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Everything posted by Pazernus

  1. bolster would indeed be teh wrong way to go.but still its not the right way to go either to let the "elite" play with the starter geared players. and your whole tbh seems to be "im gonna diss others who dont do premades so i can get my free wins". you claim there is no games if it was premade vs premade only, yet both sides surelly has more than 1 premade team on each server doing them. and if you cant get fights as premade "autowin" group then isnt it time you start to queue as non premade and actually, learn more than mere speed baiting people to 3-4 ships camps? :> the whole point is that the system is dying off cause there is no ranked mode, or any other that would take the geareds out from non geared. its like the normal pvp would be without bolstering. you just got no chance vs premades if you face them unless you are premade also, wich is exactly why there should be different queue for premade and non premade. premades ruins everything for non premades fun factor wise in format thats ment to be -fun- not -competitive- since it aint got ranked system. and you dont need to have full premades either, you even get 2-3 man friend teams there too to premade queus who queued to gether so you wouldnt need to worry of 2not getting games". so either tier it out somehow, or just toss premades to their own dam queue's. and "oyur force to do new toons for non premade queues" everyone earns points each game they do, they WILL eventually get past the "tier" treshold. or are you implying with the "then i need to make low level chars for the games" that you need to do premades on alts vs newbies who just starts it while you would otherwise know enough well of the game to be on the higher end side to win?
  2. its not that "everytime i lose it has to be premade on enemy side", its that every loss is agains -same- premade of people. same guys game to game that always ends up in hard loss. and yeah sure pub groups can stomp too against other pubs, but if its fully upgraded premade like this 1 that seems to be the only active group on activehours doing gsf in this server along with the 1-2 random in each of the games, its kinda impossible for pubs to even challenge them, let alone stomp.
  3. but thats kinda the whole problem about it. if you add voip to gsf, you can imagine what random trolls will do about it, so thats far from possible solution much as viable if it had easy form of muting others in i even while flying like tab to open menu and jsut click name to mute it. and i dont agree really with the whole idea of "if you got issues with premades, premade your self". in my opiniot noone should be forced to look for group, if they just wants ot have casual fun in the game, let it be trough gsf or pvp and just do it day to night if they wants without needing to find group for it, just cause you keep losing when enemy team is premade. cause everyone just wants ot have the fun without needing to be too competitive or serious about it to have the need for ranked games or premades for the "better team work". premade should be basicly only for ranked games, where competitive behavior does count for something ratherthan for mere stomping random groups :3
  4. im TIRED of this crap thats going in gsf. you cant win a single dam game when every fight you get premades with 100% upgrades against your random groups who coordinates trough chat programs to get perfect teamwork, while your side can just bite the dust hoping its fast loss. its FAR from fun when you have 0% chance to win when your against 100% upgraded premade who's mere scout ships can 2 shot your side ships with their missiles. so please, add some form of tiered system that after you used x ammount of requisition that you cant get queued against those who has 0-x ammount used, say 30-40k used for ships overall would be fair point to limit the no upgrades from full upgrades, to keep it somewhat fair. and make it so, that premades can ONLY go against other premades. it kills the fun of doing gsf when all you get against you all day long is premade after premade team wich is doomed to your side's lost on my server (progenitor) unless you play on really dead hours, when you only get one game each 1-2 hours.
  5. lvl 11 doesnt even have spaceship....unless someone boosted them trough quests -.-
  6. threatening to leave your self, wont matter a ****. they loses mere 15 e a month, out of millions. its like you would go ask for higher payment from your work boss, and when turned down on the request, you tell them that you wont work before you get more money. what will they do? ofcourse fires you. mere 1 person acting like that, wont work. adding your whole guild to it, doesnt really matter either, as its mostlikely just ********. and anyway, lvl 11, on 48 chest? i dont know about you, but my lvl 25 sage, had 1 hell of a run around corellia getting holocron, cause of the agro ranges. now you clain lvl 11 person, is able to afk there, take the chests, without monsters even noticing then? cause i have yet to find out of instance chest, that isnt guarded by group of monsters :> let alone bot smart enough to avoid monsters locations and move without drawing agro, let alone with that lvl chars agro range. so perhaps supply a screenshot of the location of the chest with the chest? cause surelly it wont spawn to same spot that fast, as they random spawns all around :>
  7. welli got mission for ilum, but its not class related. its mere "Ilum" quest referring its normal one, since i originally had to meet a droid to who i spoke, who send me holomessage to head there.
