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Everything posted by mordredz

  1. I didn't even bother after reading the title, the players pick what they want, plain and simple, so QQ else where, thanks...
  2. mordredz

    When I hit 50

    Maybe take 5 mins and look at the pvp vendors when your ingame instead of making a thread? or heck try google? i know its tough doing stuff on you're own...
  3. mordredz

    PvP Ruined

    PvP is fine, you can't read a resolve bar, l2p im sure it will come to you some day, don't make a thread complaining when you're the underlying issue...
  4. Complain to little, complain to much, just go....
  5. You really complain alot in your posts you know this right? nothing in anything you post is good enough for you, if its not 1 thing its another, grab a diffrent hobby and move on...
  6. A month? bad math is bad...
  7. They do abort, l2r patch notes and comprehend...
  8. You complain you want 1.2 right now, granted, and continue to complain, just lovely...
  9. More bugs huh? what ones hmmm? pvp is more balanced than it ever has been, yet you still complain/cry/whine and 2 of you seem to post more in this thread than anyone...
  10. Should of spent them before 1.2, as everyone knew before hand, comprehension is hard right? k...
  11. Cause you can't pick the right set? um LOL k champ...
  12. 1.2 brought quite a few back to each server i play on and it shows on TORstatus so i guess logic/common sense fails in your eyes eh?
  13. oh really? is that how the market works? to show appreciation for players? oh my a new angle on pleaseing the players? you're logic is that of whats on my boot heel... thanks...
  14. 5 months in and desperation mode with giving a free day and month? lol im sorry are you confused? you seem confused... My standard server went up 30-40ppl during peak since 1.2 and has stayed that way, on my of my servers so i guess your still confused and will cont to be that way...
  15. Not to mention all the ppl that sub just for D3 and panda access that don't even play, all the Farming companys that sell gold/items/etc i mean? rofl some ppl...
  16. The obv? population spiked for 1.2 legacy, check Torstatus, readingishardiknow...
  17. Awww someone need a hug cause they don't like something that most do? there there...
  18. Ya its there second, i was in the first and ya i kinda didn't care much for the out dated mechanics, i love a classic just not in a new MMO lol...
  19. And tera has been out a YEAR lol so ya it has a LFG tool, cause its been out and the mechanics on it are just horrible 1990 mess...
  20. On low pop yes, on standard and up no, having a blast...
  21. I have heard of none of them, soooooooo a bunch of ppl's assumptions = don't give a frack... but thanks for the waste of time Also never heard of Cowen And Company, since all the articles which none are mainstream are ref to, not to mention they get there info from Torstatus which does not track subs but in and out's of servers, great thread champ...
  22. The games not getting bad press, yes it takes a bit to code xfers to include legacy and such, either be patient or find another hobby, simple as that... A bunch of complaining players don't = a products demise, just there lack of CS....
  23. So they should focus on that instead of the other issues with the game eh? common sense? love these players i do i do...
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