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Everything posted by Dovahbrah

  1. Dovahbrah

    Re-rolling Imp

    Someone hasn't played many MMOs.
  2. Dovahbrah

    Re-rolling Imp

    Not seeing the logic in this. If you find good players, you should win. Problem solved.
  3. Dovahbrah

    Re-rolling Imp

    Make your own premade?
  4. 30%? Rofl. Where do you people get these numbers. Blows my mind.
  5. Dovahbrah

    500k+ DMG Club!

    Because the other classes are so much harder.
  6. Strong placebo effect. I bet that 1% boost was huge.
  7. Lol if you think that's truly how a (good) commando plays. Good commandos will use every skill on their quick slots. If they just turret with grav rounds, then 1) they're bad, and 2) you're bad for letting him turret in the first place.
  8. I've already stated that it sucks for low levels to fight against level 50s. I'm not disputing that. If they separate the 50s into their own bracket though, queues will get much worse for them. It's lose-lose. They make brackets and queues will grow exponentially; they leave it as is, and the lowbies will complain. However, the lowbies won't be lowbies forever, and most rational people will realize that they shouldn't base their PvP experience off of their early levels. Plus, you're automatically assuming that whenever a lowbie queues, they won't be matched up with any 50s on their own side. From my experience, it's usually balanced out, with each side having their fair share of low-levels and 50s. So no, just because you face 50s, it does not automatically follow that you have virtually no chance of winning whenever you queue.
  9. Oh please. Does it suck to be a low-level against 50s? Yes. But if they give 50s their own queue, queues will take exponentially longer, and you'll be back here complaining about that next. They can't win whether they make brackets or not. 400,000 subscribers? Lawls. Strong overreaction. A few hundred thousand subscribers if they don't make another warzone? Please. Who's the little kid again?
  10. Absolutely not. Brb spamming 1-3 buttons to victory, whether it was PvP or PvE.
  11. Because people are insecure and want to justify their purchase/the game they're playing.
  12. This is what most people say. If it's true, I wish some luck would come my way.
  13. Not true from my experience. Republic might have some solid players, but from early morning hours to late evening, we probably lose 70-80% of our games. It's ridiculous. Takes hours to get the daily done. We usually do well at night time though.
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