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Everything posted by moonshoter

  1. I am hoping for the best on Tuesday for us ,,, what I hope is they have got it to gather and will be setting a new standard in how new content is tested with some very impressive patches coming yet and this is just a start of a new way to put out new stuff for software .. Or We will get hit with some of the worest bugs yet ... I can't wait to see ether way and hope its the impressive way ...
  2. Or AoE taunt I have a trouble sometimes targeting the Claw but AoET works everytime
  3. No it not , my Second funest to heal is D7 .. ::
  4. DO you really want that ... it would prolly work but I like fast runs and usually just two boss run in SM TFB and SMEC and even in HM KP and I would rather run HM KP with one tank two healers and the rest DPS and Why HM KP it's faster ..I have three 50 with more atw . ) so the faster the better once ive seen it on one 50
  5. I Tank it and heal it , its all about how geared the group is how a ware they are of what's going on around them , most of the pugs I do are premade and in most cases we do it in `18 mins or less .. I even did a 20 min kaon run today tanking ... So don't give up , just find the right players .. Easyest way to do him is with two RPS , Healer . tank him in the middle let the ranged run along the out side unless you lose agro or one on the range drops the bubble in middle you can just stand thu the whoe fight and tank him .. main thing to remember is interrupt incinerate, that happens right on pull and then after every channel he does on a random group member . the rest is on the DPS ETC and how fast they can kill him . do they watch what they are doing .. when I heal it it's a blast I love it when the adds attack me makes healing it even more fun to see if can keep every one a live including me with 3 adds pounding me .. I have yet to ask anyone to kill them that how crazy I like it ;;;
  6. Rift Has that , called master mode its awesome but once you run so many times it turns like the OP said ... AND LI or T2 mode was suppose to be that but we have yet to see anymore T2 type FP in HM .... or Even SM and if I remember a few times back they said we would get more T1 ones and T2 but were are they ?
  7. Sadly so True , But it like that in every game I have ever Played EQ 1 EQ 2 yes even in EQ 2 , WOW , Rift , and a few others I have played over the years , this how it is in all the MMO atm (... Sw tor is no Diff and to be honest , I don't see why others get so upset over it .... if there is ops raids etc to run the they will gear fast ..... no way around it ... They prolly are gonna nerf RE but are you so sure you want that ... I'll repeat there is no way to stop how fast we gear ,, they really have to do that to not gimp us , those that are skilled . etc in WoW it might help some to do what thy do with gear . gear check etc but do we all really want that to they could limit how many HM we do a day , even thu GF etc ..... but other then that, once a guild or group of friends hit 55 there one main goal will be OPS , and how fast they get in them That's End game ..
  8. anyone else ? I made two ingame tickets one as a bug report and a other asking is this bug....
  9. I Made a Group I'm saved at the bot boss for SM KP we zone in thu GF take the Speeder and bame we can't get past the Red Wall , the panel won't let anyone click it .. Is this a new bugg if some one is saved at that boss the panel can't be clicked ? ... if its full run we can I know I was in a group easiler today we made it to the boss ,, I Dced and couldn't get back on for a hour or two at the bot boss .. my ui shows me saved at him as Available ...
  10. The way it reads there will more in Voss to do even for those of us that have done everything we can in Voss .. I have in 2 50 and one 50 I just rushed to 50 so I d run him back ..
  11. They are coming according to a post they made a week or so ago, its in the works and soon to be done .. and go live, I think it even said before the EXPAC with PTS COPY overs, the PTS will BE free but SX wont be, if I could find that post, I would link it ..
