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Everything posted by FabulousDoctor

  1. To the guy who said the Empire tends towards older people, I find that most people who play darkside only in this game are young/teenaged. It's a pretty common thing that even I ran into. When I was like 12-13 and KOTOR came out, I played darkside only because lightside was boooring. Same with KOTOR 2. Now I can't even pick most darkside options in this game, because I feel bad. Not a scientific sample, but whenever I run into bad DPS (almost always Maraudurrs) in group finder, I ask how old they are. A majority of the dark side sith-classed players who don't understand not to jump in before the tank pulls claim to be 13-14. Meanwhile, most of the dumb people I run into republic side claim to be 20ish. Kids are more likely to pick mean options in games though, because the human brain's morality doesn't work very well up until you're around 19-20, which means they don't feel guilty for picking 'bad' options. It is also why kids are so much more drawn to 'bad guy' characters in shows/games/movies. Edit: ^^ In game at least, the Sith are constantly portrayed at losing for the same reason most people playing Sith cliam they're cool. Yeah, choking out people for information is fun, but it's also stupid. And everything from literally every class, Sith, Imperial Agent, Bounty Hunter, Jedi, Smuggler, Trooper, ALL of them, show how stupid the Empire and the Sith being FOR THE EVULZ is.
  2. Sorry, I was intentionally being negative about PVP because a lot of the people in this thread complaining about PvP's treatment were the same people thread******** the housing threads. If you enjoy PVP then have fun. Though I don't see how 'pvp items' equates to housing, seeing as housing is something that's open to everyone and not tied to RP, while PVP items would be tied to PVP.
  3. A skinny nerd girl who sits on the holonet all day playing hutt-made games, joining the republic navy to help put myself through college, so that I could become a nurse. Just like real life, but in space! Wow!
  4. I think this game has faster leveling than pretty much any MMO that isn't Post-Cataclysm WoW. It's about 3-4x as quick as Vanilla WoW. And about 2-3x as much as BC and WotLK WoW. WoW has just been casualized and made easier to level in, because Blizzard wants more people to experience high level content. Back when BC was first out, it could take a solid 250+ hours of play to hit level 70. I can hit level 55 in about 60-70 hours doing quests, or about 45-50 doing Kuat Driveyards with XP boosts and legacy XP. I'm not sure about Wildstar, but isn't that a Korean MMO, which are notorious for huge grinds?
  5. Have you tried going outside and not playing the game for awhile? ^.^ Then you can come back when new stuff is around that sounds fun!
  6. The PVP in this game is bad. The community is toxic to anyone who doesn't master it (this is the same across every PVP community I've ever seen), they think they're the best players (also the same) and the game's engine is **** at rendering lots of people at a time (This is unique to this, HERO engine sucks). This game was clearly not built with PVP as a focus, and all PVP really adds to the game is is a half assed version of PVP that constantly causes PVE flavor of the month classes as things get buffed and nerfed for PVP. The only game that ever did PVP right that I played was CoH in the later years, because all skills in CoH had a version for PvE and a version for PvP, which meant that neither side had to deal with the others balances causing issues.
  7. Every one of those made changes either because of a change in developers/publishes (CoH, DDO, UO, Asheron, Anarchy), a change to a F2P version that was better designed to show the limtis (DDO, Champions) or a change because the original was ****. COH I am talking about you. CoH was the worst PvE ever for the first few years. Why yes, I'd love to do missions that give me 10% of a level and require me to take 4-5 hours to do one, because finding hellions on the roof.
