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Everything posted by Polebreaker

  1. If by xerox->apple, you mean... xerox->(atari->commodore->tandy->IBM)->apple->... etc. p.s. brought to you by the company that patented the rounded rectangle.
  2. Just another shoulda-been-there-at-release things that could be implemented in 30 minutes by a half decent mmog developer. Which, sadly, we do not have here.
  3. LUCASADIEIEIDSAS please stop making troll threads and quit the game again.
  4. It would be cool if they'd had a patch after that patch and the complaints started popping up... If only.
  5. Xerox would like a word with you. And not because they make copiers 8)
  6. I know... Lets give everyone 1 Jump Point per day they log in. Then they can magically and without effort or skill, build up Jump Points that they can trade in for <DataCrons> Yay, participation! Dont need to win or even try...
  7. It doesnt really matter what happened programming wise. I agree... and it was probably someone who moved a reference, or someone else who decided OH HEY LETS REDO THAT PLANE GRAPH, but whatever... The FACT is, it went to LIVE with ZERO testing.
  8. To be fair, your thread title was ENTIRELY incorrect and misleading, so who knows what else is.
  9. Heh, good point. But then, I'd all but given up on them ever actually developing the "tech" to deal with all those exploiters using warzone vendors for a quick repair... lol...
  10. Guess what, these jumping puzzles ARE a part of swtor. Deal with it, or dont do them. It's Not like it's a huge deal. So DO that! Pick! My god forbid that something take a little effort or more than a half hour to do. Guess what? Not everyone is going to have all the datacrons! Not everyone is going to have every single thing in the game! Holy cow, it's almost like it was an MMOG that way.
  11. Cool. Coincidentally, I refuse to play that stupid warzone ever again. Good times!
  12. Well, since it's just the titles and presumably just that one font... maybe one of your fonts has gotten corrupt? Cant tell what it's spos to be... try another browser? Turn off user styles / css's? Just throwin it out there...
  13. The forum bugs out like that sometimes, picking a random language to get stuck in. Usually it will fix if you press the desired langage (next to the Play Now in the top left), or change it to another language then back, then reload the home page, and it should reset.
  14. Some router firmwares give you an option to throttle the number of connections/second that can be made on an ip by ip basis... I'm thinking specifically of Tomato, since that's what I put on mine, but i imagine others do as well, usually in QoS options or bandwidth control/traffic shaping. You could try looking into something like that just to put a cap on whatever the hell your kindle is doing at the Router level. Or as others have said, check the other apps it's running in the background or has installed, it may need some pruning to clear out the stuff that's sucking up bandwidth for no good reason.
  15. I'd have to agree with that. I keep my inventory/bank sorted based on a variety of factors, and tend to make use of all the available space, using edges, corners, and what not to make logical groups of related items, or rows/columns of tradeskill mats sorted by type and level, etc (my bank's tskill tab looks like a tetris or /gems screenshot.) The last thing I want is to accidentally hit one button that's way too close to another more often used button and have all my manual sorting undone. I dont know, maybe some people really dig that sort of thing and like to hit the sort button every time they get a new piece of loot...
  16. In the first place, had it, did we? (Yoda had to chime in...)
  17. Go into your router and track what the Fire is doing... i.e. where it's connecting to, what kind of transfer rates, uploading and or downloading... maybe it's doing something crazy and you just need to block out that one particular thing rather than going nuclear on the whole device. (i.e. it could be doing a lot of upstream traffic, or heavy rapid openings of sockets on the router, which in some cases can cause connection lag... that's just an example and may not be applicable to your internet connection.) But watching what it's doing on the router end may be a good way of narrowing down the problem.
  18. Understood, and agreed, however, that is EXACTLY what QA is for. Zero testing of things pushed live is the shame of this studio. I dont fault the mistake so much as the blatant missing of catching it. (What a horrible sentence....)
  19. Cynicism is the last defense of the optimist. We ALL know that dyes will never happen because customization was never a priority for the dev team (see removal of all oranges from beta... despite what that dev's BABY might cry) and has become a paywall. And the sad part is, it's a pathetic paywall that involves recolours of existing in-game models (see thread asking for feedback on wants for in-game models for purchase).
  20. Because that might expose... ? What is there to hide lol... they are only asking for our money... Side note... Erin thanks for posting but be prepared to get roasted. The swtor UI is actually quite good (imho) since the customization update, and barring any sort of end user mods is one of my favs. But as others have said, often and loudly.. the game depends SO much on buffs/debuffs that for those icons to NOT be resizeable/movable/seperatable in any way is a freakin crime to gameplay. Hey, I didnt even have to live in Austin to come up with that!
  21. Team? You are talking to one guy who apparently lets his kid in on lunchbreaks to improve things.... All without testing, of course.
  22. What makes you think it does? The obfuscation is strong with the dev team! Way to add a codex entry! Or post anything about scoring! Or... develop a new warzone? Maybe we should check the warhammer forums for a tutorial?
  23. If they put in dyes, they'd have to fire half their cartel coin "devs". Recolours for the $$ !
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