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Posts posted by Gaff

  1. So.. are we ever gonna get that issue fixed? Kind of is a big disappointment not to be able to wear hoods or helmets (we can wear the helmets just doesn't show the lekku) :( Didn't think it would take this long to fix. On a side note, when will we be able to wear most helmets/head items with hoods? The ones that would logically fit inside of them I mean.


    I understand things have been hectic and people are always demanding more content, but this issue has been around since before launch.

  2. I can't understand why they would do this to you guys.. it's just blatant griefing. Bioware just told all Sage and Sorceror healers to get out of PvP; many of the ones I know are quitting.


    What gives?

  3. One of the new things is the ability to change the color of armor, so there will be alternate color sets available...


    No, it only matches to the color of the chest piece.


    And really what these sets (and all of SWTOR armor really) need is to remove coloring, not change it. Details need to be in their place.

  4. What irks me the most about these armor sets (and don't get me wrong, I am no fan of the armor itself either) is the colors. Who is coloring this stuff? What is with all the ugly coloring?


    I never recall costumes from anywhere in any Star Wars stuff ever being colored like.. that. It's blatent "quality" coloring for game mechanics and it is not welcome.


    SWTOR aesthetics need to shape up big time.



    At least if these armor sets were colored like they didn't come out of a child's toy box they'd be acceptable.. oy..


    I mean look at your own damn concept art for the Maker's sake! That's how coloring is supposed to be done! Details, details! Not 2 toned lumps of fail!

  5. I despise repeatable daily PvE quests with a passion.




    & not worth a monthly sub in case anyones reading from Bioware / EA.


    Agreed. I actually never do dailies in any MMO they are available in.


    I suffer like hell for it.. but by the Maker do I hate dailies.


    If dailies were more mini-gameish and less "kill 20 of this and click 3 of this-ish" I would do them.

  6. I was never a fan of ranked warzones or gear with rating requirements, but I imagine this is (and has already, it appears) going to cause an uproar.. more so because it is a day before the patch.


    Kind of ironic seeing as they made a big deal about giving us enough notice of 1.2's arrival date. :D

  7. You can get your full black hole set for 410 Commendations.


    If you use a shield/focus/generator its 460 Commendations.


    You get 6 commendations from the Corellia Weekly.

    You get 8 Commendations from story mode full clear.

    You get 16 commendations from hard mode full clear.




    Full Black hole set = 14 weeks of clearing both raids and doing weekly.

    16 weeks if you get the offhand.


    Black hole set has no set bonuses and no Mainhand weapons. It has no damaging offhand weapons either (lightsabers/blasters/knives)


    If you are clearing hard mode every week you are getting campaign gear anyways. So that's a moot point.


    The Black hole gear will only have importance to those not clearing hard mode raids.


    So for those not clearing hard mode raids you get 14 commendations a week.


    30 weeks for a full set without shield.focus.generator

    33 weeks for a full set with.




    There are ways to get it a bit faster - if you clear the raids fast enough chests become available to loot in the raid (3 total that we have found) that have 2 each in them for everyone - thats 6 more a week if you are clearing fast enough.


    The world boss drops black hole gear if you can kill it.


    33 weeks? Holy exclamation mark Batman.

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