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Everything posted by Dirtnose

  1. I have to agree, I don't have a 50 yet and I've been playing since early access (I've swapped servers twice) I had a level 45 on a dead server so I deleted him and started over on a new server but then swapped again due to wanting to play with old guildies from SWG. I now have a level 34 Bounty Hunter and a low level smuggler. I've subbed every month since the games release. It's a very strange decision from Bioware and one I do not agree with. (Just found out it's only for US servers? ***? So even if I did have a 50 I wouldn't get it because i'm on EU servers) Why only US servers?
  2. Bioware have stated already that they told us as soon as they knew.
  3. Is there any chance you could make the music play more often while we play? I'm usually just questing around with silence. Music seems to only ever play for about 30 seconds then it just stops and it also plays on the load screen. Maybe it's just a bug I have? If not, I would like music to play a bit more often and longer there is a lot of awesome Star Wars music to use.
  4. Just be patient. Some of these comments are ridiculous Very bad business? Seriously...
  5. It was a fantastic game. No other game like it. I miss it.
  6. Bioware can't win can they? If they release it today it's a buggy mess, you all complain. They pull it back you, all complain they pulled it back. Make up your minds.
  7. Awesome, do you ship from/to the UK? I would love one of those Bounty Hunter T-shirts.
  8. Wait it out. This happened on the NA/Euro servers. A lot of people left after a couple of weeks. Just let it happen. BioWare will add more if need be.
  9. Are there any chances of adding more voice choices for our characters? I don't like having the same voice as all other Male Bounty Hunters. Maybe even the ability to change the pitch of our the default voice of our characters?
  10. It's all explained in the Darth Bane books. Good read.
  11. The Bane trilogy is excellent. I recommend that.
  12. Would be awesome. Absolutely loved the Books.
  13. SWG the Worst crafting in an MMO? Are you *********** serious? jesus christ I lol'd hard
  14. You mean like the Armory? that would be cool. I would like that.
  15. Seriously, I genuinely don't understand the hate for the Midichlorian thing, someone please explain whats wrong with it.
  16. People hate on anything...I believe he's been brought back twice before. People find literally ANYTHING to hate on when it comes to Star Wars.
  17. Am I the only one that really liked Hayden Christensen in the Prequels?
  18. Can the Republic go to Tython/Hutta and can the Empire go to Tython/Ord Mantell? I want the Datacrons on my Trooper. I have my own ship. If I can't get there, Do the Datacrons from those two planets even count for my codex? I hope not. Thanks for any help.
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