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10 Good
  1. Huh...weird, it looks very well done for a glitch. Couldn't tell it was an accident.
  2. No, I figured it out; comp Lana's that you aren't using/belong to another player will get a bulkier version of the gray sack , likely for differentiation. I asked because I found the more armored gray sack to look better due to the additional shoulder pads, belts and the thine necklace plate on her torso.
  3. Is there a place to buy comp customization for Lana? I saw a Sith Marauder running around with a more armored version of her default gray outfit and I have to assume it was a customization since the head sculpture for Lana was still the new one.
  4. As the title says, should I use a Shield or Focus for my Vig Guardian? I have an Iokath Bastion Shield from the GTN but I still feel squishy during some solo heroics. Likewise should I use a Healing or Dps comp?
  5. As the title says, should I use a Shield or Focus for my Vig Guardian? I have an Iokath Bastion Shield from the GTN but I still feel squishy during some solo heroics. Likewise should I use a Healing or Dps comp?
  6. As the title stats, I'm running a Vig Guardian and I'm wondering if it's better to use a Shield or a Focus. I just got a really got Bastion Shield off of the GTN but I still feel relatively squishy running heroics solo. Likewise should I use healing or DPS comps?
  7. Why do people insinuate that Lana's holding a torch for the Outlander regardless of whether you romance her or not? While I think she holds them in high regard given all she risks to rescue them, it doesn't seem accurate to say that she's like a certain someone *coughLiaracough* who's clearly pining even if you choose someone else.
  8. Yeah, it's getting annoying since I just suddenly drop down to 1 bar. It can't be my net since it's really fast everywhere else and it was fine during the week or so I spent on Jedi Cov during character transfer.
  9. Been having some issues with the server for the past couple of days and I'm curious if it's just my net or the JC server itself is lagging. I was fine for the past 2 weeks, so is something else up?
  10. Theron and Lana were introduced as being foils and somewhat oddballs for their faction: Lana was a Sith who had the demeanor of a Jedi while Theron was a republic agent who most often advocated pragmatically inclined dark side options. Despite this they were utterly loyal to their chosen factions, often brushing off offers to defect from romances from the opposite faction. Come Eternal Throne/War for Iokath, however, their loyalties are somewhat murky. Leaving aside theories on either being the traitor, I have to wonder if push comes to shove they'll forgo their previous loyalties to go all in on the Eternal Alliance. The end of ET had Lana worrying that the Empire and Republic were making moves and Theron comforts her by suggesting they can 'beat them both', which is kind of weird since it seems like they don't care overtly much about their previous factions and treat them as arms reach friends at best right now. So yeah, what's the deal? Is Lana now completely cool with you declaring the Empire an enemy/Theron doesn't care if the Republic ends up hating the Alliance?
  11. As the title indicates, are there still Cartel packs that have a chance to give out white lightsaber crystals? The only other ones I've found are on GTN, and they're unreasonably pricey.
  12. Specifically the guy in the middle of this pic: https://www.pcgamesn.com/sites/default/files/SWTOR%20War%20for%20Iokath.jpg Is that a Cartel armor pack like the Jedi survivalist set or it something you can get via loot? Either way I want it since it's a really good looking set and has a very Jedi feel to it that my Eternal commander set sorely lacks.
  13. Ah, silly me. Anyway, my character's a Level 70 Republic Jedi Guardian and I plan to make a Scoundrel Smuggler in the future with a possible focus on healing.
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