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Posts posted by Mornyr

  1. I don't think they should change how this works. Implementing a system such as what was suggested earlier sounds to me like it will introduce a lot of new bugs without adding any significant benefit. That's just the nature of probability, sometimes you succeed on your first attempt, sometimes on your 20'th.


    What I do think is a problem, though, is that a successful RE attempt may grant you a schematic you already know instead of one you don't know yet. That just makes me want to facedesk.

  2. I was thinking that but two of us got random weapons , two sniper rifles and I got a techstaff and techblade. The third person got as you did no weapons at all.


    As to the second part , well the initial enemy within ( first time completion ) let us all finish the quest at the same time . So I take it the weekly ( after the initial one ) has always been like that ?






    Enemy Within drops the mainhands, are you sure you're not mixing them up?


    I tried running the Yavin weekly with a guildmate after we both finished the initial questline, it was in week 2 or 3, we couldn't do the [WEEKLY] enemy within together, we could only assist each other.

  3. My party of three finished the weekly only to get , for HK two sniper rifles , also for another HK I got a techstaff and techblade and the 3rd person for vette got no mainhand or offhand. Obviously there is a work around by getting them from the enemy within once a week and from she who greedily devours for the other.


    From what I've seen, that weekly only gives a set of armor, not weapons. I got an HK set and a set for Elara. I think getting the weapons from Enemy Within and the Rishi one isn't a "workaround", it's what's intended.


    Also in a team of 3 upon doing the enemy within weekly it would only finish for one of the party members at a time , I'm sure this wasn't the case a week or so ago..


    It's been like that since day one.

  4. they should fix the old stuff before adding the new


    An MMO that doesn't keep providing fresh content will effectively die. The rate at which they add new content is already too slow for some. So at least some of their resources should always be devoted to coming up with new content.


    As someone mentioned earlier, with the size and complexity of modern software, some minor bugs are almost inevitable. To add to that, video games are arguably one of the largest, most complex types of software projects out there, especially MMO's. Some minor bugs will always come up, and for most of them it's not worth anybody's time or money to hunt down and fix.

  5. Before 3.0, even though we may not have needed the gear from the basic comms vendor, many people still found a use for them with the ISO-5's. A similar option to spend our basic/elite comms once they become obsolete gear-wise is still needed. If nothing else, it would help keep level 50-59 content alive. The credit tokens we get from conquests seem to me like a perfect solution to that. It's a clean, straightforward comms-to-credits conversion, and there's no new thing to add to the game to implement it. I'm not going to suggest pricing since I obviously don't know your goals in terms of economy or your methods of calculating them.
  6. I'm not going to repeat everything that I wrote in previous threads, but saying that something isn't a bad idea just because [you think that] just as many people are happy as unhappy with it is some seriously flawed logic.


    You said that the people complaining about this should have "clued them in that it's a bad idea". I was just following that same logic, but with the people praising it making it a good idea.

  7. And which is what should have clued the devs into the fact that what they were doing was a Bad Idea .


    This isn't a "bad idea". It's just not something for you. How do I know it's not a "bad idea"? Because there are just as many people who are happy about this as there are people complaining.


    I honestly can't comprehend why people are actually complaining about this. I understand why some people won't use this new thing, but nobody is forcing anybody to do anything. There's no reason to complain about this. We don't all play this game in the same way and for the same reasons. BW should and is creating content for all the different play styles. Some of it will be suited to yours, some if it won't. Such is life in an MMO. There's room for everyone.

  8. The problem is that there's no way that any self respecting person should think that this is gear is earned, or something that should be worn with anything other than a sense of shame and personal inadequacy.


    Or a sense of "who gives a ****"? Of course I don't want them to just hand us a set of 192 right out the gate, but all this new gear means to me is that I can spend my comms on alts and off-specs without having to worry about my 5-6 woefully undergeared companions. I have better things to worry about than min-maxing my companions, at least for now.

  9. Regarding balance - in their last Discipline system stream they explicitly said that balance isn't going to be perfect on release, that after 3.0 goes live they'll have more information to work with, from the forums as well as their own logging tools. They said specifically that if some class or ability seems OP or abnormally useless, we should expect that it's going to change.
  10. A few pointers:



    • You don't have to worry about getting your sniper to 60. You can still access all the sub-60 content at that level, and at least on Red Eclipse there are still groups forming on fleet for just about all the ops. The level 55 ops still drop elite and ultimate comms, which are still relelvant at 60, and the level 50 ones are naturally a little bit less common, but it still happens. And since most groups will have level 60's anyway, limiting groupfinder options shouldn't be an issue.
    • At 60 you should be able to solo all of the level 50 Flashpoints, even in HM if you have 186-ish gear and know what you're doing. So if all you care about is getting to experience the content (and getting those mats!), you shouldn't have a problem. You can even solo the CZ tactical flashpoints, but those are a little trickier. A duo of 60's can blast through them with ease.
    • My first guild was very similar to what you described - nothing beyond random chit-chat. Definitely no opsing. I then pugged into a guild run of DF, they were all friendly and helpful. I asked to join their guild and I've been opsing with them ever since. I hope you will also find a guild that suits you eventually.
    • Don't be afraid to say that you don't know what to do in a certain encounter before it begins. It's much better than mentioning that after you accidentally got the group wiped, and most players will be happy to explain the essentials to you. Some won't, but you don't want to waste your time on such people anyway! ;)

  11. The removal of skill trees is mostly so you don't spend a point on a skill you don't want or need just to get to the skills that you want or need. It's essentially the same, but some classes had their procs moved around or altered a bit, so mouse over your discipline path and your passive abilities to see what's what.


    Basic comms gear you all the way from level 1 to being able to do level 60 ops and HM Flashpoints. The level 60 comms gear is far from optimal, though.

  12. Unnecessary pandering. Instant gratification whining does not need to be catered to, people should have patience.


    "Back in my day, we had to code our own mounts! In assembly!"


    They're not handing out full sets of 198 for 2 basic comms. They're making up for not having the Gree event balanced in time - which is what they said is the reason for it not coinciding with the Life Day event as was intended.

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