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Everything posted by Anyakaschala

  1. I did get a modicum of revenge, at least in my mind. Got in another group with a diff toon, who was flagged. Another imp decided to try and gank him. We all flagged and kicked him to the curb. He came back, and tried to gank me, but I'd put on my pvp gear, and not only did we beat him to the curb again and again and again, we did it while fighting the 3 golds and the champion spawned and we took care of that at the same time. Imp got the message after the 4th death because we saw him pop up, and he jumped off the cliff to get away from us.
  2. that's the thing though, i wasn't in the contested zone. Just doing PT in the non-pvp area, the guy that joined us was flagged, got flagged due to tag healing. So yeah, I hear ya, and I wouldn't be saying anything if was actually in the contested area.
  3. So you're doing something like PT h4 quest. You're heals, and someone invites to your group someone thats flagged. You're going to get flagged, that's a given. But you're not in pvp gear because you're not pvping or haven't pvped on that toon. And along comes a non-flagged sniper, full power-ups and ambushes the **** out of you, guaranteed crit, can't do anytihng about it, he has pvp gear on, and you don't, so he not only gets that guarantted crit, he gets a massive bonus damage boost to go with it. Seriously, can we change something about this scenario? I'm sure I'm not the only one that's had to deal with this kind of BS.
  4. I married kira and I haven't talked to her in a year. THATS MARRIAGE FOR YA!!
  5. We all know that pve ops gear is the bane of existence in pvp. bolster doesn't work on that gear, and most people are too lazy to head to oricon to get their gear there. Can we get some 162 vendors in the pvp combat training area of the fleet? Along with weapons and off hands, so that people can more easily get entry level pvp gear? And at the very minimum be able to get gea that is workable in wz's?
  6. tried GW2 pvp, really pretty much sucked ***.
  7. already signed this, however, one thing that I'd like to see is maybe smaller versions of existing wz's for objective based 4's.
  8. I'm someone that plays a lot of sports, and goes to open gyms to play basketball, volleyball, soccer, etc... The interesting tthing, and to parallel this, there are all kinds of players and skill levels, and all kinds of ways to divide the teams up. The best, most competitive gyms, don't give a **** about equality. Winners court, winner stays on. It breeds better players and you have to improve if you want to play. Lots of places line up, usually with something as assinine as height, and not skill or actual position, some places actually draft a team for the night. The sport with the widest range of skill levels seems to be volleyball, not only because of the guy girl mixture, but so much about the sport is taught by the football coach in gym class in high school or a PhysEd prof in college, and neither of which has a *********** clue about how the actual sport is played. You also get a wide range of athletic ability from guys that can jump out the gym, to guys that are just trees with zero mobility. The ball can literally be one foot in front of them but becasue it is at the knee level they can't get it because they just give up on it. some of the worst people you encounter are the athletes that think they can just rely on said athletic ability. Typically they are a danger to themselves and others. The worst knee and ankle injuries I've seen are from these types because they jump so high and with no control that they'll land on someone else and depending on the nature of the landing, typically will blow their ankle (break it, or a serious sprain) but if they hit it wrong, they can blow their knee out. I've seen this once. To parallel this with SWTOR, it's those types of guys, the ones you tell them what they are doing wrong, and basically don't listen to you, and think they know what they are doing and do what they want that are the worst. Those are the teams and gyms I will leave early on and refuse to play with because not only could they hurt themselves but hurt you. I've seen guys walk off the court, yelling at other players to learn to play or get off the court. And to be honest, I can't blame them, the ones that are yelling are the ones that have blown out ankles and knees due to baddies. The only time I've ever really yelled at someone was when they just weren't playing. They just stood on the court and did nothing. I basically yelled, "are you here play? if not, get off the court" He was terrible but he apologized to me afterwards too. Granted that's real life vs a video game. But the same sentiment is there. In terms of myself, I typically won't quit, but I'll be extremely cautious when going up against those kinds of players, and if I get stuck on a bad team, many times I'll just call it a night after a couple of games. Just not worth my time. However, even if the team si bad, but the players are trying to get better, listen to instruction, etc... I'll put on my coaches cap and help them out, but too many times, people just don't care.
