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Everything posted by Evangelist

  1. ::dons Nomex suit:: I've noticed a lot of times when a group just plain sucks the first thing people do is whine about pre-mades. Well I've taken to actually looking at the opposing team and often find that there is not a premade opposing us, at least not one of guild-mates anyway. Often there aren't any duplicate guild tags. The group I'm in just plain sucks and gets pretty upset when I tell them so and what they are doing wrong. It usually boils down to a few things: Huttball - Not passing the ball (though this can be not their fault as I've seen it bug myself), and not getting into position to take advantage of scoring or answer enemy score. Voidstar - Leaving a door completely undefended, everyone tries to place the bomb instead of intercepting/CCing incoming enemy players and leaving one or two people to do it, not hitting players placing the bomb when on defense. Alderaan - Leaving a laser cannon completely undefended, everyone tries to cap the node instead of intercepting/CCing incoming enemy players and leaving the guy who got there first to get the cap, not hitting players capping the node when on defense. Not making use of the proper speeder bike to get back to the node under assault if you die. Common to all three - fighting in locations nowhere near the objectives, not killing/protecting healers, and lack of communication. Though I will admit "east & west" is confusing for some people and "left & right" is subjective when trying to communicate. Not nearly as simple as a "LH" or "BS" that many are used to. Also the "I give up" people who /sit after first score, two cannons are capped, or the first door is breached. Granted there are factors that are beyond the team's control, one might have five level 10-20s on it where the other team has five level 50s in PVP gear. The one team is at a clear disadvantage (one reason I'm not really a fan of the "boosted" approach) but can at least make somewhat of a showing. At least try, and play like you have a clue. Bioware should have followed (IIRC) the WHO model with brackets and boosting everyone to the top of that bracket. Even with the 50 bracket a level 10 is at too much of a disadvantage vs. a level 40-49, they often lack the talents & abilities to be effective. I digress. So before you cry "OMG pre-mades R OP!" and "going up against pre-mades sucks" (and yes it does when it actually happens) make sure its really not your team (and you in particular) that sucks.
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