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Posts posted by Gaff

  1. No. That may change depending on how well 1.2 turns out. Lots of exciting stuff in there. Many issues with the game currently though. I'll just keep it brief with one.


    Currently my biggest issue is the lack of visual quality in SWTOR. That covers the lack of quality textures (we still won't be getting the cinematic texture quality in their high resolution texture update), the lack of quality armor and weapon art (That could either be from poor decisions as to what items make it into the game, or how it is rendered. I've seen great quality concept art for armor.), and the lack of visual customization. This last bit ranges from clone companions, to repetitive armor visuals (I can count on one hand the number of distinct "looks" for a Sith Inquisitor, for example). Add to that fact that currently most armor and weapons cannot be modded and you have everyone looking the same. Fortunately they said they're working on that.. but there it is.


    Last but certainly not least: the character creator is ATROCIOUS


    I was, admittedly, never a fan of Bioware's choice of art style concerning SWTOR. I still am not.. but I could look past that if the visuals were quality for what they are.

  2. ... in raid gear? You like the "Skate Ramp Shoulders"? The golden neck brace? I dont even know what to call the hat other that 'horrible'.


    You actually think the new ones are worse?


    :confused::confused: to each their own I guess /shrug


    I never said I liked any of the current gear. This new batch of stuff is just worse.


    What's the name for something that is worse than something that is already terrible?

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