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Everything posted by Darthanimus

  1. Looks really cool, I can't wait for this! Great Job.
  2. I am playing bodyguard. I have played combat medic for years, I really enjoy this healing class. I am very excited to see supercharge gas become more relevant to bodyguard mercs/combat medics, I always thought supercharge gas was too slow in gaining charges. Tactical items: Rocket fuel vapors: Good tactical item. I enjoyed the way this mitigates the loss of the old set bonus, I was apprehensive about losing the extra time on super charge gas, but not anymore. Making supercharge gas easier to recharge makes it a more useful resource, a welcome change overall. Running rapid restoration: Useful tactical, anything that makes bodyguard less static is a good. Disadvantages may include rapid heat generation if used a lot. I would take utilities that allowed better energy management with this tactical item such as gyroscopic alignment jets. HP-5 dart device: Really liked this tactical, it helped change up bodyguard. Used this in pvp and noticed a hps increase. Good to maintain hps whilst being stunned, I would definitely use this. I would like to add I think this would be even more useful if it interacted with kolto shell somehow, maybe when it ticks it triggers a charge of kolto shell out of combat. Set bonus: Critical charge/concentrated fire: Good set, makes supercharge gas more useful through increased charges generation, kind of think that it could be 10% chance up from 5% chance. I couldn't see a crit increase with this set, I am not sure if it is working properly. Powerstep: This set is good for all mercs. Probably suits arsenal more than the other specs. I would use this in conjunction with running rapid restoration to save on a small amount of heat generation. Would be far more useful if each stack reduces energy cost by 20% and at 5 stacks cost is free. This would make this set highly sough after. Surging power/Notorious set: Not suited to bodyguard. I think that there are better set choices as a damage dealer. Remove the 1 minute restriction and it will be more useful in tight spots and therefore more sough after. Technical medic: I would use this set as arsenal or IO. I would not use this set as bodyguard. The heals are too infrequent and small to be of any use to a bodyguard healer. In addition casting on board AED instantly is not that useful given that on board AED has a 5 minute cool down. I am disappointed for this set, I would have hoped for better to replace pre onslaught set bonuses. Game plan set: Not that useful, I hit an enemy for 20k upon activation, given that kolto overload has a 3 min CD its not hugely useful. Hunterkiller: Didnt work. Squad leader: I would pair it with energy rebounder to get more use out of it. Woad instinct: good armor set. I would expect this set to be easily obtained, a good starter set. The set bonuses are hit and miss. I like some and see little point in others. I like the tactical items, I feel more thought has gone into the tactical items than the set bonuses. I think that a lot of people will be missing their old set bonuses, and some of the replacement sets will provide little consolation.
  3. I think power yield would work better if the duration is extended for 1 sec per stack. So 15 sec in total. 10 seconds feels a bit short. If the duration was extended with the stacks, I think it would work better across multiple encounters.
  4. As a new player to the sniper class, I am afraid you do not yet have the experience to comment on this class's viability. I think you need a few more years playing them to have your opinion taken seriously.
  5. I would like to suggest or ask if we could have cheap server transfers before 6.0. The reason I would love to see this brought back, even for a limited time, is because I have a whole bunch of characters on my home server, due to the month long XP events, but I am now over flowing. I do prefer to level characters on my local server because of my time zone. However, I would like to see them put to use on other servers where I plan to play more. At this time, the 1000cc it would take per character would fast become too expensive. Please consider this, I know many people would be grateful.
  6. Seems pretty good, two charges of rocket out will certainly be useful. The tactical items and set bonuses seem good. Can't wait to test them out!
