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Everything posted by Samcuu

  1. Name names then. I've seen one person say this and he's a gsf player. The afk thing isn't actually an issue in warzones because the weekly takes far more games played than GSF for example. There were two players I can think of that were known as serial afkers in wzs and they've both been banned. Again it's probably much more of an issue in GSF because it's far easier to get the weekly there than in wzs, and takes much less time if it's popping. Not to be rude but I feel like you have no clue about pvp in this game because pvpers don't care about conquest. I'm in pvp guilds who don't even set conquest targets lol. They are in pvp to kill other players that's basically it and they'd be in there regardless of how much conquest you get for doing it. More ppl have started playing in the last year but I don't feel like it's a conquest thing, more because of the seasons track and the rewards from the vendor for pvp tokens. There are far better ways to gain conquest than go afk in a wz. I've already broken down the time it takes. If ur putting ur team at a disadvantage u are going to lose a lot. You need 12 losses in matches that average about 12 minutes, not considering time u wait in queue. So do the math, even on the conservative side its gonna take 3 hours for maybe 200 - 250k conquest. Plus all the toxicity you experience when ur afk in a match. You can gain the same amount of points if not more from actually doing things in game u might enjoy, and also being able to spread the conquest points out to more toons.
  2. I care far less about the conquest points than this exact point. You mentioned the term micro-managing which is exactly what it is. Ppl were logging in to play the game and enjoying conquest because it wasn't too overbearing as far as time demands are concerned. Again the decision to do it is one thing but the thought process behind it is far more alarming to me. Swtor is in a sad state, pvp is completely ignored for example, we can't even get class balancing, and we've got the devs over here concerning themselves with busy work as opposed to ya know actually making the game better...please get ur priorities straight and start making changes that benefit us instead of being obsessive about stuff like this thats mostly inconsequential besides of course alienating your player base😬😬
  3. I dont think there's an actual answer to this because it's all situational. Does your friend have a bunch of lvl 80 toons? If so he can farm the conquest get to 100k on all his toons and get the 200 conquest comms and the buy the fp-1 gear. You turn in 2k conquest comms for 400 fp-1s. If you upgrade a belt for example (which I think is the cheapest item) it's like 170 fp1s for an upgrade. So you will need to get to 6,800 conquest comms to fully upgrade a lvl 324 blue all the way to 340 blue. So it's gonna take a while no matter what. I think the absolute fastest way to go would probably be to do a ton of GSF (or pvp but gsf weeklies take less time) get a couple pieces of gear to 336, unlock the 336 enhancements/mods first, and then run flashpoints to get a higher level blue gear drop. Then you would only have to upgrade it two times to get a 340 blue piece. I know u said no OPs but for the 340 purple it's the same idea, join a nim nefra group get the higher level rakata drop from that boss and upgrade it twice.
  4. Which server do u play on? I think most of the time the hm/nim ops are reserved for mostly guilds because yeah they aren't necessarily pug friendly. I pug my way into the nim nefra and nim dash groups to tank and usually they are easy to clear but a whole operation is a different story.
  5. Ahh apologies I was wrong about that, but no conquest objectives for finishing the dailies right?
  6. I was having a chat with my friend the other day, a former sub who only hops on to pvp with me for an hour or two a week. And he was saying how much he enjoyed 5.0 era because of Ossus. The new area designed to gear up and get people playing the new content, and mentioned it still felt like an mmo back then. His opinion is that 6.0 was a big mistake because they introduced the gearing track for simply just playing old recycled content, (which ppl to this day still swear it was great because "Play your own way".) This is when hammer station spam became a thing. Ruhnuk was a nice new shiny area that had a rep track and iirc has good conquest points for finishing dailys, manaan was similar, but u can't get there on all ur alts unless u spend a ton of time grinding story. Since then they've released a new daily area on Voss, and a new daily area on Ord Mantell with no real reason to go there. No conquest for finishing dailies, no reputation, just story. If I were BS I'd allow players to now jump to at least the manaan area of the story and allow all their toons to be able to access those conquest points without having to play an insane amount of story. At least that way you'd have toons you could run through the dailies for conquest points in lieu of the old rep token thing.
  7. Sounds like they should have replaced the old crafting gear with this stuff as opposed to just throwing them on a vendor. That way the ppl who craft stuff can be thrown a bone and then it could go up on the gtn as a credit sink with the fees? Also would be easier to collect a set for ppl interested than being frustrated with pure rng.
  8. First off if ur not a subscriber I think u get locked out of the main forums, but can post in the new player help area only. Second, I think the class you are describing is lethality operative, you should have the all the attacks you mentioned, lethal strike, shiv, and noxious knives which is the conal aoe attack. Hit P to bring up your abilities and if they aren't in ur quick bar u can drag and drop them from the abilities tab. I think the only choice u have to make in the "skill tree" is the stun called debilitate. So you'll need to go make sure you have that skill chosen if you want it. Pull up ur character page by hitting k, and go to the combat styles tab. It will show u the 3 diff specs for operative, make sure you are on lethality. The choices are there on the right hand side, read through the trees and decide which abilities you like.
