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Everything posted by Crowleyz

  1. Whenever I see these thread titles I imagine someone with a head looking like Pacman going "AHBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAH!" with really exaggerated facial motions. Strange.
  2. Ye was super fun, stood at republic base and did aoe with 4 fps(on a brand new computer) and got 4k valor in 25 mins. Working as intended.
  3. I opened 8 or 9 yesterday and got a headpiece that I already had. I also have 3x implants and 4x boots. My solution: Cancelled sub. Last day of swtor today!
  4. They're arguing about real life physics in a fictional universe that has lighsabers for gods sakes. An xwing fighter in this fictional universe could dive into a black hole, pick up the little man with the flashlight looking for the circuit breaker and fly back to Tatooine for drinks within 0,000001 nanoseconds. And the mounts in this game would still be piss slow.
  5. Ok, since I got the headpiece I've opened another 8 bags from daily/weekly/commendation, got nothing. So, that's it for me, I am done. Cancelled sub, have fun guys.
  6. Crowleyz

    Operatives and PvP

    You do manage to see them more than once in each warzone you know.
  7. They have so many pvpers because there's not much else to do at lvl 50.
  8. Just ignore those people They either rage or blame buffstacking, which is not the root of the problem at all.
  9. Crowleyz

    Operatives and PvP

    Please understand, the issue is not getting killed while cc'd, it's getting taken down from 100% to 0% by 1 player, playing 1 specific class. Edit: And the buffstacking is not the only issue here. Most of the operatives I meet don't have any other buffs than their own and from teammates, the problem goes deeper than that.
  10. Crowleyz

    Operatives and PvP

    Well they probably wouldn't pop out and go for a full hp assassin if their cd's aren't ready, but even so they kill me in 1 knockdown so it wouldn't make much of a difference. Thing is, a lot of people are angry, and what you're basically saying here is that they absolutely no reason to be angry. People do not enjoy getting killed in 1 cc. Quite simply, we're getting leraped with absolutely no way to counter it, unless the trinket is ready and even then it's quite dodgy if you have even the slightest chance at survival. Competitive pvp simply cannot function like that. Early in vanilla wow, a warrior with arcanite reaper could oneshot people during the charge stun. It was changed. And operatives need changing too. If they need some sort of compensation, by all means give it to them. Give them sprint, give them more hp, give them anything within reason to make up for it. But having a class capable of killing people in 1 cc = gamebreaking, and not fun for anyone except the people who play that class.
  11. Crowleyz

    Operatives and PvP

    It is possible if your vanish and cloak of shadows analogue is ready, that is to say Force Shroud and Force Cloak, as well as your pvp "trinket" or Unbreakable Will as it's called. And you need all of them ready in order to have a chance. And in warzones, that's usually not the case. I'm not saying they are impossible to beat, but their burst damage is just so far above us. Like I said, made a thread asking if any assassin had ever gotten the 5k single hit medal, and the only possible way is by insane buff stacking. That doesn't seem fair to me.
  12. Crowleyz

    Operatives and PvP

    That's sorceror, not assassin. Highest assassin proper crit I've heard of was 4,6k or something by someone with mostly battlemaster gear. Even made a thread asking if any assassins had ever gotten the 5k single hit medal without insane buff stacking. So far, no.
  13. Crowleyz

    Operatives and PvP

    Hello, I'm an assassin. I have 5-6 champion pieces, my highest crit ever is 3.7k. Justify that in regards to operatives. I don't have any healing abilities. Justify that in regards to operatives. I can't blind people for 8 seconds. Justify that in regards to operatives. If my trinket isn't ready when an operative knocks me down from stealth, I die. When I knock someone down from stealth, I'm lucky if I take 40% of their hp. Justify that in regards to operatives. You're talking alot about stealth detection. You realise of course that such abilities have cooldowns? You realise of course that they are possible to avoid? You realise of course that without stealth detection, killing a level 50 in 1 knockdown is kind of extreme?
  14. Crowleyz

    Operatives and PvP

    Everyone knows it's over the top and trying to justify it is just silly.
  15. That has to be the worst pvp video I've ever seen. 9 minutes of attacking from stealth with the exact same skills used.
  16. Tom and Bob are part of a guild consisted of friends that really want to kill stuff, and aren't nitpickers when it comes to showing up. They just play the game to have fun.
  17. Last 10 bags I've opened has yielded: My 2nd champion headgear piece! Seen people with 10-15 less pvp levels having a full set of gear for gods sakes.
  18. Is this honestly so hard to understand? Obviously they respecc to fill different roles. Example: "Hey, we're gonna do an operation now Bob, could you go healer?" "Yeah sure, always happy to help out" *respecc* "Tom showed up Bob, his healing gear is a bit better than yours, would you mind going dps for the rest of the operation?" "Yeah sure!"*respecc* 2 hours laters "Bob, come heal us in pvp dude!" "On my way guys!"*respecc* 1 hours later: Bob wants to do his daily quests, but sadly they take a long time for him in healing specc, so he switches to dps again *respecc* After finishing his daily quests, Bob tries to find a group for flashpoints, but everyone is looking for healers, noone wants a dps! *respecc* (This happens 3-4 nights a week when Bob plays with his friends) So judging by the comments in this thread, it is wrong to want to enjoy all the roles your class can fill without going broke. It is wrong to be able to step up and help your friends in different roles on a daily basis.
  19. +1 qft And don't be mad at poor carbocat. You can't expect much from someone who says stuff like this: Much sadness there
  20. Young padawan, you must not rage before you research.
  21. Any assassin gotten this yet(With actual assassin attacks of course)? Never been above 3,5k myself(only 126 rated wep atm), but I saw a lvl 45 scoundrel get it(yes they get buffed but they don't have champ gear). Highest I've gotten against me is 9k(guess from what class... LOL) Best I've heard from the sins on my server is 4,3k. So a little bit under half of the highest Scoundrel/Operative hit on me. What is the deal here? I simply cannot fathom what was going through people's heads when they made these classes.
  22. The least they could do is make Huttball impossible if it's a Republic vs Empire warzone, lord knows we get enough Huttball against our own faction.
  23. So after moping about Ilum some more it seems quite clear that faction balance at this moment is a complete failure. And is anyone really surprised? Empire seems to appeal to a lot more players than the Republic(yours truly included). And what is the difference between them, purely gameplay wise? Nothing... All classes, all skills, absolutely everything is the exact mirror image of the equalent in the opposing faction, which the exception of the names. Does anyone else find this extremely carebear and boring? MMO developers seem to be deathly afraid of diversifying anything. Now, I know there are loads of people fired up and ready to present the arguement: "It's about balance". Which is why I call it carebear. At this time there is absolutely no incentive to make more people pick the Republic faction, which is desperately needed for PvP in this game to be anything else than game upon game of Huttball. If an MMO developer were to actually say: "Look, this faction gets this stuff, and this faction gets this stuff, we will do our best to balance it, but we don't want you to be exactly the same", would that be such a bad thing really? Diversity is fun in my opinion, and I'd rather have a lot of that and a few angry people than a game where one faction is seemingly dead. At this moment there are over 50 imperials in the pvp area in Ilum, and there are about 4-5 republic. Yes it is the middle of the day, but that applies to both factions. I know it is way too late to do anything about it now, just something to think about.
  24. HM Flashpoints was a big disappointment imo.
  25. A discussion is never completely retarded until someone presents this arguement +1 for imagination and advocating that less people play the game. Please, do not leave! Stay!
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