  7. I am playing a Corruption sorcerer, I used to main this spec in previous expansions. I tested the tactical items and set bonuses in pvp, flashpoints, and operations. Here is my feedback. Tactical Items. One for all: I can't say I saw any difference. All for one: I can't say I saw any difference. RSVP plus one: Good tactical, saw better heals. Storms succor: Ok tactical kinda think this is better suited to a dps spec for support role. Of the Tactical items I think that it would be better to merge all for one and one for all into one tactical. General sorcerer tactical items: Cleanse the agony: really good for healers, will be looking for this tactical for PvP healing. An explosive return: not worth taking, the damage dealt to enemies is too low to want to have this tactical. 16.5k single hit does not feel useful enough. Suggested force slow with damage hit on enemy to make this better. A healing hand: May be useful for team mates that are about to die. Endless barrier: I like this one. I would use this. The general sorc tacticals are better than the corruption specific tacticals Set Bonuses. Robe of the gathering storm: good set. like the cool down it provides. It works in conjunction with utilities. Like this set for a healer. Revitalized mystic: Saw a small force management improvement, did not experience better heals or hps in anyway. Dire retaliation: Set should be changed to next damaging or healing ability. This would be good for healers to use. Empowered restorer: The 20% did not work, just the consuming a stack of weary. May help with force management. None of the sets stand out, and I feel a bit underwhelmed. I would choose the sets that help with force management, so I can heal myself out of tight spots.
  8. I played vengeance, here are my thoughts. Tactical items: Cut to pieces: very good tactical, extra AoEs improve dps by a large margin. Vicious cycle: good, get to use retaliation more, with war bringer and destroyer its a useful tactical Hemophiliac slash: good for sustained dps, I noticed a good dps improvement using this. Shielding shadow: needs to be more than 3%, felt that it didn't make a big difference. Embrace the pain: feel that this is a good tactical for dps, but this will almost certainly be far too overpowered for skanks and tanks. Higher focus: Does not build enough rabid furor, I would not use this, as I think it would not make a difference to dps. Rancor's tail: I would never use this, 3 min CD just to use an extra force push is not ever worth it. Set bonuses: Descent of the fearless: Does not build enough rabid furor, I would not use this, as I think it would not make a difference to dps. Flawless riposte: disliked this armor set as the damage bonus is far too small and infrequent, I tested this and it did not give 10% per stack, more like 5%. Even with 10% its not worth taking for this situational set bonus. Nimble master: ok set bonus, but does not work with force push so this decreases its worth. I wouldn't use this at end game. Undying: not very useful, with through victory its slightly better, but dont think it would be on many peoples "to have" list. Lord of pain: good set, should be useful. Perfect form: not that useful, does not give much dps improvement. Force bound: best set there is, very useful in PvP, I will be looking to obtain this set for end game. I feel that some of the sets and tactical items are really not that useful, the worst sets and tactical items generally have situational use, and dependent on abilities with very long CDs.
  9. Sniper/Slinger is an under played class, statistically one of the least used. Besides in solo ranked they don't do so well cause they lack a vanish out ability, force barrier, or an ability that removes them from the fray. Giving them hololocate is much needed.
  10. Ye the whole +2% endurance +2%alacrity thing is so disappointing. Would have liked something better than this if I am honest!
  11. Yes Yes Yes. Balistic shields are not very useful in their present static condition. An enemy in pvp can just run and hide, heal up to full, while you get 1% per second for 20 seconds, not useful at all, when other classes and reset their full HP bar so easily.
  12. Operative concealment and medicine. Really like tactical overdrive, but needs a new tile picture, its very confusing at this time. I am really happy about the changes to operatives, people will be inventive and think outside the box, everyone's play style will become more varied and interesting. Tactical items Explosive cells Really like this tactical, allows for faster target swapping, and better AOE. Acid lash Really like the mechanic on this one. Volatile strike Like this one, being able to instantly activate volatile substance with a guaranteed critical will be really helpful in tight fights. Augmented holocom Love the movement boost, will be very useful in a range of encounters. Artistic insights Not as useful as the other tactical items, I think it would be better if it allowed two tactical advantages instead of one. Armor sets Debilitator armor set. Really like the extra hard stun, will prove very useful. My favorite armor set. Tacticians armor set Will be really useful, especially for medicine. Authority armor set My second favorite. Really good AoE boost. Agressive treatment armor set Really like the damage/healing pairing on this one.
