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Everything posted by Darthanimus

  1. Seriously? You sound like you have never never stepped in a wz ever!
  2. So mad at this, I have only just finished gearing up my 10 mains with BiS augs etc. The issue is this. By making these materials available to ranked, and mastermode ops you are excluding a large proportion of the player base. However the players that do participate in the most difficult endgame activities have a huge advantage over everyone else once they are geared. I hate ranked; its a cesspit of the worse types of players. You have not succeed in cleaning up ranked enough to make the majority of player want to participate. They use discord, queue sync, play at quiet times with friends, wintrade plus more, making this activity intolerable. I love pvp but hate ranked, why should I be penalized for my in game preferences. Please stop trying to get people to play ranked, its designed for only a few specs to excel in, even if everyone didn't cheat. I think I will cancel my sub and play something else.
  3. This tactical in my opinion is better for sabo and engineering. here is why. Pop orbital strike, incendiary grenade, and then use sweeping gunfire to maximize all AoE effects. Take the utility for increased 25% on sweeping gunfire etc. Time your AoEs with team mates AoEs like force quake etc.
  4. While you are at it, here are some additional changes. My logic is sound. Reduce defensive CDs by 100% upon death. This will prevent the commonplace spawn farming that happens in WZ vs a premade. My logic is this. If defensive cooldowns are reduced by 100% then it would help the losing team to push the tide against the attackers. As it stands the losing team burns through their defensives very fast in these types of matches, and this just exasperates the mechanic. I think this would solve the complaints of imbalance that has existed in PvP since launch. Secondly fix healers. Currently, healers are kinda obsolete in PvP as hps is too similar to dps. As it stands in this expansion, attack is better than defense; or dps is > then hps
  5. Can we get a PvP queuing system that enables us to queue for ranked and regs pvp simultaneously. I would mix it up and enter what ever is available. Waiting for just regs or just ranked, especially at non peak times, can be a bit boring.
  6. DPS is so high at this time that someone can be killed in the space of a hard stun. This seem so off to me. I will provide an example. 4 sec hard stun on the healer and a team mate is dead. 2nd stun and team mate two is dead. The arena is effectively over. 4 sec hard stun, gets broken, team mate gets heals, 2nd hard stun team mate is dead. arena is effectively over. The hard stun duration at game launch was 4 seconds, a time when dps was a hell of a lot lower. While dps has increased exponentially, the hard stun duration has not changed at all. In order to fix this issue and make pvp more about skill, and less about voice coms. How about the length of the hard and soft stuns are cut by 50% to reflect the changes that the game has gone thorough. In addition, a reworking of the resolve mechanic would help a great deal too. Maybe make it based on duration, so an 8 sec soft stun max'es out the resolve bar, while a 2 second stun only partially fills it. I am sure there would be plenty of ideas for a renewed reworking of the resolve function. Over the years PvP has become strange and less fun, and I think that I have identified the root cause of it. Please consider my ideas.
  7. Agreed. I was thinking the same. There is something off with them this expac.
  8. So I have been playing the game since year 1, and have played through the dark v light event, numerous double xp events, so i have eleventy squillion toons, one needs to make room on occasions, hence deletions. Out of all the deletions over the years, there are one or two that I regret, lets be clear not every single deletion has been regretted. WoW has a self restore function, so lets face it, if its good enough for WoW its good enough for any other mmo.
  9. So other MMOs have a function that allows you to look through your deleted characters, and reinstate them yourself. We have all done it, deleted a character and regretted it, and I am sure it takes up a big chunk of customer service's time, reinstating these deleted characters. In MMOs like WoW, characters that are deleted have a time frame on them, before they are permanently gone, while max level characters are retrievable permanently, low level characters disappear forever after a few weeks of being deleted. If swtor could do something like this it would make everyone so happy, I am sure. This quality of life improvement is the one thing everyone wants, but doesn't realize it.
  10. So I like the changes to sage/sorc healing, but I still have some pretty big issues with vindicate. Under high intensity scenarios, vindicate needs to be used after every one or two activations of a healing ability. In pvp or nim ops this is not an over exaggeration, for an ability to be used in such a high amount, it really needs to be off the GCD. Team mates at low health can die in a second, so it really does matter. I would like to suggest that vindicate come off of the GCD, or at least be tweaked so it does not have to be over used (as it currently is). For me healing isn't about pressing one ability more than any of your heals, it just takes so much fun out of game play. I would even prefer that it went on CD after being used rather than how it works now. The CD could be 5 or 10s, a similar CD to restoration, but obviously generating far more energy than one press of vindication currently gives. Going in the right direction with the healer changes, but energy management definitely needs to be the focus of any further changes.
  11. OMG thank you so very much for the changes. Sorc/Sage healing is my class, I am happy to see buffs to the spec. Here is why: A good dps player in pvp are achieving 8k plus dps, this happens in nearly all pvp matches it is not an isolated occurrence, I also see regularly over 12k dps for some classes again this happens a lot. While healers are getting between 8k and 12k hps, sometimes more granted. For me onslaught and healing in pvp feels terrible, relatively speaking, I am a healing less and dying more often than ever before because of energy pool/ resource management, and the stupid amount of stuns there are now. I miss the good ole days where I could keep up over four team mates and myself while not being energy starved in under 10s. As it stands I can barely manage keeping up myself vs two good dps, it is a nightmare. Energy starvation is to blame, not so much the amount healed by x ability. I am playing on my healers less and less because it is no longer fun, even though I want to main a healer I just can't cause of how frustrating it is. Even when I am guarded, team mates die like flies vs a pre-made. Once again, great changes, im off to log my sage!