  9. They added this blue cosmetic gear but it was dropping at too high of a rate apparently. I've noticed I started getting gear with stats on it again more often hope its fixed for you now.
  10. This is partially true but not completely. There are plenty of guilds who exist purely for pvp. Im open to helping ppl learn but a lot of ppl simply don't care or take it as disrespect if you try to give them some tips. Nobody likes being told they are doing something wrong whether it be gearing wise or just playing a class. I've helped several people learn how to improve their play for certain classes, but they weren't strangers they were ppl in guilds (mostly conquest guilds) who were showing an interest in pvp, and were open to learning. Of course it was much easier to reach out to an acquaintance in discord for example, rather than a complete stranger in game. So basically I think it's more of a lack of players who really enjoy pvp. If you enjoyed the mode I would think you'd reach out to players you notice doing well in warzones or who are grouped and asking for tips, or to group up. I'm sure there are elitists that would decline, but I think most ppl would be welcoming as long as the person is willing to learn. Most of the time when I reach out to a person in a wz that I see either not geared properly, or just doing something strange, I'm usually told something along the lines of "I don't really care I'm just a casual player."
  11. If ur in a full premade with hand holding from a tank/healer then yeah most specs can slap in the right hands. However if ur solo queue it can be rough without a full tool kit. To ppl who have played in previous expansions you really feel it. 8 man's with like 5 dps focusing kinda exasperated the issue as well.
  12. Can't u just bump one of the other 35,000 posts you've made saying the same thing?
  13. Spot on post. Go through the different versions of the game and you've always had an overpowered class or two, in fact throughout the entire time mmos have been a thing classes are unbalanced and they always will be. The way you combat that if ur a dev is balancing the classes more often. I've played dot operative since around 3.0 and it had always been one of the worst classes in the game. In 6.0 it became a monster and in true swtor fashion they didn't fix it for about 3 years. That's far too long, especially when u consider one of the reasons it was broken was because the Viral Elements tactical wasn't working as intended. Again took them 3 years plus to fix lol.
  14. I dont think the most logical solution is merging servers because there are logistical issues with that for example ppl losing their character slots that they paid for, and also losing character names. Some ppl enjoy playing on a lesser populated server as well. Imo the most logical solution is cross server queues for stuff like pvp, which honestly shouldn't be hard to do both servers are located on the east coast of NA. Maybe would he harder to get sv and dm involved with that but you'd think it wouldn't be too difficult for the NA servers.
  15. I dont disagree, it's not an efficient way to achieve conquest but I don't pvp for cp, I pvp because it's the thing I most enjoy in game. So my point was if you have a bunch of different toons u pvp on and u switch when u hit the 100k goal, you could easily get maybe 8 to 10 toons done in a week if you are just in game enjoying the thing you like to do. Yes it takes a bit of planning but the points are there. I do have conquest only toons that I never pvp on that I use the dailies and heroics to hit the 100k goal on, and that basically takes me an hour a day to get two toons done. Again if I had more time to play I could probably get 3 done a day but yeah that's a grind cuz most of the easy point objectives u can only do once a day. So 30 toons is definitely doable if you can play often imo.
  16. Nah I don't think it's actually that hard. If you actually enjoy pvp and it's ur main activity you can get conquest just from playing matches. If you hit ur weekly and move on to another toon you could probably get a lot of chars done in a week. I actually have time constraints and I play for like an hour a day average and can finish 12 - 14 toons without pvp. In a week where I actually have time to play I can hit like 1m conquest on a toon just from pvping on the weekend.
  17. I've already said this in another thread but it applies here as well. This is how bioware have trained their players to play their game. They don't release new content. I've seen you say before game developers have to trick their players into having fun. Okay show me the content they've released that can trick me, I'm willing to try it πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ For a raider they've released 2 raids since 2019, one doesn't even have a nim mode. For pvpers they introduced one arena map while taking away ranked, typical one step forward two steps back. The story/space barbie players get more attention than most and even then they get a 30 minute story and a daily area every 5 months or so. So even if what you are saying is true, the game is wanting for any type of real content regardless. The devs know that, it's why they set up these hamster wheels like conquest, and galactic seasons where they recycle their decade old content. It's why they decided to raise the gear rating in the middle of expansions because in their minds gear grind is content lol. So what do the players do? They play what they are given, and sadly the little things like hitting 2m conquest with only 2 people in a guild constitutes a mini game within the game to keep ppl having fun. In short we have to create our own content because the devs give us next to none. At this point the end game population are hard core swtor lifers, most likely because they have so much time invested. Takes a lot to chase those types of ppl away but it feels like the devs are trying πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  18. What do u mean they don't matter? Do you mean they are like color crystals and don't actually add to your stats in a wz? Or do you mean you don't think the extra stats u gain from augs actually give u an advantage?
