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Everything posted by FabulousDoctor

  1. This is why GF should read where a majority of your points are, and force you into only queuing that role.
  2. New race: Australian Special Emote: Rips open shirt to show australia shaped chest hair. A real Mann's race to go with a Real Mann's crate!!! ((Star Wars: The Hat's Republic))
  3. I've only gotten a single purple I can use out of these, but even level 18-20 gear from them have sold on the GTN for at least 20k. I made 96k off a purple blaster pistol from Voss commendations today.
  4. No, it needs multiple missiles per circle, which is why missing once can screw you up, because to hit all of the targets you need to empty 4 missiles on one target, four on another, then four on a third, and your missiles wont reload fast enough to let you get an extra shot in if you miss. I've only ever used EWP on Aeten Defense and Ascendency Barrier, but I use EMP on Polith Minefield up, as on Polith it clears about 110 mines in one click.
  5. Having played a Trooper, a Sith Warrior, and beginning an Agent, I can safely say that the Empire is not 'evil'. Much like Lt. Dorne says though, the fact that it's a society where a Sith can order any sort of cruelty, or enact such cruelties, on anyone they wish to, defying the laws of the military/society makes it seem evil. The Imperial Military, at least as far as I've seen, is no more terrible than the Republic Military as a Trooper sees, instead it's that they're run more by the Sith who are 'Deathstab Souleater' level morality, even above their own laws. Oh, you know those laws about how Republic PoWs must be treated? Well that Sith just ordered you to break them by shooting them in the head instead. So you did so, even though it's breaking the laws, because a Sith told you to! If the Empire didn't have its Sith Worship where every Sith was above every military person besides a Moff you'd likely see it being a lot less 'evil'. If only the Council + the Emperor were above the Moffs in rank, and other Sith had equivalent ranks to Imperial personnel, then the laws would be followed more often, preventing the stupidity that is Imperial 'morality'.
  6. The issue with Polith Minefield is that you need to hit perfectly to take out the carrier. Wasting a single missile causes you to lose. This is difficult because that specific mission stutters right as you become able to aim at the carrier, almost imperceptibly, on some lesser end systems. Polith Minefield is actually the hardest mission for me to finish, I can do Aeten Defense and Acendency Barrier 100% of the time, but Polith is a fifty fifty chance, if I am being positive and lying to myself about how good I am at it (I've actually only beaten it three times out of maybe twenty attempts)
  7. I was queued for Red ...Whatever, sorry I'm bad with names, yesterday, and when we finally got a group we got up to the second 'boss' when suddenly we wiped not once but four times. Then our healer dropped the line that 'She (I) did this yesterday with no issues, with a lower level healer in the group.' And then when we questioned if she was healing spec, she ignored the three of us and left the group suddenly.
  8. It's across from the PVP dailies on the Fleet, IIRC. But it's a level 34 bonus series, according to my quest log when I picked it up, though that has been wrong before.
  9. Actually, the Expanded Universe talks about how Light Side leaning people who are heavily influenced by it have brighter eyes (not 'glowy' but where they point out, if I am correct), they age slower (and in some cases wrinkles and stuff disappear for awhile, making them seem younger), and generally have a brighter color to their skin tone. Well, not brighter (that sort of suggests 'whiter' in some ways) but in the way that it shines. A very pale darksider would have ashen gray skin, while a very pale lightside jedi would have porcelain doll skin ^.^, but a dark skinned darksider would have a dull color to it, while Lightside would get a sort of 'sheen' to it. These are supported by the EU! They're totally possible! But I think some people would be annoyed by them. If I recall correctly, one of the first books to suggest light side changes said that jedis tended towards blue eyes, which caused a huge backlash because 'blue eyes are better' is a sorta rood thing! You can say red eyes are evil because people don't really have red eyes, but blue is an actual eye color! So like, it'd really depend on how it worked. I think adding minor glows in the form of 40% transparency overlays on their eyes, with the color increased in brightness by four or five points could look good and not offend, but if they made it to where everyone lightside got blue eyes then someone would be offended, I'm sure.
  10. On healing in PVP not being viable? I am laughing. Hard. I play a marauder, pure DPS, in annihilation which is from what many say 'the best' spec. I can attack a Jedi Sage in PVP and have them completely ignore me while a commando heals them for every bit of damage I manage to do. I do 500 damage? Well their heal does a thousand, so they only need to heal every two times I attack in that case. PVP healing is one of the best things to do, if you are smart and don't just focus on yourself, as you can out heal most damage if it comes down to a single person dishing it out.
