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Everything posted by mordredz

  1. You're obv upset, sorry you feel that way champ...
  2. lol made my day, fanbase alone will carry it for quite some time...
  3. You're complaining about close to 100 ppl in the fleet at prime time when there are servers that have 10-20 on at peak? QFT plz, dear lord...
  4. Spoken like a true player with no guild/friends on the game/called bad/etc... The games a blast, make some friends and enjoy...
  5. lol went thru all that just to prove nothing and cast bad assumptions, poor ppl...
  6. on your server ok, thanks again for that oh so helpful insight...
  7. its a standard/light server rofl the low pop, rofl comprehension much?
  8. cause you know subs are declining atm? last i checked legacy brought back qutie a few, and again im sure there WORKING ON IT, so with that in mind i would say be patient but to players these days thats dam near impossible...
  9. on my standard pub server, an alt server we have 30-50 on fleet at peak, 20 in the pit/civil/coast/vs not to mention the how many other planets? ya, um, k...
  10. lmao what, jibberish to a T... Also whats 2 million x 15 bucks for just the few that did 1 month let alone 3/6/9/12 etc? ontop of the price of the game? lol indeed...
  11. Beautiful card, way over priced, i got 40fps atm with 6850 max settings, no need to up to something like that any time soon...
  12. PT forum is ------> way, and it procs off FB/RP 6sicd....
  13. What part of there working on it is hard to understand? i mean really? It takes quite abit of coding to deal with Xfers+legacy+names+etc, its all really common sense...
  14. mordredz


    You realize they can knock you back with 2 things right? root you in place also right? so 1 force camo vs 3 = gud? k
  15. mordredz


    Hmm a full stun lock kill vs something you can avoid? ROFL your logic is still the best on the internet! keep it up!
  16. mordredz


    ROFL to a nakid person yes? logic still amaze's me!
  17. mordredz


    Again diffrent specs for the burst, they dont out survive sin tanks not even close actually, your post is rather wrong...
  18. mordredz


    There moving the posts to other threads, search/read/learn/thanks...
  19. The burst is Combat with no heals and more dmg taken compared to Anhi, Rage is also nice burst with even less of the other 2, sooooooo no? k
  20. Our dmg was the same pre 1.2 champ, ravage got a buff, other specs got on par but guess what, was the same then and its the same now other than the dmg on ravage, but ty for your 2 cents...
  21. we have a few great snipers but thats a kite all day long thing and with the way Wz's work now it kinda defeats the purpose to spend all day on 1 target...
  22. and a 6k doesnt happen on every mara/sent/jug/guard hit either? well that was a fun trade off, thanks....
  23. Beat them all day long on my jug, guess another l2p session...
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