  13. I played an engineering sniper, I play saboteur gunslinger as a main. I would like to add that the new ability hololocate is a welcome addition to the sniper/gunslinger advanced class. I found that snipers can be easily focused down in encounters such as ranked, because they lack the ability to remove themselves from the fray. This new ability will help incentivize players to try snipers, this I am sure. To keep my testing fair I used the same stats with all the sets these were around 1800 acc 1800 alacrity and 2500 crit. I also tested all of the tactical items and set bonuses in various encounters including arenas, wzs and nim ops. Set bonuses: Established foothold set bonus: This is a good set bonus, I can't say I saw a dps increase with my testing, but, if paired with pillbox sniper I should imagine this set bonus would be sought after by many snipers. Repositioning set bonus: I like this set bonus, it has a practical effect that would be useful in many encounters, from raiding to ranked. This is my favorite set bonus, I will be looking to acquire this set for myself in onslaught. Quick thinker set bonus: I found this to be pretty useless, the timing needs to be so spot on for it to work, given that you have a 3 second window that enables a 2 sec stun, every 1min50s I can't imagine anyone would look to obtain this set bonus. I will not be using this set in onslaught. Escape artist set bonus: I found this set bonus to be a disappointment. The heals given are really very small and inconsequential, in addition flash bang has a very small radius and a long 55s cool down, it would definitely have to be paired with evacuate as 55s is far too long. If this set did not bring countermeasures off of cool down I would doubt anyone would want to use it. I wont be using this in onslaught. Precise Trigger set bonus: I like this set, having 3 charges allows more control over your criticals and damage. However, I found that the charges do not reset to full at the start of arenas and in between rounds so therefore reduces the quality of the set bonus and is enough for me to not want to acquire this set in onslaught. Probe Tech set bonus: This would be a really good idea with some changes. If allies were given a full shield instead of a small shield, and augmented shields modified allies shields too, it would be a really good set, useful in many encounters. Paired with augmented shields (with above changes) and tactical item orbital heal, would make a team support build and make it very sought after in encounters such as ranked or flashpoints when there are no healers present in the team. This is on my list of potential sets I would like to acquire in onslaught. Slow road set bonus: This is a good set bonus, as an engineering sniper you use frag grenade in every rotation, so the slows have maximum up time. I think that this is a useful set bonus and will interact with plasma probe well to control enemies. I would consider using this set bonus in regs where I think it will be the most useful. Parley set bonus: This set bonus didn't work as expected, it was less useful than I thought it would be. To be more sought after, takedown would have to be reset upon killing an enemy and up to 3 afterwards. Currently takedown does not reset if a target dies with takedown, which is a pity as this set could be perfect for finishing mobs or enemy players in regs. Parlay would be perfect if it worked similar in mechanic to reapers rush, being that takedown would reset if a player dies allowing it to be used again on another target with low health. Tactical items. Suppression: This is a very useful tactical item, as engineering it allows me to cast orbital strike, and plasma probe then channel suppressive fire for even more AoE damage. This tactical is perfect for fights such as swarm lord and hive queen. I will definitely be looking to pick this tactical up in onslaught. Holodefense: Seems like an ok tactical, possibly better for raiding as the 30% reduction affects melee and ranged abilities only. In PvP there are many classes that use tech and force abilities, so I think that it may not necessarily be that popular with the pvp community. Explosive trigger: Didn't experience a noticeable improvement in dps using this tactical item, benefits include more UI flexibility. I would feel ambivalent upon acquiring this tactical item. I thought this would be my favorite tactical item, but it turned out to be underwhelming. Disappointed. Orbital heal: This is a good tactical, I like the way it deals damage and heals at the same time, I would use it with vital regulators and defensive safeguards, I would pair it with probe tech set bonus for a support build. I am looking to acquire this tactical item in onslaught. Technical debt: The worst tactical item, little or of no use in any encounter. The heals are too small, and the cost of shatter shot too great for this to be practical. Using this tactical drained my energy pool as I felt I should keep refreshing it. What makes this tactical item even worse is that it does not pair with debilitating shots, this renders its use as negligible. I will not be using this tactical item in onslaught. Ruthless interrogation: This is useful against single target encounters, where you do not have to switch targets. It saves a GCD every rotation, enabling and extra filler. It isn't very useful in pvp where target switching is commonplace. I would use general sniper tacticals above this engineering tactical. Blasting caps: I saw a small dps increase, good against stacked enemies, there are better tactical items I would go for as the small radius of blasting caps lets it down somewhat. I would say that the engineering tactical items are generally underwhelming and not as useful as the general sniper tacticals. I would like to add that I really enjoy the flexibility that the new set bonuses and tactical items afford. Some are more useful then others, with one or two being (in my opinion) close to useless.
