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Posts posted by Estelindis

  1. Personally, my favorite romances would be Iresso, Jorgan, Vector, and Theron. All sweet romances with kind, good-hearted, reliable men (even if I wouldn't have expected to say that of Jorgan from the first interaction we ever have with him, but he turns out to be a total delight).


    To give credit to the writers, I like pretty much every romance I've played... but I felt some involved more character development than others. For example, the Elara romance shows a softer, sweeter, warmer side to her character, but Mako seems pretty much the same whether she's romanced or not (in my experience anyway). This isn't to say there's a problem with a character being consistent! I just felt like the character who romanced Mako didn't get to know her any better than a character for whom she remained a "little sister," and that wasn't personally to my taste.


    Some romances are obviously more "problematic" than others, such as the sith warrior's romance options, but I still like those romances. They're actually kinda fitting, in their way. The sith warrior can do so many horrendous things outside of the romances, so of course they'd have some alarming power dynamics in their relationships too.


    Supposedly Bioware is planning to update all old romances for all genders, I just read that on the forum so don't know if true.

    I don't think any "plans" mean much unless they come directly from Bioware. I wouldn't be surprised if they continue their trend of updating old romances, but I think in some cases it's just too much of a reach. I hope that in the cases where such an update isn't on the cards we still sometimes have romance scenes with those characters.


    Here are some thoughts about romances that I don't want and/or expect to see updated for all genders, spoiler-tagged to keep them away from anyone who doesn't want to read them.


    I don't see Doc becoming a same-gender romance option, and it's not just because he's a renowned skirt-chaser... I've known guys who came out as bi after years of aggressively pursuing women, so it's not like I think this can't happen... it's more like, what does this offer to enrich the character? The "hidden depth" of Doc is that in spite of being vain, superficial, and self-involved, he's also altruistic. He loves looking like a hero, but he also loves being one. I think the character works well because, apart from that heart of gold that sometimes comes to light, he is very straightforward (no pun intended). You know what you get with Doc. I think that a character being exactly what they seem is just fine if it's executed well, which (in my opinion) it is with Doc.


    Additionally (and I appreciate that there may be something problematic with my thought here that I'm failing to see, so please anyone enlighten me if you see such a thing), I'd feel a bit squiffy about Iresso being made a same-gender romance option after he suffered five years of horrible experiments dreamed up by the scientist who tortured Vaylin. I... don't know what a writer would be trying to say with a development like that. A character's orientation seeming different (even if it never actually changed) after torture? It's a bad look. And instinctively, whether my instinct here is problematic or not, I feel like Iresso trying to restore his past relationship (romantic or platonic) with the consular works as part of his healing process, but trying to create a romance that wasn't previously there doesn't work in the same way - and I feel that way whether the consular in that scenario would be a male character or a female character who previously didn't romance him. To me, that would come across like a band-aid on a massive wound, thinking that a new romance would fix the trauma from everything he went through (vs. re-establishing normality).


    (But then I'm someone who could also never have a consular break up with Iresso on his reunion - I think that'd be horribly damaging too! I get that Bioware "had to" put that option in there, since they put in a breakup option for every class romance reunion... they're not going to fail to offer that option since it could force people who embarked on new romances to end those romances... but I hate the implication that the consular is somehow breaking up with Iresso for his own good! Maybe it's the only justification that could actually work for the consular, but I don't think it's legit, and I could barely force myself to watch it on YouTube - I would never pick it in the game.)


    Also, for whatever it's worth, I wouldn't want Tharan Cedrax to have a romance added for any gender! What he has with Holiday is obviously unique. ;)


  2. Temple ran to the Chiss when agent vanished.. And if you side with the Empire she wants her name left out of reports to the Empire. If you side with the Republic she wants her name left out of reports to the Republic. She is not loyal to the Empire she is loyal to the Chiss.

    In all honesty I think Temple is loyal only to Temple, but she certainly makes a show of presenting otherwise on other occasions. I don't think her writing is fully consistent (unless she's intended to be represented as extremely inconsistent).

  3. Thanks I was leaning towards Agent and I was planning on male agent so no issues with vector lol.

    Yeah, that makes sense. :) Quite aside from how one personally RPs one's character's orientation I don't really think that a male agent who romanced either Kaliyo or Temple would be all that interested in Theron just on a personality level (though of course it's subjective). I feel like an agent with Kaliyo would be too amoral for Theron, whereas one with Temple would be too loyal to the Empire and/or Sith. Hope you have a nice time with your double agent!

