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Everything posted by Darianth

  1. Let me lol at this a little more. 6 gunslingers would wreck face and not blink twice. Man if they only had 2 healers they couldnt lose. Imagine the definsive line they could make in huttball. Nothing can leap at them especially if the healers we operatives that went into cover. That would be an interesting game. What I have seen more than anything here lately is people rolling gunslingers.
  2. Snipers is like 2500 4500 1500 on top of another 2500 etc not to mention their utilities to keep ppl either stunned or snared.
  3. It's called CCs use dirty kick or your flashbang they last long enough for you to get Into cover which means you can legshot them on ther way back to you and you can continue your fire.
  4. Agree 100% I play on Shii-Cho and I along with many other gunslingers( which I see more of everyday) decimate marauders 1v1. It was weird because you see all the qq about sents/marauders and how many there are but I was in a warzone and we had 4 slingers on our team.
  5. For pvP I generally always use transcendence I figured helping the entire team is more important than helping myself.
  6. I use this rotation but for some reason I always switch up bs and ms
  7. Do NOT touch force camo. That is our only threat dump and lord knows we need it. If force camo got reduced we would pull off our tank soo much and cause soo many problems it isn't even funny.
  8. Um what buffs are you referring to in combat? The only one I see is master strike and yes it is a viable spec.
  9. Damage is inconsequential in PvP objectives is all that's important. Sents/marauders and slingers/snipers are suppose to be the biggest damage dealers in the game hence the reason they are strictly dps. The problem with both is how squishy both classes are. Which is why slingers have 2 Ccs a knockback and 2 snares, and why sents have their 3 defensive CDs .
  10. Any class can counter us if played appropriately. However the direct counter would probably be gunslinger/sniper considering their equal dps from their distance with their multitude of stuns snares knockbacks. This was initially from a sent perspective but the same can be applied to my time as a jugger as well.
  11. Wait so it favors all the classes? You forgot to mention gunslingers
  12. I'm on Shii-cho and I'm right there with you, I might see 3 marad/sents a max of 4(split between teams) in one match but that's not enough to complain about.
  13. I'm not an expert but that sounds like a l2p issue and the marauder would have had to pop all CDs as well as medpacks and adrenals. To get the burst necessary to out dps your heals he wouldve had to pop all relics and adrenals and crit all at once but even then you should be able to heal that. Does your friend know what a stun is?
  14. Just use dirty kick or whatever it's called or the counterpart move of the sniper them they are out for several seconds. Their resolve would be full by then but if you needed to you could use that time to reposition yourself and really give them a hard time and if positioned correctly you can hold them off of you long enough for their resolve bar to drop back down the. Knockback and once they are free leg shot. But I doubt that they would still be alive before you had to use that.
  15. They only have one cc break and if you manage your ccs and snares you can have them lower than 35% health no sweat before they even touch you.
  16. There is no need to. We sniper/slingers have 2ccs and a knockback snare and a snare and if MM or SS a knockback off of ambush or aimed shot. Sounds like that's fair to me.
  17. The funny thing is he is right. I slaughter alot of people 1v1 on my slinger marauder being one of them. The only time I really die is when 2 or more notice I'm slaughtering them and one stuns me an they both wail on me but unless they kill me in time I can cc and get away.
  18. Just because you speccd into the extra snares doesn't mean the majority has.
  19. I'd roll a jug or the forum complainers will label you as a FOTM newb. Regardless of if you really just wanted to play the class for other reasons.
  20. Assassins and power techs have a self heal which is just as good if not better than a defensive cd.
  21. This entire thread really cracks me up. I mean all this qq about sents and marauders and the majority is flat out wrong. But I think it's funny that people don't complain more about operatives or snipers wither their 2 ccs and knock back and snare.
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