly.
  21. This just hearsay. I see it happen just as much wether it's 6 goals or 3 goals or just 1 goal. This rumour has caused people to farm the other team at 5-0 for 5+ minutes, and that's not good at all...
  22. Based on that video I'd say you'll suck at every class you play. But still, making a video playing like crap to try to get them to buff your class... Really? We are resorting to this now?
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