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Everything posted by Elmerpl

  1. I wouldn't be so sure about TOR dying next summer, they said the same about WoW when Terra, SW:TOR and some other were coming out. Sure WoW lost some subs and all but it's still holding strong and not likely to die (new expansion coming soon). It's the same for SW:TOR, sure the fan base is not as large, but there is enough of people to sustain the game for a long time, so don't worry about it. But I digressed from the topic. As for the OP idea, sure, I'd love to see the game looking/performing better and so on, but changing the whole game engine is just as easy as transplanting a whole skeleton in a living being and hoping for it to live after the operation and grow around a new bone structure. Much easier to just have a good F***, smoke a cig and hope that in 9 months something new and awesome will pop out
  2. Many of us have gathered quite a lot of mounts/pets while playing the game and now have quite a collection on main, I propose a new ability that would allow the game to randomly choose mount/pet upon clicking. There would need to be couple of new options for that for the mount one especially, those simplest could just be check boxes that allow you to choose if you want to use your whole collection or only 90/100/110 speed mounts (I know that most people would use only 110, and that is logical, but let's leave the room for everybody). In more advanced options we could have a roster of available mounts that we can choose ourselves which mounts would be put into "mount" option. Oh and no, no upscaling any mounts so all can be 110 or anything like that, this one would just be QOL change.
  3. Wait, I may be mistaken but isn't it like, armoring from boots can go to any other boots shell in the game, head slot armoring goes to any head slot shell and so on? (I mean the high end ones, not those typical that can go everywhere) if so than there is a reason for that, for example some pieces of gear are worth more comms than others while having the same grade of armoring, it's an anti exploit mechanics. On the other hand if it's like you suggest that the specific armoring can only fit in the shell it came with than I am all for it.
  4. I'd love to see f-wielding companion for my non force toons, it bugged me from the very start, why is there no jedi companion for smuggler or sith one for bounty hunter, that could be a lot of fun, especially since jedi/sith crews are not composed of f-users only.
  5. You troll... I was about to get in here and go all "BW made one huge mistake with allowing you to play the game" on you, since I like GSF so much, and than you trolled me, well played sir, well played... ok back to my strike fighter.
  6. I guess most of people missed the OP point (or I missed theire, it's 6 am and I'm trying to stay awake), s/he not talking about GSF, which by the way gave me a vertigo couple of times, but about the normal rail shooting space missions. As for those, sorry OP, never experienced that there, just a bit of frustration when I wasn't prepared for the turn and hit the obstacles, especially in those bloody asteroid fields.
  7. It is called mailbox, seriously, charges aren't that high. But in all seriousness, not to be just a troll, I know what you are getting at, it would be nice to be able to keep all your crafting materials from all toons in one place, but it would end up with everyone just having one of each crafter toon and rest of alts being gatherers, in the end it would have a bad influence on economics (not that they are in a peachy condition right now), I know that some will say that going to mailbox and mailing mats is not such a big thing and it would change nothing, sure, but if so, why do so many ppl cry about legacy bank? TLDR: nope
  8. How about this, you get flagged for pvp only if you heal/buff/whatever flaged player who is or have been in pvp combat in last 20s, yes it would mean that a skilled enemy could start combat with a flagged player from your group just as you finish casting your heal and get you flagged in a process, but still it's better than getting flagged just as soon as you heal even in pve, 20s mark (in a debuff section) would be enough for anyone to reengage combat, so there would be no - drop out of fight quick heal and back at it again.
  9. I usually am strongly against making things legacy bound, but this time, OP made a good point, since the GSF is basically a side game, and has no real impact on the "ground" game, I see no reason not to make it legacy and faction bound, only advantage that could give to an alt is a faster way to make exp and couple of credits, and lets be serious, exp and 5-7k credits per fight is a lot for a first timers but is not even a pocket money for those with high lvl toons. The only thing that would have to be changed than would be daily/weekly for GSF that would have to be legacy and faction bound, as in taking daily on one toon would make it unavailable for any other of your toons, it would be to avoid exploiting reloging and doing it multiple times since the reward would end up being legacy bound.