  8. In the original beta version of the game, choosing the lightside option applied a debuff on you that stacked each time (but was only active inside Consular only areas). I believe each debuff gave a 15-25% buff to all damage done to you. This made it almost impossible to play a purely lightside consular, without having a friend come and basically run missions for you, as by the end of chapter 1 you would be taking almost twice as much damage as you should be, and neither Consular AC's are really not-squishy, even tank-Shadows were (at the time) so based on shield procs that a bad big hit could wipe them out. The debuff was cleared in Chapter 2, IIRC, but it was still considered to be too harsh, and removed, much like the ability to kill or refuse companions (because people playing imperial agents would kill Kaliyo and then not be able to do much on Dromund Kaas -> alderaan, because the game was designed for a companion to be with you)
  9. These are the only examples of that, not 'a few', every other planet (for both sides) has their bonus series missions take place right after the normal planet storyline, level wise. You will still end up overleveled if you do them though, it can be nice to land on Nar Shaddaa already level 24-25 so everything's nice and quick.
  10. SWTOR was publically considered a failure by the company in terms of revenue generation, just like Warhammer: Online. This is despite the fact that neither were actually running in the red (Warhammer started running in the red sometime after it went F2P, as all content development stopped and most people quit.) SWTOR was a multi-million dollar MMO that was advertised with a multi-million dollar marketing campaign (some sources claim that more money was spent on marketing than on the development itself). It was making money, but not at a rate that was acceptable to EA. Most estimates put the cost of the game and marketting at 130-200 MILLION dollars, and taking press releases from throughout the first year it's likely that subs in the first year were around 120-140million dollars. This means even at a low cost estimate and a high earning estimate, they'd barely have paid off the game, without considering the costs of paying developers/buildings/servers for that year. F2P meanwhile has gone so far as to have reportedly 'doubled' their earnings so far, compared to subs-only.
  11. Doing all of the post-ilum content (which was all added after launch) one time to see the story of them, including makeb but not including any operations, flashpoints, or events, still is around 14+ hours of content. Which, no offence, is longer than the content of most full games nowadays. Yet you insist that they've not done anything story wise that is content, and that player housing is a waste. Guess what, the story's a waste to some people. I know multiple people who spacebarred through every conversation, and just wanted to level up to do PVP or Operations or to RP with friends and make their own story. To them player housing might not be a waste! Your opinion is stupid is what I'm saying, I hope saying it bluntly gets it through your head. What you want them to do isn't what 'most' people want. Why do people always seem to think their opinion is the majority? It almost never is! Just because you want something doesn't mean doing the opposite is going against the majority!
  12. ":Waah I have no life so I should be able to get the fancy gear, not those people with money!" Holy crap what is it with people in MMOs and thinking that spending weeks of their life grinding for gear to make a good look is fun? No thank you, I'd much rather gamble packs than having to grind some 16man nightmare mode operation to try and get Revan's mask, which has less than a .0001% chance of dropping and everyone needs on. I'm sorry that you dislike letting people have fun with how they look. Also, I don't think 'most' people want to 'earn' special things through spending hours of their life. It's why MMOs are more and more moving towards letting people get the looks and items they want through methods other than poopsocking 40man Naxxarus. Why can't you have fun with a game by having fun playing it, instead of by being able to lord over 'plebians' with your special gear you earned by playing for hundreds of hours? What is it about multiplayer games that people need to have power trips and the opportunity to show themselves as 'better' than each other?
  13. Black Hole, Section X, Oricon, and CZ-198 for 'short' expansions that gave a good 2ish hours each in terms of doing them one time. As well as end game operations or flashpoints (operations of which can take an hour+) for each of these areas (in total since release there have been I think 7 new operations, not including different difficulty modes, and 4-5 new FPs) Makeb takes a good 5-6 hours to beat, and then has dailies that'll take another 2-3 each day if you choose to do them. The Rakghoul event, the Gree event, the Chevan Acquisition Race event, the bounty hunter event, the return of a wholey different rakghoul event. But no, they clearly have just been sitting around making pointless content that doesn't do anything for the story.
  14. Anyone who *****es about new content because they don't like it is literally the worst person. If a new Op gets added, don't ***** about the lack of PVP being added. If a new PVP map gets added, don't ***** about the lack of PVE. YOU aren't the only person playing, and going out of the way to say things like this is wasted time/effort is stupid, because I personally think all PVP is a waste of time, and think that in a perfect MMO PVP wouldn't exist, because then PVE could be balanced without whiny babies and flavor of the month classes. But I have no right to complain about PVP stuff being added, because it does exist, and people (Who aren't me) do like it.
