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Everything posted by Gaff

  1. Ya, been trying to figure this out too. It's pretty bad.
  2. I've been searching through the SWTOR folders to see if there is a way to copy keybindings, preferences, and chat settings between characters. I know in WoW it was a matter of copy and pasting *** files. Kind of a huge pain to try adjust this stuff for every new character.
  3. Nope, nothing has changed unless they were balances/fixes.
  4. Agreed. In the words of Leia, I have a baaaaad feeling about this...
  5. You will be, during every quest cut scene, whether you care about your character or not.
  6. He said that was a misunderstanding on his part. Body type 4 is still the same as it has been, and the character creator is still fail. Hell the game textures are still in low resolution and there is still no AA. Sigh.
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