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Everything posted by Furyofwar

  1. What exactly are you trying to show people? You didnt do very well.
  2. That is a very weak score. If you want to see great performance I will link one when I get home from work. Funny but in my guild I could give you a screenshot of every class like that except for operative. In fact I will stay tuned Ill link screenshots after work.
  3. why would you spend more time 2months leveling in pvp when you could do it in less then 1 week with your class quest. poor time management means your a baddie.
  4. why would you spend more time 2months leveling in pvp when you could do it in less then 1 week with your class quest. poor time management means your a baddie.
  5. only difference is your upset so your obviously losing a lot an that shows your track record. we on the other hand have learned what to do. enjoy the game and have a amazing win percentage an already are being known for #1 on our server. It comes down to your players. Sorry. But any class can be beaten.
  6. Your welcome to your own opinion. Despite the QQ going on around about things we have managed to maintain a 95-100% win ratio in PvP even while we were leveling up. Team games are not meat to be played solo.. majority of players issues is they want teamwork in pugs of people they don't know. But that is pretty much impossible majority of the time.
  7. Sorry you have had a bad experience with the skill levels on your server. But I have already beaten all the 50s on my server. In fact they have begun flocking to our guild cause we #1 at pvp. We had no issues smashing the 50s while finishing leveling our toons.
  8. In the end all your debating is Burst VS Dots they have the same mobility. Personal Preference.
  9. thermal detonator is same thing as dart same cd except as pyro you take it off your bar and as ars you dont
  10. in the end if you happy with it. dont change it. enjoy the game
  11. Also, they have the same amount of instant casts. Pyro gets Incendiary Missile and Ars gets Heatseaking. I am extremely mobile and extremely deadly in those large important battles due to my high dmg burst. In great warzone matches(ones we dont end in about 2-4min from 6-0 huttball) I have reached 415k dmg done total. An many solo kills.
  12. You only spam tracer missile when your in group combat one on one you don't. besides its a non issue most classes must stand still to attack anyway. the ones that don't you can just throw them 25yards every 15seconds. that's the only time you need to tracer missile anyway. We are the #1 pvp guild currently on our server with 100% win ratio in war zones. Ya we never lost to anyone yet. Regardless your spec doesn't matter only performance. Trying to tell people tracer missile is bad cause you cant play with it.. well that's just bad in itself.
  13. Operatives Critting for 8k is a non issue. Its one time an not sustainable other classes can spam 4-6k non stop which is far more deadly when people can get 15-20k HP pretty easily. They are still low dmg overall compared to other classes. Every other class will still out dmg them overall. 8k is nothing when your geared out for the amount of time it takes for them to do it. We have not lost a single war zone yet. An there are many operatives we face.
  14. So I have been reading the forums and all I have to say is wow. What has happened to this MMO community? Part of getting a new game is adapting to that new game. Learning every aspect of a new game. Getting rid of old habits(Warcraft) an becoming a better player. It is starting to look like the MMO community not everyone but a large amount of people could not play any game without someone telling them how to play it. Warcraft has spoiled gamers to the core. With all the Guides, Videos, Websites, Forums with information about how to play gamers have forgot how to learn for themselves. To be truly good at a video game you must learn for yourself. That being said many gamers are not on all the same skill levels. Some gamers will learn fast and excel very early at the game. Others will just bloom when they can be told how to play. Right now the game of SWTOR is being dominated by those players who do not need guides, forums, or other websites to help them be good at video games. The issue with most games is they are to easy. This gives players the illusion that they are the greatest gamers in the world. An when that illusion gets crushed by a smashing defeat at the hands of another player they will get very very upset. Majority of the time this leads to two different things. 1.) Nerd Rage 2.) QQ So I will take the time to try to help everyone out. If your struggling at PvP I will give you some tips as well as address some of the topics I have seen on the forums. Level 50 Brackets: Do higher levels get a advantage in PvP? The answer is yes. But this is a Role Playing Game(RPG). An this is not unfair because everyone has the same right to level up and become level 50. Leveling gives you the ability to unlock more talents, ability's and gear. Just like many current PvP games you unlock more stuff the more time you put into it. Now the way bolster works currently a lot of those Stats level 50s get from gear is nerfed when we enter war zones. Including: Health, Damage, Accuracy, Critical, Surge, Power etc. You get the point. 