  10. General chat - [1] - is faction only as far as I know, /s - say is crossfaction.
  11. They will stay equipped but you will lose all the stats, including your damage, but don't worry you won't get to many LS points romancing Vette, not in her conversations at least, but you will have to gain her affection by force feeding her with gifts, since most DS choices in game tend to get her to like you less.
  12. Just my 2 p about shuttles, almost all of them from Belsavis up will give you option to move between daily zones freely without boarding your ship and going to other planets.
  13. Hard to say, try grinding mobs in daily areas and selling the loot. I read somewhere that with a good bioanalisis skill you can get some rare high level bio mats from mobs in some areas, but no such info for archeo I'm afraid. Instead you can go to lower level worlds and try resource grinding and selling them on GTN. Not many ppl do that and there is always a moderate demand for those mats from ppl crafting items for alts and/or power leveling their crafting skill.
  14. To clear things a bit more there is a bit of difference between "channeling" and "casting", but pushback applies to both: Casting - the bar have to fill up full than the skill takes effect, for example "Dark Heal", pushback: when you are struck the bar goes back a bit thus making you cast the spell longer. Channeling - you deal damage or heal for the duration of bar filling for example "Innervation" or "Masterstrike" those skills usually have "tics" in which the deliver healing/damage for example in 3 seconds of channeling you get 3 tics of healing so it end up in 1 tic per second, pushback: pushes the bar further thus ending the skill quicker but does not give additional tics - example: same skill as above, you get struck, the bar goes forward you only get 2 seconds of channeling = 2 tics instead of 3.
  15. Tatooin, jawa next the sandcrawler north of the spaceport, that is for the pubs not sure for the imps.
  16. Using vibroblade is viable for juggernaut/guardian, that I can say for 100% since I'm using one, that is because non of their skills require a lightsaber to use, since sage/sorcerer don't use their flashlights my guess would be that they can change into non light based weapons as well (but they're not much of a melee class), the story is different with assassin/shadow, since some of the skills they use have "require a double lightaber" in description so not using one you would be giving yourself a handicap. As for maras/sents I have no idea.
  17. To all but stat bonus does not stack so if you finish Khem and Quizen you only get +1% because they are both tanks, what stack is a presence bonus, and as in example if you would have them both completed you get 12+12=24 presence bonus.
  18. That would be a good idea, since english is a basic foreign language taught in most schools in those countries, most ppl tend to join english speaking servers for at least some basic communication but since their level of understanding and fluency leaves much to wish for they end up gathering in their own communities and usually stop even trying to get along with others, it pains me even more since some of them are my countryman. Lack of a proper netiquette is one of the plagues of most MMOs this days. Still, trying to close servers for everyone except for those whose native language is english would be even worse, it's an open game for everyone to enjoy, I fully support you in idea of making those servers, but for now you'll just have to ignore those ppl.
  19. with cartel market it's a bit different, in game colorcoding got nothing to do with item rarity in there, for cartel items you have silver and gold cartel icon in the lower left of item icon
  20. Next time someone threatens you follow this steps: 1. Say no. 2. Laugh 3. Wait for them to "burn you to the ground" by undercutting your price, the more the better 4. Buy out their stock at low price 5. Put it back on your price 6. ??? 7. Profit!
  21. in the end, non, but most green modables are for companions only (don't remember if I came across any pc usable one) and orange ones are usable by all, if they are proficient in that kind of equipment.
  22. for subs its ~300 for 1 lvl, ~8k for 2nd and I can vaguely remember sth around 50k for the last, but those might be mistaken, haven't played in a while
  23. Unless you are a ranged class, then once you start casting it will hit even if the guy gets behind you (unless you loose LOS before they finish)... bloody snipers, but yeah I know if they would have to face you all the time they would have a snowball chance in hell to hit ppl who club them to death up close.
  24. In short, get all the datacrons you can, not only does it give you stat boost (some count more than other) but you also get a exp points for every datacron you find, and hey, free exp is good for you.
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