  12. There is not just three .. I can 't limit it to just three .. Id would just be happy with more quality of life updates Like being able to see if we know a schematic is our book if its a boss drop been hoping waiting for that one like forever .. mounts to .. I have so many mounts if one drops I can't see if I have it and it doesn't say on the boss when it drops if I have it or not ,I have to look or just roll need.. Shift click items in the GTN search , much better then typing it in .. Macros but not counting on that ever, just hoping maybe Addons at some point just hoping but will prolly never happen , am ok if it doesn't . Keybinds saved on my PC and not server side so I can add them to another toon I make and not have to redo them each toon duel spec with profile saves gear profiles and swiping ... KeyBind mounts off the bar and some other stuff like out of combat stuff .. more control over the UI like resizing the map on the fly be able to move the UI around more without having to open the UI editer ... Stuff like that would be awesome, I would pay for some of it ... I have more id like to see done but atm those are the mains things id love to see
  13. two three weeks once it starts so be ready OR NEW RECURRING EVENT: RELICS OF THE GREE •Explore Ilum's contested area in the Western Ice Shelf to uncover the mysterious purpose of the Gray Secant, an enormous ancient Gree starship. •Get ready to face a powerful opponent that awaits you at the center of this ancient vessel. •Earn exclusive Gree technology, including highly-advanced weapon and armor! •Look for opportunities to join this recurring event throughout the rest of the year. More details to come! Found here http://www.swtor.com/gameupdates/1.7-return-of-the-gree ..
  14. IF its like WOW epic gear weak but kind good starter gear , mounts ,pets , armor . mods , more custom gear etc ... What else can they give , may be cartel points for coins to subers only but don't count on it .. Most of the WoW faction grinding was pve in a PVP zone after our side had control like in Cata I forget the name of it . it seemed to work well .. not much ganking went on unless you were helping fight for control, that I remember .
  15. Prolly this Tuesday coming , this is suppose to be released this month the ILUM update and event I remember back in Sept I think it was after TFB was out they said ILUM would be update in JAN 2013 so some time this month it may go live with some PTS testing ... that will prolly start Tuesday on the PTS and then by FEB we see it live ..can't wait .. MAYBE WE FINALLY GET LEGACY LIGHT SABERS .... hint hint ...
  16. well the read on that link looks just like it is in wow with ranks etc so get ready I never minded it , kind of liked it .. what we should ask is are they kinda make it more fun then WoW did ? that can happen ... I quit WoW not because of what they did or boredom so much just needed a new look not old , WoW is just to me not so much boring etc just got old and out dated in a way to me , I still play it but noting like I like used to ..
  17. Advance your character with the new Galactic Reputation system! The Galactic Reputation system lets you earn Reputation points by completing missions for factions such as the Gree or the Voss, or for military divisions within the Republic and the Empire. This new system advances characters through six ranks of increasing prestige: “Outsider”, "Newcomer", "Friend", "Hero", "Champion", and "Legend". Galactic Reputation is also tied to a character’s Legacy, so Reputation points and ranks are shared across all the characters within the same Legacy! I'm guessing if anything like WoW does it and it looks like it will each planet will sooner or later have it own rep to grind . by what they said ^
  18. Was wondering when we would get faction grinding . ... I love doing it on WoW will here to ...
  19. Its not impossible I've seen tanks in level 28 gear trying to tanks a level 50 HM one time me and another DPS carried a tank thu D7 HM the tank didn't know what he was doing so I told the DPS play tank I'll keep you up .. we did it ..the group didn't have the heart to kick him which we could have , we could have pulled out a pet to tank the rest of it. and when I level up I never replace gear till 50 but one two items as I go I don't mod or any thing till max level I do level fast in low level gear so it poss . I have done it to 50 .. and have in every game I have ever played EQ 1, RIFT, WoW , SWTOR and one two more I can't remember the names of .)) to me its just a waste to try and gear before maxx level I would replace it every two or three levels ...
  20. I don't mind it but I do agree with him it gets abused a lot I have seen others want to kick some one for no good reason and I would not vote kick them ...
  21. IF you so then it most be ty .. just remember how the release went in Sept 2012 , but if you say so, then it must be time will tell and I agree with your time lines but the way BW does things lets see ... I know how beta etc work but its how BW works that not with the others why I said what I did , what I should have said was how about 8 to 9 month from now ... owell
  22. Question why not put a mod key on it like Shift+ left click that will let us just drag it off the bar and that way it never comes unlocked and no one ever loses a Spell .. I know it works its done that way in WoW ... I Know that's WoW but I don't like WoW I like this Game and this is just a suggestion . ...
  23. I agree totally why would they up the price ...
  24. it won't go above 19.99 and if you SUB why would they take that way , the 5 days access I can see .
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