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Everything posted by Gaff

  1. And here I thought it was just me being squishy as hell on my Tankassin. Now to see if anything is going to be done about it.
  2. Honestly I thought they were going to do this from the start. Great post, OP.
  3. This is really getting to me. Really want to know what their plans are to fix this and what kind of timetable we're looking at for a fix. They could have just taken a page out of SWG's book on the matter of Lekku in hoods and helmets and have been done with it. To add to that we need to be able to place Lekku elsewhere. Just having the Lekku dangle out from behind like floppy handlebars bothers me to no end.
  4. This. Even the "fix" in the next patch is just a bandaid. Hell Centurion gear isn't even going to see the light of day, what's up with that? They need to rework this system badly. I'd go as far to say they need to rework their whole currency system badly. Streamline Bioware, streamline. That currency tab is a mess.
  5. It is more than a little insulting if they are labeling the medium resolution textures as high resolution on purpose.
  6. Please tell us! Bioware is being stingy with an answer
  7. This is the kind of stuff that makes me facepalm at SWTOR's joke of a character creator.
  8. 3. Not so much because of balance, but because of there being no overlining story or incentive with PvP. We really need a galactic conquest thing like the Warhammer online RvR lakes. That was interesting. The real reason it's a 3 though is the terrible gear acquisition system. Not only is the mod mod system completely redundant at endgame due to not being able to take out the set bonuses or Expertise rating in terms of visual customization, but getting the gear in the first place is terrible. Two different types of currencies to get a bag that gives you an extremely small amount of a third currency and a random chance at a gear drop? Then later on you get ANOTHER currency? Bioware needs to simplify this system and remove the stupid from it. PvPers like to see direct reward to effort conversion.. not RNG. Remove the needs for all these different currencies, my currency tab is a mess. Remove the random loot drop. Let there be only 1 type of currency and base the tiers off of valor level, and for Cthulu's sake don't make the commendation costs ridiculous.
  9. On my 50 Sith Assassin tank I felt extremely squishy and useless for a long time, but then I started getting gear with absorption rating on it and it got better.
  10. Agreed, OP. As it stands SWTOR could use A LOT of quality of life improvements: Dark Ward being one of them.
  11. Nothing wrong with that. Level 50 Twi'Lek Sith Assassin here (Darkness spec). 1) I believe the weapons for all classes are preportional to your body type. 2) Right now all hoods are disabled for Twi'Leks because Bioware doesn't know how to handle lekku. For this same reason our lekku are hidden entirely when we put on masks. This really, really sucks. Unless you're set on being Twi'Lek I would pick another race because I don't know if Bioware will ever fix this issue. 3) Honestly Darth Maul was probably more like a Darkness Assassin. If you don't want to do that though I would say your next best bet is Deception. Maul was more about the saber skills than the force, and Madness is Force heavy. 4) A bit of truth. Jedi Consulars easily have the worst aesthetics in the game. That said though, Sith Inquisitors have the next worst aesthetics in the game. The aesthetic concepts behind both classes are sound, but their implimentation is terrible. I took a risk with a Twi'Lek Assassin for two reasons. 1) I am hoping Bioware has the decency to handle Lekku correctly. 2) I like the concept behind SI's aesthetics and hope they will impliment it better in the future (cause honestly, no class' gear looks that great right now anyway). You might choose to do the same. Hope that helped!
  12. Seems kind of silly to me that the only efficient companions to use are tanks or healers. It's like.. why bother putting in all these other companions to entice us? D:
  13. This. They either didn't care, didn't have the time, or a mixture of both. The game is lesser for it.. hell the game is lesser for the entire character creation system they have, in my opinion.
  14. This is an extremely helpful post. Thanks, OP.
  15. Not quite sure what I am doing wrong. I feel so squishy.. in PvP and even while leveling. I'm level 31 and am a point away from being done witth the Darkness tree before I switch over to the Madness tree for that PvP Darkness/Madness hybrid spec. I'm not sure if it's just because I'm bad at Darkness or I am equipped poorly. As far as equipment goes I stay up to date via commendations and quest rewards, but I'm not sure if the quest reward gear is giving me enough defensive stats or not. Using Andronikos for a companion (should I switch to Talos when I get him?) Could also use some advice on a PvP priority list.. not sure if I should be using Discharge or not. XD
  16. You're going to get a lot of hate for comparing the game to WoW, but honestly, the developers have been trying to compare themselves to WoW so it's all relevant. You hit on a lot of great points OP. I'm just not enjoying myself at the moment. Particularly with the UI, overload of kill x and y quests, leveling curve, unpolished combat/talent system, and especially the character creator and graphics. I tabbed through all of the endgame armors yesterday and just lost all motivation... they look terrible. It's like they threw out all of the brilliant concept art they had going on during the development cycle and slapped stuff together. Doesn't help that all of the textures are in low resolution. The "this is launch" excuse is not applicable now. There has been so much innovation in this industry to this point that SWTOR cannot be held to the same standards that MMOs could 10 years ago. Perhaps it will get better with age like most things. It's just disappointing that it wasn't given enough "umph" out of the gate.
  17. Yes, they are added to your Legacy no matter when you created them or who you used to get the Legacy unlock as long as they are on the same server.
  18. Appearance customization in this game is a mess. We complained about it all throughout beta and they didn't do a damn thing. Character creator has extremely limited options all around and there NEEDS to be a body type between 2 and 3. Won't even get into race selection as that is a different issue. I'm talking about giving us quality for what we have now. They didn't even do that. This is my biggest issue with the game right now and the main issue why I will probably not give it a chance past the free 30 days. Come on! It's like they stopped working on it a third of the way through. For example the near human races don't even have the updated face models that the Cyborgs do (the Trooper and Imperial Agent Cyborgs were the last modified character creator options in beta. Note the subtle differences to the facial structure options of what is usually the first face option on the other races. Also note their cybernetic parts' detail in comparison to other classes' Cyborgs). The mod system was originally meant to be SWTOR's "unique" form of an appearance customization system. It was a way to give people another grind sink and/or a way to give crafters more to do. It used to be that you could modify any item, but the higher quality the items the more mod slots they had available so it defeated the purpose of the system: everyone HAD to get a certain quality of item. Instead of improving this system to allow every item to be upgraded the same (thusly the "You can take your starting gear with you all the way to endgame" quote or something to that degree that Bioware stated), they made only orange quality gear modable. There is not a lot of orange quality gear and for what there is there is not a lot of visual choice. There was an Appearance Tab thread all throughout the beta but Bioware kept shooting it down because the mod system was supposed to take care of all of our visual customization needs. Well, guess what.
  19. I'm not happy with only 8 character slots per server and I'd rather not have to carry 5 accounts or go to a bunch of different servers. Character storage costs money if I'm assuming correctly. Please allow us to purchase more character slots on a server for a one time fee (AKA I don't purchase it and then also pay more monthly for it) per slot (or bundle a few for a one time fee). I know it's not the biggest priority right now what with launch coming up and a slew of missing features, but it'd be nice to have 6 months from now or something. Please spare the "why would you need that many characters" bollocks. I'm not asking for it for free.
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