  19. People aren't going afk in warzones for conquest points, they are most likely doing it for the pvp season. It honestly doesnt happen very often, i played all weekend long and only noticed afkers at the end of a match if it was a blowout loss. But im a bit iffy on the logic that it would be a good way to earn cp regardless. First off you are going to lose a good majority if you are sticking ur team in a 3 v 4 or 7 v 8 situation. Which means let's say u actually win half the matches, which is being very generous for the sake of the argument. That's 6 warzones which take roughly 15 minutes plus the queue time. So 2 plus hours, or more if ur losing, for like 230k conquest. There are for more efficient ways to afk for that much conquest like for example GSF, which would take half the time. Of course maybe gsf doesn't pop as often. You can easily get two toons to 100k in an hour or less so to me it's just not an efficient way to do it. Not saying it doesn't happen but I just don't think it has anything to do with conquest.
  20. First thing I would recommend is opening up the Hyde and zeek vendors to at least 336 so u can get the enhancement/armorings/mods. Its far easier to min max your gear that way especially if you are going to want two different sets one for jugg and one for sorc. The augments can get u to the exact stats u want, but being able to mix and match which armorings and mods u need, makes it far easier to get closer to that threshold. Especially considering the other option is gear with stats baked in and the stats will definitely not be optimal if ur just throwing on any gear you get from drops or the pvp vendor. For jugg I'd say go like 4.5k crit, 2.2k alacrity and then stack Mastery/power. For sorc you will need at least 3.6k alacrity, more depending on ur play style. I go higher alacrity on sorc, and less crit, playstyles will vary. Some ppl go higher crit and less on mastery/power, it's really down to how u feel u are performing. I dont use accuracy for pvp on sorc, or many of the specs I play. Some ppl swear by it, because it does prevent u from missing certain attacks (white dmg so on jugg it could be more important, and on mara completely necessary). Again it's a playstyle decision tbh, but I also don't play jugg often in pvp so maybe someone can chime in on that. I see ppl using accuracy on operative and again I go with other stats and forgo the 1k accuracy u have to dedicate to get to the threshold. So to sum it up open up the Hyde zeek vendor stack whatever stat u want with the enhancements first, and then min max with the augments.
  21. Wait Wait wait. In order to advance the stronghold story you have to do those 3 flashpoints?? Yikes 😬😬 I thought the whole point of galactic seasons and adding so many different objectives was so people can play the content they want and ignore the things they don't like and still finish the season. Then they actual go an add a mission like this that is imperative to advancing the story? First off it completely flies in the face of how they say their season is supposed to be played and secondly its just MASSIVELY lazy. Agree totally with prior posts about the story being very lackluster for season 5 but at least it was original content. Just another instance of them recycling old content because they simply don't release anything new/interesting. Getting away from the companion carrot was also a terrible idea imo. Grinding the whole season for a companion made sense because companions especially lvl 50 comps, are at least useful. Copero is a beautiful stronghold, but can someone tell me exactly how it's useful in relation to the countless other sh's I already possess? I'm a white knight for the devs and in the past have defended a lot of the decisions they've made, but I'm running out of excuses now to defend some of this stuff πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  22. That's why the old system of introducing new rep tracks seemed to fit with conquest like a glove. Seasons is on more times than not in a calendar year btw. The devs disagree tho because the fomo aspect is considered "dark pattern game design", which I disagree with personally but many have made that argument on these forums.
  23. Comparing the warzone conquest point total is a bad comparison because to get to the 150k you have to finish a weekly. If you win half the matches you have to play 6 warzones, which is 15 minutes each plus wait time in the queue. So maybe 2 hours or so? I can get around 200k cq in an hour running daily areas and heroics while doing crafting and whatever random non combat missions they give. Pvp racks up the conquest because it also grants you group finder points. I think conquest from pvp is balanced perfectly fine let's not give them ideas on more nerfs for conquest thanks πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  24. Sounds like that 43k conquest is gone and not coming back according to Musco. My suggestion would be to make the rampage objective and the finish 10 heroic objective a weekly thing instead of seeing those once in a blue moon.
  25. This is an interesting paragraph. You see a lot of ppl mention in here that they are/were doing conquest on 12 to 20 toons per week. In order to get that much conquest points you have to do old content eventually even after u turn in ur rep token for 50k. So ppl are apparently fine doing the old content, however there has to be a fine line you can't cross. I think about the old adage of the mule pulling the cart with the carrot dangling in front of him. There has to be a reward or nothing will get done. I think the issue is they've crossed the line of the work u have to put in for the reward. I've already related my anecdote, which is doing about 12 toons a week. That 50k you used to get was a nice big head start, so doing a few daily areas and heroics I've done countless times didn't feel as much of a grind as it does now. That bar feels agonizingly slow these days and it's not a good feeling which is clearly turning off a lot of players. Having said that I don't think new content would change things. There's new daily areas like Manaan and Ruhnuk which I completely skip..in fact I've never done the dailies at all in those areas because as a true mmo'er many times we take the path of least resistance. I'm there to finish conquest so I'm going to do cz and ossus because it takes me 10 minutes and I get plenty of conquest in a short amount of time. Again I just feel like the devs aren't in touch with their player base. I know there used to be a program where they'd take recommendations from their more "influencer" type players with YouTube channels or who stream. Not so sure if that's still a thing, but with them making decisions like these maybe they should start getting recommendations from ppl who are playing the game on a consistent basis.
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