  8. aah thanks of the reply guess its time to turn into altoholic once again >
  9. agree with that idea, not just bots. but so oftenly while killing elite some random numbnut runs there, and grabs the chest. or quest item or lootable object such as crewskill item. on my server ive grown overtired of it, as on my char ive had that happening way too oftenly, especially in belsavis. but luckily on corellia im mostly alone. but i do agree that bots arent good for the community. botting is still using automated program to run character on its own, not the player them self. so its basicly npc working for behalf of player who uses the funds for more rule violation and like earlier poster said, high likely to hack accounts in the process. as thats how RMT works (real money trading). you get gold trough botting characters, and sell it to people trough site that way or another, gets their account infos. after selling the gold they steals it back, sells your gears for more money, and uses your character to spam gold sell adverts and uses it as bot for more money. and in the end, as in most games gold sellign is illegal, what can you do? report to gm: you get penalty too from buying gold. let it be: you lost your name regardless, and gears. so its rather bumpy road back up. so either way you lose, wich is why its rather brilliant as idea, but still against the rules. and of gtn prices: id rather not see prices of usual items dropping any lower, allready i sell items for barelly half of the suggested price,some 340 epic missions goes for mere 3k! and when ah prices goes down our earnngs falls, and with the high repair costs we cant afford them much anymore. but seeing how bioware has handled earleir issues i would assume they takes clear "NO" stance towards bots, opposite to blizzard who infacts plans to support RMT in diablo3. cause bioware stated that they makes game that we, the users want to play, they brought out that way of thinking with the ilum issue, instead of rollback or letting it be, they goes 1 by 1 punishing people involved in it.
  10. so i finished act 3 recently, doing my supposedly last mission after finishing it i didnt get any follow up quests, and my quest log is empty from class related quests. but while logging in, it still tells my act 3 story in the login part, as if i hadnt done the last mission at all. so wondering, if this is bug? am i ment to get title or similar? or was that really the last quest in whole line? since the act 3 story in log in screen is bothering me alot.
  11. so ive been reading closely about legacy system, how it works and how they plants it to be. but im left with 1 question. anyone knows, if only newly made chars can be added to the "family tree", or even old existing? cause ive been thinknig alt for ages, while im dragging on and on without making one cause im waiting for legacy to release first. since if its only new chars, it would be rather waste to make alt that cant benefit of it then :>
  12. i've played nearly ever mmo that has been released in past 10 years, no matter was it free to play, or larger company one. and even after years, every single of them still had bots. every game has huge issues with them, cause just like with viruses, programs develops more and more so sooner or later, they will find way around even the best hacking prevention programs. surelly they al lgets punished and banned eventually, but you cant simply expect that to happen in mere 24hours of report. cause first they needs to get the ticket to their end, then to handle it and gather "proof" that htey truly are bots, trough logs or similar, mere screenshot wont really proof a thing. and after that, they gets to punish the bots and hackers, and its rather long process so dont be so harsh to them ps: wow has been out for who knows how many years, and they still has lvl 85 speedhackers occasionally
  13. bh healing is fine, infact on my server most people asks for bh healer instead of others. its not about not having big heal, if tank gets 1shot to below 50% there is something wrong, such as tactics are up to f or people just dont follow em. sure example red reaper robot boss you get healing issues if there is 5:1 blue red ratio on crustals, and tank gets shot with blue. my self ive healed since lvl 14 and i had no issues at all in healing, spamming the heat free skill (mobility heal thats spammable, basicly hot) and make sure tank always has over 4 stacks of kolto shell, and always use heal scan when out of cd to keep 10% armor buff on with the hot. olto missile i usually save abit to heal heavy situation, and i never EVER use 30 stacks of combat support unless it really calls for it. such as heavy party dmg going out. and then i pop heal scan > quick scan repeat constnatly. or if only 1 person in party is below 80% other than tank, i just pop heal scan to tank and then quick scan to that player. unsure how well its on 50 hard modes, but i doubt its any harder really than its now. since im most of time on 0-30 heat, rarelly past 50.
