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Everything posted by Paintcheck

  1. Given their current track record of communication I somehow doubt it will improve all that much. From the FAQ it looks like you will lose things which is ridiculous if you're a long time subscriber who stuck with the game even after the server merge debacle, hemorrhaging player counts, bugs, broken promise after broken promise, and the complete lack of communication by EA/the devs about ANYTHING . EA doesn't care at this point (I would say they haven't cared since January or so when it became apparent the game wouldn't get 10 million subs in a month). You're not going to see information from them any time soon. Odds are you're going to wake up one day in November and TOR will be F2P. Maybe you'll get a week's advance notice first.
  2. 100% that and if it happened I know a lot of people (including myself) who would leave. PVP blows, it's boring, repetitive and ****** unless you have a coordinated guild or something. For people who don't it's just stupid. I've had maybe 1 close game in pick up PVP (in 9 months of playing) every single other game is one side rolls over the other and that's not fun. This game was never supposed to be about PVP.
  3. On the other side of that though how many people didn't pick up the game at all because of the subscription fee? I know several who were interested but saw the subscription fee and said "Nope". F2P may not bring the people who quit back but it does have the potential to bring plenty of new blood in. Although the devs better make good on their "Frequent content" or else they will pick up a bunch of freeloaders who have no incentive to pay for anything and will lose the subscribers who don't get anything for their money. Which is what it's like now, except without the freeloader part. I am cautiously optimistic about F2P simply because I am an RPer and not having to pay a subscription fee anymore to RP make me happy since my current subscription money clearly isn't being used to actually develop more for the game.
  4. This. I've been subbing on and off since just after launch and the utter lack of updates from the devs is extremely disheartening. The F2P move didn't surprise me at all, I knew it would be f2p within a year before the game even came out but it seems like the devs aren't even trying any more. Between the complete lack of communication and the constant news of layoffs at Bioware it seems like the game is just going to be completely finished by the end of the year. I still play every few days because I like RP (and that doesn't require devs to create stories in when I have other players to play with) but if I didn't have that I would have been gone months and months ago. There's nothing for level 50s to do that is interesting. Yeah you can grind dailies but once you hit Rakata/Black Hole (which is hard to do as a pub due to the difficulty of getting into an HM Op with players who know how to do it) there's no reason to keep playing. I was excited when they finally confirmed F2P because I have plenty of friends who didn't want to play due to the subscription fee (and frankly I didn't want to play either but a few of my friends dragged me in and in a stroke of irony let their subs lapse within 1.5 months while I am still here) but they are handling this horribly and by the time F2P rolls out no one will be excited any more. Whereas last year I was thinking "Free to play within a year" this year I am thinking "Completely shut down within another year". But at least the last months I will be able to RP for free.
  5. You know you can make new tabs and filter out stuff you don't want to see right? You don't have to stare at general chat. I have a specific RP tab that I spend the majority of my time in because I cannot stand the drivel in general.
  6. Which means what, exactly? If they are having fun then why is it your job to say "Oh no this game is losing subscribers, how dare you enjoy it! Stop that right now!" Why do all the pessimists insist on sitting on these forums and demanding everyone get as fatalistic as they are? Instead of telling everyone "I unsubscribed from this game 37 years ago and am playing [insert whatever game you want here], I can't believe anyone still plays TOR" how about you all just shut up and play your new game of choice quietly? That being said I am not renewing my subscription (which runs out in 2 weeks) until I see how badly GW2 damages TOR. I my be tired of seeing constant trolling but I am a realist as well.
  7. They left for a reason, the reason is probably "the game is not fun" or "the game is not worth my $15/month". That is Bioware's fault. Servers need to merge, not transfer.
  8. Also this. I've done exactly 2 flashpoints both were with people I knew who convinced me to buy the game. They got bored and left after a month and I stupidly resubscribed because Star Wars but I haven't been able to find anyone at all to run missions with or even talk to. I don't want to reroll after hours of work on this one char on another server. People might say "Well join a guild" but when the most people I've ever seen on Fleet is 30 and the chat is silent as a grave I don't really know how one would go about finding a guild to join. Maybe server mergers will help. But right now it's rather aggravating. It's gotten to the point where I don't understand why TOR isn't just KOTOR 3 since I don't even remember the last time I grouped with someone/saw anyone outside of Fleet.
  9. Nope. All my friends got bored and stopped playing after a month and a half and I don't like MMOs enough (actually I hate them with a passion and the only reason I bought this one was because it was Star Wars and my friends convinced me to) to keep paying for it if I am playing by myself. The only reason my subscription is still going is because I bought a 2 month time card with the game which was a waste of $30 since my free month would have been all the time needed for my friends to get bored and quit.
  10. Really? I've yet to see a planet with more than 40 people on it. All my friends quit, I'm not resubbing when my time card expires in 2 weeks. Will pick it back up when it inevitably goes free to play.
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