  4. To be honest, I think most classes can work with Theron apart from bounty hunter, which I don't feel meshes at all. The ones I've chosen for Theron are a jedi sentinel and a double agent operative. Actually I've had two double agent operatives romance Theron, because my first one just had to go back to Vector when he returned (she sounded so happy to see him again), so I made another double agent operative just for Theron (it was freaking hard not to romance Vector, lol). Definitely the double agent is a good match: someone who understands clashes of loyalty and working in the shadows, who already has a colourful history with the SIS before falling for Theron.


    I don't disagree that a smuggler or a trooper could also work well. But personally all my troopers have romanced their class romance... I just think Jorgan and Dorne work so perfectly... and since I thus can't romance Koth with a trooper, I'm keeping my next smuggler for Koth. But in the abstract, absolutely both classes could mesh with Theron very well.


    I get that you don't find a jedi works for Theron, but personally I feel like one can. The order is one thing, an individual jedi is something else - and I feel like the female jedi knight in particular sounds so earnest and idealistic that she really plays off Theron's heart of gold very nicely.

  5. The activate/deactivate laser missions very often are broken. Some things you can click on, some you can't, and even when you can sometimes it doesn't even give you credit.

    Just on this point, the clickables vary depending on which faction you are supporting and which mission you are doing. For instance, you might have a mission to deactivate the lasers of the faction you oppose, or another one to activate the lasers of the faction you support. At any given moment, probably half of the lasers will be active, so that people who need to turn some on can do that, and people who need to turn them off can also do that. If you're trying to complete an objective for which your character currently isn't eligible, you won't be able to interact with a laser, but a different character might be able to do exactly that.

  6. With all that’s going on these days, the dates could change, but we’ll keep you apprised. But, if it does, we’ll continue to offer the 4-weeks of Double XP (I figured someone was going to ask).


    We sincerely hope you are all staying healthy. See you in-game soon.

    Thanks for the good news, Keith. Here's hoping you all stay healthy too.

  7. There is a problem with the achievements. "Public (Phase 2) and Public Activist (Phase 3)".

    To obtain these achievements, I met the conditions on the PTS server (10 fp, wz, gsf, etc.).

    I did all this with my friends, but I did not get the achievement.

    To my surprise, friends with whom I met the conditions for achievement, they received achievements on the main server.

    Please deal with this problem.

    My understanding is that these achievements were granted for tested phases prior to 6.0, not current phases. Of course from your comment I don't know when you completed these activities; perhaps you did it back before 6.0.

  8. see, who says games aren't educational?

    Well said! I would not actually want the rakghoul event to be on every week, but you make excellent points, and there's certainly a better case for it to stay than to be removed (even ignoring the basic principle that BW's not going to take something they've worked on out of the game simply because a few people don't like it).

  9. I like Jace (even if, like Acina, he was handed the idiot ball on Iokath). I hope/suspect we may see more of him in connection to Satele's story. As it stands, I expect part of why we haven't seen much of him is that it'd feel really silly if he didn't bring up Theron's fate (which can be different between players), and perhaps the writers don't see a good reason for that to happen yet.
  10. I like the concept, but the question for me is: why?


    The rewards are extremely lackluster and other than just having something to do, they don't seem to be worthwhile doing more than once.


    I'd recommend giving the Weekly at LEAST a Daily Crate (the ones you get from Mek-Sha heroics) to make it somewhat worth the time. Same goes for all daily area weeklies, frankly.

    Well I can't comment on why it was decided, and having not completed them all yet I'm not sure what reward would be appropriate, but I think it's nice to have some extra options in terms of things to do, and I like the idea of "rescuing" content that might be obscure to many players and making it repeatable. Particularly content where the dialogue makes some references to players' unique class experiences.

  11. Is the cutscenes from the mission called hoth bonus series where you talk to the mirialan general still there? Cause that is my biggest fear that those missions and the cutscenes are gone cause they give context to the missions in the bonus series id play on the pts to see but it takes forever to download for me

    Yes, those are still there! :)

  12. Q: What was the process like for building this Stronghold from the ground up?


    Mark: It started off as a side project for me last spring, something I’d work on when I had free time.

    Colour me very impressed. I am humbled and grateful that this stronghold started as the side project of one person. It shows Mark's generosity and love for the game. It also puts several things in perspective. I was sad that the majority of my PTS suggestions were not taken up (especially hook placement changes that I thought wouldn't be too hard to make and that others suggested too), but now I realise that without Mark taking initiative to start this we might never have had the stronghold at all. And a stronghold with some hooks I'd like improved is a million times better than a stronghold that doesn't exist at all.


    Thank you Mark and Emily.

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