  14. Tentatively happy about these changes, to all the haters who think snipers have too many defensive abilities, I would say, we need these to make up for not having the self heals of sorcs, mercs, opers etc.
  15. This is not so cheap if you intend to move a lot of toons around. I would like to have one of each advanced class on both factions on all the english speaking servers. ATM I have majority on the one server.
  16. I would like to see cheap server transfers before the release of 6.0 I have way too many toons on DM server. I have leveled quite a few, but would now like to spread them out a bit and play on American servers. I feel like my home server (darth Malgus) could do with decluttering, I am considering deleting some max level toons, something that I do not want to do unless I have to. I have like 40 toons on DM and only like 6 on starforge. Please consider my request, I am sure much of the player base would be thankful.
  17. I am playing a lightning sorc. I have tried out the new ability and tactical items. Here is my feedback. I think that volt rush feels like a filler ability, I am not sure I like the underwhelming animation or sound effects. I think it would work better if it stacked 3 times so you could use it in fast succession having 3 charges but stacking two times feels a bit strange when playing my rotation. I think if it was off GCD like riposte it would be a better ability. I think that with elemental convection it is a far better ability. Eyrins haste is a good tactical, it gives better mobility, I think it will be very popular. Elemental convection is a very good tactical, my favorite. it changes up the AoE rotation nicely. Stormwatch is good for single target focus, not sure its hugely useful if target swapping. I didn't notice any increase in dps unfortunately, but that might have been the encounter I tested it in. Ticking force bomb, didn't notice a dps increase. probably not something I would use. Greased lightning, didnt notice a dps increase. probably not something I would use. I like the changes to lightning and the addition of tacticals. I feel that volt rush would be better if it had 4 charges and stacked 2 times, or 3 charges and stacked 3 times. If volt rush was off the GCD it would be an invaluable addition to lighting sorcs.
  18. Could I ask a question: Regarding those who have had action against their accounts for breaking ToS in ranked. Do they get stripped of their rewards for said behavior, such as titles, mounts, gear etc?
  19. I am not especially happy about getting a damage ability as a healer. I think that healers could've benefited from an AoE cleanse or new healing ability. If not an actual new AoE cleanse, then something like the following. After activating unnatural preservation, expunge clears all debuffs from a single target or 2 debuffs from all allies in a 10 meter radius.
  20. DoT spread from death field not lacerate (I never like the change to lacerate as the DoT spreader) Death field has bigger radius and hits harder the more in its radius DoTs do more damage up front in the first 6s to mitigate slow ramp up, falling over the duration when other abilities become usable. Set bonuses ideas: Mass mind control affects targets afflicted with your DoTs making them deal less damage to you for 10s after activation. Death field and leaching strike when critically hitting makes self heals increase by 100% Lower CD on deflection. longer duration on force shroud. Force shroud can be activated when stunned with soft stuns and purges said stuns, in addition to resisting force and tech attacks by 200%
  21. I think that it would be a good idea to make a tank's stats somehow translate to the guarded friendly player, for example. A tank in full tank gear would be able to guard a team mate better than a skank tank in dps gear, this would further incentivize full tanks in PvP. It seems strange that a dps can guard a friendly player with out a shield generator, or that they can guard a friendly player as well as a full tank. Admittedly a damage class suffers more damage than a tank, but it still feels out of place. Making guard a function of a tank's stats would enable a more personalized tanking experience, as some tanks could pick stats that were more meaningful in various interactions.
  22. Personally I would have liked to see galactic command completely removed, I have never liked it. I think galactic command was never good enough to be a primary source of gear, and if it is not good enough to be a primary source of gear, then remove it because it causes unnecessary complexity when gearing at end game.
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