  15. Having played a guy of each faction as well as multiple girls, I will say that guys have something like 3x as many flirt options, and it's kinda terrible. And most of the people you flirt with as a girl turn you down. Very ugh.
  16. Are you unable to read, or is english not your first language? They don't remove all the hypercrates or packs ever. There is always a pack on the market. I have already pointed this fact out. You are making up scenarios that do not exist. They remove single packs, which are introduced later. If you don't like anything in the new packs, that sucks and all but it's not like they removed every pack from the market.
  17. He's not talking about hypercrates, he's saying that they're not losing revenue because even if they take an old pack off the market, they add a new one that people buy. It's not like they're leaving the market blank and empty with no packs ever. Say 10 people will buy one pack. This pack has some good items that look good or that sell for a lot on the GTN. THe pack goes away and these items inflate in value. These ten people can no longer buy that pack. But there is a new pack! It also has good items that sell for a lot. They buy this pack. This continues three or four more times, and then wow, the hypercrate of that first pack appeared! The items from that pack are going for 80+ mil! Suddenly people are enticed to buy it not only for the look of the items but because of the inflated credit value. Throughout this time there are already packs out for revenue streams.
  18. Well they got something and then held onto it for what, 6+ months? I think Honor Swords were introduced around august-september of last year, right? They played the GTN and are playing the market, which is a good way to make money, just like how I made 38mil buying a Revan's Mask someone put up for 3.8mil (who then sent me a message demandign I give it back because he just mislisted the price).
  19. Knowing that the packs can be taken off the servers creates an artificial scarcity. This means people are more inclined to impulse buy a pack that has a chance of something cool in it. Look at how they brought back the hypercrates with Revan's gear in it, and those were up for 80+ mil with 2-3 pages of them on my server, two days after. And people were actually buying them. It's a very good business decision, that basically lets them convince people to buy stuff with real money more often.
  20. Probably because the Jedi are pretty good at taking care of their stuff. Meanwhile every few hundred years the Sith are almost completely wiped out and have to go into hiding, leaving their stuff behind!
  21. Well, the Consular doesn't single handedly win the war. If you play through the Agent storyline you learn about how the big scary illuminati organization has plans in place to stop the Consular's Rift Alliance. And then the Agent kills them all. The Agent is directly responsible for the Consular winning. (He also is responsible for the Empire not being beaten back in chapter 1 though, so it sorta levels out.) Edit: Also, it depends on what you mean by 'single handily most powerful', because the Jedi Knight is the one set up as being The Chosen One. He's the one from prophecy, who is more powerful than any other, fated to stop the Emperor. I don't remember any prophecy choosing the Consular, just that she was 'the most powerful with the force that we've seen in a long time'. And the Sith Warrior is Chosen of the Emperor, and considered one of the most powerful Sith in existence. And well, you already got into the Inquisitor, who by the end of their story has harnessed power from dozens of ancient artifacts, gained themselves the title of Darth, and could probably beat up any Dark Council member if they wanted to. All four of the Force using classes are overpowered story wise.
  22. Corso and Skadge are my least favorite companions. Gault is up there with them. Corso because he's sexist and refuses to let a girl scoundrel stand up for herself. I got more negative points for telling him I can take care of myself than I did for refusing to give back his favorite most special weapon. Skadge is a serial killing mass murderer who is implied to have done even worse things. Gault when dismissed from a companion says "Stop bothering me". All of these are bad things.
  23. >Thinking any of the characters aren't Mary Sues. Jedi Knight Sith Warrior Trooper Bounty Hunter Smuggler Agent Consular Inquisitor Every single character is a mary sue. The Consular and Agent are just the only ones who do useful things with their sue-tude.
  24. Items bought from the cartel market are bound for two or three days, I forget which. There should be a timer when you mouse over the item in your inventory.
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