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Posts posted by Gaff

  1. Thinking on it I believe all fights in this game take too long, but that's just a fault of this traditional style MMO. SWTOR should have been built about a riskier combat model such as GW2 or some other sort of action RPG style. They can't change it now unfortunately, even if they wanted to. The fights are as slow as they need to be to make people feel like they're investing their abilities and gear.


    Only thing we can do about it is look to hindsight and day dream of what SWTOR should have been.

  2. Awesome, do you recommend updating gear with mods at certain level intervals? What level of gear is it okay to enter the 55 bracket with? I suppose that is my biggest concern. I don't wanna drag people down at 55 but I really don't want to have to PvE the last 5 levels to collect quest gear either.
  3. Hey there.


    I'm tired of leveling the alts normal way and PvP is what I do at endgame anyway, so I thought I may as well just level my characters through PvP. Problem is when I hit 55 with these characters in level 30 greens I don't think it is going to be plausible to gear them up enough to start farming for the Part/Conq gear.


    Is it possible to level and gear a character to 55, and then start PvPing in the 55 bracket without doing anything other than PvP? I don't have a lot of credits and I don't think the bolster that is present in the 55 bracket is as lenient as the one in the prior brackets.

  4. Slightly off topic. though perhaps a more positive one: Where do we unlock Treek once we have purchased her? I bought her with CC, but I can't unlock her on other characters via the Legacy page.
  5. My issue with gearing (and the game in general, I suppose) is two fold. I wouldn't say that it is particularly too much to ask for or that the RNG is bad (but, then again, I'm a PvPer).


    1) Bloat. Too many items, too many abilities, too many currencies. They really need to streamline a lot of this stuff and cut down on the amount of stuff that is thrown in your face. As a new player getting to endgame how do you think they feel looking at all these currencies, item sets, item mods?


    2) Money Sinks. The game has too many of them, that cost too much. Endgame ones are really bad. Double so if you rip stuff out of the end game sets.

  6. The last time I played the game it seemed like the only viable thing to do was to use a tank or healer companion, especially if not playing as a tank or healer. Would you say that it is viable to use any companion with any spec on any class now? :D
  7. My assumption as to why they chose Cathar as the first new playable race is because they needed the least amount of work to be made into a "player feature rich" race. AKA, they don't have clipping and have a solid foundation upon which to (painlessly) add enough customization options be considered a player race. The more "interesting" alien races would have taken a lot of tweaking to make "player feature rich" enough. Tweaking they either didn't have the time or patience or willingness to do before they tested the market. Hell.. maybe we'll never get those races. Look at the terrible job they've done with Twi'Leks.


    Don't take my summary as an attack on future playable races. I'd love nothing more than to have a bunch of really "alien" ones.. but I am not hopeful at this point.

  8. The reason I never play PvE in MMOs is because of everyone beating up on one big boss (or some times even an average sized, humanoid boss..). It doesn't feel very heroic, or fun. It's a constant reminder to me insignifigance to the game world. That's not good!


    Now that may work for fantasy titles where you're fighting big monsters and such and that is fine. I could see it being viable story to need so many people to take down some of those big baddies, like a dragon (though I still reside on the player = heroic side of things). In Star Wars however.. that just doesn't do! I was really hoping for the hero vs many approach instead of the many heroes vs one and it didn't happen. That was a blatant lie as seen in the above video and it probably disappoints me more than anything else they've said and not lived up to. Of course it probably would have taken more innovation than they were willing to spend time on to make a hero vs many approach interesting and challenging.. and a different combat mechanic than the traditional one.

  9. Do I want world PvP? Yes, via a RvR system ALA Warhammer or DAoC.


    Do I want dailies? No. Hell no. In fact, I wish they'd do away with the dailies we already have.


    Further still I wish all MMOs would do away with dailies. It's like pink and teal from the 80s. It may have seemed like an awesome thing at the time.. but times have changed, and it is time for pink and teal to go.. err, I mean dailies.

  10. Dailies are not fun, repetition ad nausea is not fun and will never be "fun". But apparently mmo developers feel that this is what the playerbase wants... and we justify their reasoning every month by paying them.


    This pretty much. Dailies are a brainless way to provide the playerbase with something to do. I hate dailies and refuse to do them, thus why I recently (finally) quit WoW. To see them pop up in SWTOR is not reassuring. I've never been "content hungry" and do not find gear grind appealing.


    Come to think of it I really dislike themepark games in general. Wish they'd come out with sandboxes again.. no levels, no gear grind.. just fun.

  11. Rofl call me a tentacle head also. I want a Togruta & a Nautolan also. But seeing as we are closing on a full year for the Cathar that were promised for 2012 and they aren't exactly forthcoming with information (seriously their communication level is subarctic on any given subject and that lil gold post finding is like an insane scavenger hunt)


    Considering they haven't talked about any other species or given any update on Cathar I don't expect the next specie to hit before 2015


    Said but true. Really, new playable species are all I hold out for in SWTOR anymore.

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