50's get expertise which totals to about 12% expertise when fully geared. That is only 12% better healing, Damage, An damage less taken. As a non 50 you have access to tons of war zone points you do not have to save if you do not want to. Meaning you can buy those lovely 15% expertise potions for 10 war zone points each. A level 20 can easily use this potion to get the satisfaction of owning a level 50. You can also use medical packs in war zones. If your low level I suggest you use these as well. Piss poor preparation leads to piss poor performance. So if you do not take the time to level and you enter war zones unprepared without these PvP items you will always get destroyed by players who do. Characters OP: Wrong. None are OP. Right now things are pretty balanced at 50 for the classes but I will have to agree that the guardians/marauders should most likely get a slightly lower cd on the leap ability but other then that everything is pretty legit at 50. Way more balanced 1 on 1 then world of warcraft could ever be. Huttball: By far the greatest/funniest PvP game ever allowed in a MMO game. This game allows for extreme teamwork and strategy. A lot of the QQ I am seeing on the forums is about SPRINTING with the ball. So we will go over this. This ability is no different then a druid sprinting with the flag in warsong gulch. You just have yet to learn to adapt to it. Here are some tips to make you a better hutt ball player. Do not give the ball carriers max Resolve. Its the bar next to there character picture when you have them targeted(Its a interface option to turn it on) This is very bad giving someone max resolve makes them immune to everything in SWTOR. The best defense is a knock back, grapple, death grip not a stun. It takes 2 stuns to kill someone in fire(Smart players trinket) only one knock back to send them into the pit. Keep in mind you need to send teammates into the pit with them because they can grip them back up. Do not give people resolve unless you kill them when they are trying to score on your team. Do not waste a stun on a ball carrier unless its a last resort it is not effective. Control the upper ground! This is huge you must fight to the death to control the top area of hutt ball or good teams will walk all over you an score non stop. Nerf Classes: Sorcs, Operatives, BH's, Juggernauts are not OP. They all do very well with a great player behind the keyboard. Marauders / Guardians could use a small decrease in there cool down time for leap but that's about it. Most importantly people need to learn what these classes are capable of doing. There are no addons to tell you what to do or how to play in SWTOR. So you must learn for yourself. Your UI/Action bars etc are able to be changed and keybinded just like in warcraft and must be done. Turn on your resolve bar Finally: Stats Part of the reason some characters are better then others is due to poor character itemization while leveling. You must use the correct gear. You cannot just use any item you want each class uses different stats to maximize damage/healing. If your a melee and you don't use tons of critical you will get slaughtered you do not have 100% DPS up time you must use the correct stats. Make sure you understand the stats.. Most players do not even realize that accuracy once you reach 100% becomes armor pen increasing the damage the target your hitting takes. Ill edit this and add more as I go but I'm currently at work. So that's all for now.
  15. OP: Your entire post is discredited because you are still not aware what resolve is. Therefore until you learn whats actually going on around you and stop being bad. Do not post on our forums thanks.
  16. For starters the losing team reward is almost just as high as winning. This isn't warcraft. You can still level up in war zones while losing.
  17. Thats wrong. 1 Expertise potion for 10 warzone points = 15% expertise which is more then any level 50 gets from gear. Conisdering that all level 50s right now are using all there warzone points to get gear. They most likely wont be popping these potions to often. So if you get in a one on one fight, An your a serious pvper. An hes level 50. Try using a medpack, Expertise Potion. Instead of wondering why someone who is more prepared then you can kill you. If you had skill you would never of posted this. Or grab a expertise buff that is all over the map...
  18. Dear Bioware PvP so far on SWTOR has been pretty amazing. We are enjoying ourselves (myself and my real life friends as well as my girlfriend and some of my guild that came to this MMO from warcraft.) I would like to remind you that the complaints you read on the forums are not for the majority of the players on SWTOR. In fact majority do not even take the time to post on the forums and this is actually a small minority of SWOTR players. That being said lets get on to the topic. War zones. Are you planing on adding more maps? Would love to have more maps to play on. More hutt-ball maps with deadly obstacles would be Amazing. Please ignore the complaints about level brackets. They don't understand that everyone is level 50 in a war zone and that if they want more perks/weapons/armor they have to unlock them by leveling. All the best games use this system currently. (call of duty,Battlefield etc) Having a blast. Thank you for freeing the MMO community from the chains of only having one option for MMO entertainment.
  19. Your Level 50 when you enter a war zone. You have 3 options. 1. Gank Him 2. Quit 3. Unlock more Talents/Gear from Leveling. Any of those 3 will fix your issue.
  20. Change the game name to call of duty. Change the word Level to Rank. An what do you have. Different game but same situation. Except only for the MMO. You have people asking for hand outs. You are already level 50 when you enter a warzone. Unlock the rest. GG.
  21. So basically your saying players who are max rank in call of duty should not play against people who just bought the game. You need to think about what your saying. Your asking to get a free pass cause you cant handle the grind.
  22. An that is the bottomline that people just are willingly ignoring. That upon entering a warzone you are in fact LEVEL 50. Your restricted Gear/Talents. Because you have not unlocked them. Just like every other single PVP game in the world. Its called unlock it. Go play call of duty. Do you get every weapon at rank one? Every perk at rank one? Go play battlefield. Do you get the same? Go play Bloodline Champions. Same question. Go play Socom navy Seals. Same question. See the pattern here. Earn your stuff. Stop asking for handouts.
  23. If you honestly think your only level 20 when you queued for a war zone. Your mistaken. YOU ARE LEVEL 50 When you enter. You are just restricted ability's and gear. Hmmm sound familiar? Sounds kinda like call of duty or battlefield when you first begin. Earn your stuff. Stop asking for hand outs.
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