  14. Im healer my self too as main side, and chose to go for powertech as 2nd even when my main is merc allready, just love bounty hunters too much and ive noticed while heaving flashpoints, that SW can hold agro decently, if people doesnt go attacking every single target they see's solo. atleast the run i did in athiss normal we had good run while tank didnt lose agro too oftenly. then as opposite i had run with tank who made me quit in midle, he just couldnt hold agro at all what so ever, not sure if he even used right stance infact. havent healed any assassin yet so no experiences of that, but bh ive had fairly easy time to heal, agro aint too oftenly on loose, and they dont take that heavy dmg unless heavily under levelling instance, (did red reaper with 42 tank fully, had no real issues exept 2nd pull, as we didnt use cc) so in most cases, its not necessary the class either, just players who makes it work badly. not being able to hold agro, or attacking mobs tank aint focusing on. or perhaps merelly lack of cc, wich does make huge difference in some pulls.
  15. been thinking the same my self too wich of the 3 to choose. basicly im between sw or bh, but unable to decide wich 1. as i would love to try SW but it seems so weak in threat and mitigation wise on talents,since most mobs are ranged. and BH again, i allreayd have high level merc so would be repeating old storyline, then again BH has dam good mitigations and buffs tank tree wise, and as semi ranged tank has no issues with mobs standing far. and also i piled up bit of info regarding the talent wise mitigations and here is sum up: BH: 16% armor rating 12% shield chance 20% accuracy reduction skill 6% absorb ammount 2% dmg reduction SW: 5% accuracy reduction on smash 6% defense 6% defense proc from skill use 4% shield chance damage absorb on force scream 4% internal & elemental dmg reduction Inq: 4% defense 6% internal & elemental dmg reduction 3% endurance 15% shield chance buff 4% aborb ammount 20% armor 5% dmg reduction do keep in mind that assassin wears light armors, when seeing the high armor% talent :> and those are purelly from tank tree talents what you can get trough that, i didnt check first tiers of the other tree's at all for that. and for me atleast, it seems that inq and bh has the best edge on tanking, having high shielding chance and absorb buff, and major -accuracy buff, though not sure if that affects boss fights at all. also class specific skills can give more edge to it, such as skills that gives more defense (SW's example has few, unsure of rest). but purelly out of talents id say that warriors are pending for buff, on the mitigation side
  16. im really satisfied too of all their products excluding DA2, it had really amazing story, but the gameplay was just too repeating and narrowed down into pipelined gaming. not enough freeroam kind playing as there was only few areas to go at a time, and even those werent that big zones, and every fight pretty much repeated them self excluding boss ones. agro enemies, kill em, get 2nd wave, done. but all in all im satisfied, especially on the crafting system of tor, as that seems really interesting, reinvented crafting profession of traditional mmo's and made it into something more exciting =D
  17. seriously, i dont get it. when we bought the game, preordered with early access. it stated we get to play it -upto- -5days- earlier. and bioware kindly started to let people in 7 days earlier than supposed to originally, meaning 13th. on 13th i allready saw people raging how "bioware scammed them" or similar *****, even when it wasnt 15th yet,wich i found rather hilarious to read and now i see whole forum full of similar, rage filled posts by people who cant get in, blaming bioware of "doing it all wrong" when they infact does, exactly what the prerelease ordering did state, excluding the part where they were kind, and allowed the earliest orderers to play it bit earlier so please people, stop being so ragefull over no reason at all, we all are spamming f5 who havent gotten the invite yet, so dont pretend your only 1, or that you got screwed over, when you didnt
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