  12. I guess my issue is that good healers cannot reach their true potential, cause of the mechanics of resource starvation. The artificially low ceiling on healers forces veteran healers to play below their true ability. There is just no room for growth now. to put it another way, healing used to be something you could learn to get better and better at over the years, a player could continually improve, now it feels like a new player could reach the extent of a healing class in a month or so of practicing, and that's it, experience counts for nothing. Its a shame that after all the years of having a sage/sorc main I feel like I achieve less now than ever before. Resolve needs to be reworked and reinvented. Dps numbers are so high that a healer can be killed in seconds with a few well timed stuns and an interrupt, I am not the only person that thinks this way.
  13. So I am a long term player of swtor, I have for the majority of time played seer sage, I am known across alts as my seer sage's name. So here is the reason for my issues. Healing in pvp is at the worst point it ever has, the numbers for dps classes are ludicrously high while hps numbers are so low by comparison. So to make my point , I would like to talk numbers. A good dps player in pvp are achieving 8k plus dps, this happens in nearly all pvp matches it is not an isolated occurrence, I also see regularly over 12k dps for some classes again this happens a lot. While healers are getting between 8k and 12k hps, sometimes more granted. For me onslaught and healing in pvp feels terrible, relatively speaking, I am a healing less and dying more often than ever before because of energy pool/ resource management, and the stupid amount of stuns there are now. I miss the good ole days where I could keep up over four team mates and myself while not being energy starved in under 10s. As it stands I can barely manage keeping up myself vs two good dps, it is a nightmare. Energy starvation is to blame, not so much the amount healed by x ability. I am playing on my healers less and less because it is no longer fun, even though I want to main a healer I just can't cause of how frustrating it is. Even when I am guarded, team mates die like flies vs a pre-made, I just can't anymore. Can you please just look at the numbers and see for yourself, reduce the energy cost across the board by a lot, while increasing class resource pool regain by a large margin. I want to be able to enjoy healing once again. My recommendations go for all healer classes. Resolve needs to be reworked too, I feel it is no long useful in its current state. I have no ideas on where to go with it, but its just not working now with the addition of charges on stuns and slows etc.
  14. One of the best assessments of the game I have ever saw. Excellent.
  15. Agree with all of the above! I hope we get better bonus sets in the near future, I am missing my old set bonuses pre 6.0 at this point.
  16. I have wanted something like this for years, so glad its implemented, this is a fantastic quality of life change.
  17. Ran about 3 flashpoints, and the loot is a lot better now, much improved, I even got a tactical. Happy days
  18. Very happy, thank you. I can now do all I need to do in preparation for onslaught.
  19. The gear that is available is so over priced, feel like it would take an age to get a full set bonus and tactical item. I kinda got the impression that gear would be easier to earn in onslaught than it currently is. I certainly think that if gear was far easier to obtain people would change their approach to playing, they would be more willing and able to change roles to suit the activity without penalization. Easier gearing would enable a more thriving community in my opinion. I for one have played swtor for so long I am good playing any role, and can play most classes at a good level. I think that these are the strengths of faster gearing, Swtor was very good at this, but in recent times has forgotten the numerous benefits to this game model. I would like to add that it may feel counter intuitive to allow faster gearing, but I have to disagree, it would suit casual and hardcore players alike, after all, people like the content not the grind, and anything that enables more players to play more content can only be a good thing for the game as a whole. In short I think that the gear is surprisingly over priced, and I wish that it was lowered, by a lot.
  20. Tested out the harvesting on ossus, and here are my findings. When I found something to gather (grade 11 mats) there were nice amounts to be had, however, there were so sparse and infrequent, it wouldn't be a viable way to get gear etc. I went to all zones on ossus and found two grade 11 resources in total, at present frequencies when onslaught goes live this method of gearing will be 100% ineffective, what little is out there will be gone in a blink of an eye, no one will be able to obtain the amount of materials needed to craft anything.
  21. No loot to be had by anyone, I fast stopped doing warzones as it was pointless and unrewarding.
  22. Run hammer station mm a few times, and I thought the drops were well below par. The inference on the live streams and forum posts led me to be disappointed with what dropped. I feel that the drops were not adequate, and the drops were not specific to my advanced class or even my class. I would like to have seen more armorings mods and enhancements too. No set pieces dropped. I was shocked that there was such little to be gained from the content. I would like to see more of the tech fragments, as I think it is way to low at this time. Given that one armor set piece costs 1500 tech fragments (plus a million credits), and after running an ops, and 5 flashpoints, and 2 warzones I couldn't even earn 600 tech fragments. if this low acquisition rate translates to launch, gearing is going to be mind numbing, and alt very unfriendly using this method.
  23. I feel the same way, I simply cannot reconcile playing hatred since they changed the dot spread mechanic to lacerate. I only play tank now for your aforementioned reasons.
  24. The more I read these interviews the more hyped I get, just when you thought you couldn't get any more excited, you read another.
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