  11. I'm still on my first character, a level 45 Sith Warrior! I bought the game seven days ago, well I had it bought for me but whatever! For the first four days I did my space mission dailies and my PVP daily! I never managed to do a single flashpoint, not even Black Talon. Doing every mission on the planet (besides Heroics, could never find a group :c) plus bonus series (besides Alderaan's) and not touching PVP or Space since level 32ish I am at level 45 and just got to the second 'base' on Belsavis, a level 41-44 area. That means that I did eight matches of PVP and probably... twenty two space battles? With no XP bonuses in place! And I'm about three levels ahead of where I need to be/where the mobs are. If I had a thirty percent bonus for everything I could be level 50 on this planet, easily! No, you can't just do class quests, but I'm sure that with 30% bonuses you could probably do like ten matches of PVP and be ahead! Or like, thirty matches of space and be ahead! :3
  12. You aren't being charged for the same thing twice. A subscription to an MMO is based on the fact, and always has been based on the fact, that you are paying for the constant bug fixes, nerfs, buffs, and other updates, as well as for your 'spot' on the server. What you're saying is buying the game twice is what we are already doing. You already bought the game once (to download it) and then subbed to it to actually be able to play it. The difference with F2P is that you don't ever 'buy the game once', you get parts of the game for free, and then pay for DLC packs. "Buy Black Hole for 3.99$!" or "Buy Makeb for 5.99$!". Subscription on a F2P MMO means you get unlimited access to the 'base' stuff. It's like if you went out and bought WoW without any expansion packs you'd be able to only play until level 60, and only as the original 8 races. When you buy a sub in F2P that does not mean you are paying for content permanently... it's a subscription. If you buy a subscription to Maxim Magazine and then let the subscription lapse you don't keep getting magazines. Content in this case is magazines. If you want the content to be yours permanently then buy a ton of Cartel Coins.
  13. EA's only comment that 'says' they'll be selling P2W gear specifically points out that it wont be any better than A. What you find in game or can get with time, and B. Wont even nearly stack up to end game stuff. I honestly wouldn't mind if EA put an orange dancer/slave costume into the Cash Shop, with a bunch of green mods. Hell, I think that would be the best way for EA to go for Cash Shop items, sticking the 'silly'ish and the 'good looking' items into the Cash Shop as oranges, even with no mods in it. I would pay to be able to run around in Trooper esque 'heavy' looking armor which is actually Light. I know many people who would run around in dancer costumes if they didn't need a security key or social 2 (which honestly isn't really possible nowadays except at endgame, or if you farm Black Talon.) If EA fails more in putting out the cash shop, it will be due to A. Overpricing everything, or/and B. Alienating subscribers by making them pay for what EA thinks is big, but what everyone else knows isn't. Such as the new planet. If the new planet adds 10 more levels and is actually a really giant planet that can get you through to level 60, then charging a subscription for it is fine. WoW added 10 levels for its first two expansions, and both added continents that were about half the size of Kalimdor or... that other one. Haven't played Cata or Pandarea, but I'm sure they didn't add that much more, being only five levels. But if the new planet is just a new World PVP thing like Ilum, or with no story, or with no new levels, or really with no reason to go to it, then don't charge for it, not from subscribers. That's dumb.
  14. I did the space missions up until the Minefield one, where suddenly my ship (in all Grade 5 stuff) would be at half health or less two minutes into it, and destroyed within four minutes. It first stopped being 'fun' when I did Taspan Ambush however, that escort mission showed everything terrible about escorts, and I skipped that daily because of how useless it was. Maybe I'm doing the space missions wrong, but they're very hard for me . Especially when I can just do a few matches of PVP for as much XP, and then go to hoth for an hour to make a hundred thousand off farming heroic areas.
  15. I will say this on the forums as I have said many times in game... Switching factions is a terrible idiotic idea. The classes already all play the same as their mirror. If you really want to be a Trooper on the Imperials then grab the trooper looking oranges from Black Talon and wear that the whole time, and RP being a trooper, because the only difference will be that you use a smaller weapon. Going from Jedi Knight -> Sith Warrior would also be stupid, because you can obviously see that quite a few companions wouldn't stay with you (meaning they take away the Jedi Knight companions) but you're likely already past that point in the Sith story. The only way 'switching' would work would be if it retconned your whole story, and made you go back to do the Sith's level 1 up class quests, because there is absolutely no other way to do it with current resources. Yes, they could create whole new stories for 'fallen' Jedi or 'repentent' Sith, or traitors (BH, Agent, Smuggler, Trooper), but I doubt they'd make it before an expansion pack came out , and I'd much rather have them create whole new classes with whole new stories, rather than take the current 8 classes and giving them stories that let them be traitors.
  16. This is a legitimate question to you... What do you want to do, if you wont do end game dungeons or roll an alt? What do you honestly want to do for fun? If it's PVP then that's something I get, but I can't think of anything else to do at the end of any MMO, besides end game dungeons, PVP, or funding a Twink alt.
  17. I've only played Light Side so far, and haven't even finished Alderaan, but so far I've very much enjoyed the Lightside choices. There is also a mission on Tattooine (Class mission) that is different depending on alignment, and VERY fun as a light sider, dialogue wise.
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