  9. ah, but there are other things that you can do to change things. As non-stealther in a CW match, I died mid, both sides were both faction controlled, I headed to grass, to the other faction. They called, at least had to because 3 ppl came running, I did my best to troll it...and go figure, SUCCESS, we got mid. Hell, there are a lot of things a non-stealther can do, try and draw a guy away from a node, and even sell it, and people will come running if they think you are doing the draw strat,
  10. in terms of q-sync - not really a lot that BW/EA can do about this. As with any competition, people will always look to get any advantage they can. Playing in an environment where you can juke the system and play with giuldies and friends in a comm channel to boot. People will find ways to do this. People will find times of the day that benefits this the most, factions that benefit this the most, and servers that benefit this the most. broken ELO - tbh, ELO isn't broken. don't get me wrong, there is a problem, but ELO isn't it. The problem is the number of people queueing, and everything surrounding that. Thus, as another thread suggested, there is an extremely limited amount of players queueing ranked, esp group ranked. Thus making good matchmaking ratings matches extremely difficult on the system. Thus outside of actual x-server/x-faction queues, ELO just won't work well in this environment. Honestly, what needs to happen, esp in terms of YOLO, ELO needs to just go away if no x-server happens. There needs to be a new system entirely pve gear - well 2 things need to happen here. 1) bolster needs to disappear for ranked and 2018 min expertise required to queue. 2) This would also reduce the need for pve gear because regs really don't matter. Or they could just, in regs, put everyone in exactly the same stat boat/gear level for regs. Trolls will always exist. There is no real way to exterminate them. The only thing you can do is lessen the impact they make. Basically, if you push for x-server/x-faction queues for ranked, then it pretty much eliminates the need for them. Let's face it, a lot of the reason they are doing this is to "play sides" they are big imp supporters and/or their guild. 4ppl on one side, 4ppl on the other, 4 are in pvp gear, 4 are on scrub alts on the other side. Basically when one of their friends pops up in yolo, which is extremely likely due to population sizes, it makes it much easier for lose while still trying. Unbalanced classes - will always be an issue, and if one class is a FOTM and has an edge, many people will just flock to that class over emphasising that small imbalance and making a much much bigger imbalance. Granted, some classes do need a lot of love on the pvp front, as does a lot of classes on the pve front. Besides which you can't really balance out all of the classes basically trying to balance out 24 specs is nearly impossible, esp considering healing, tanking, ranged dps and melee, with classes that have the ability to heal, while others can change stances and guard/taunt, stealth out, etcc... Just can't happen.
  11. /signed also, support cross server, for the simple reason that it does a better job of supporting ELO and the numbers that actually do ranked pvp. About 8k toon are doing Yolo, this a great number for being able to get fairly equally ranked teams, esp in yolo. it's really the only way it will work. Add that this would likely get rid of the trolls in greens and full 198pve gear trying to get their "ranked weekly" done, esp considering they have a 99% chance of losing. Another reason, and I know this isn't the intent of OP's post, but it also benefits lower tier pvp. With higher populations, you could easily begin to separate out by level even more, maybe be able to go WoW style and 10-19,20-29, etc... The only real reason they are separated out like they are is for the simple reason of numbers. This would make for better and more fun matches.
  12. easiest thing to do is just go to Oricon, buy a full set of 162 purple gear from the vendor with basic comms. Play and get a full set of pvp gear. Oh, and if you don't want to spend the basic comms on it, then I'd suggest something as simple as wear them for about 1 hour, sell them back for a refund, then buy them back. rinse and repeat until you get a full set of exhumed. Also, I think you can get main hand from cz-198 as well. Though they should be pretty cheap on the GTN
  13. Just did a wz with a Goof Troop the other day. Said they might be coming back. Basic rundown: pub side WoX Goof Troop, when they play, and if they are coming back, as the guy implied Ghost Infantry imp side midian Ghost infantry, yes same guild, just their other side guild ascendancy if they are still around lukewarm tauntauns (apparently has a lot of old Goof Troop alts) That's just off the top of my head, I'm sure I'm missing a lot That said, there's a lot of decent pvpers out their in pve guilds and just jump into WZ's and ranked when there's time. That said though, from my experience, daytime is pub time, night time is imp time. Pub side seems to destroy imps up until about 10pm pst. Had a day recently when 15-0 from about 2 until 6ish, and that was just random pugging and not premades. Yeah, I did get in some groups that had premades, but most seemed like randoms with a 8 different guilds. I think that it's mainly that from 10pm pst and on, the Aussies start to log in and most of those are on imp side, at least the pvp ones.
  14. For the most part, I never leave a WZ. Even if it get stuck with baddies or get backfilled in. Mainly due to the simple reason that I mostly do them for the daily and weeklies on many different toons. And most still need some modicum of ranked gears, so leaving a WZ seems counterproductive. Granted, if it's obvious we are beyond outmatched and it's a faceroll, I'm not against people going all camp at one node and just putting up a campfire and leave it at that and calling it an early match. But I definitely don't give up on the 1st **** up. Mistakes happen and too many people bail at the first problem. Hell, I remember a voidstar where a team capped the 1st door in about 15 seconds, 2 people from our team left, someone else uncapped it, we got backfills and they never capped it again. But then I've also been part of one that capped the door early, raced thru and pretty much insta-capped everything on the way to the computer, and thankfully the next round was painfully fast. Moral of the story, there is no penalty for leaving a wz. Leave whenever you feel like it. It could be as simple as you have friends that came online that want to group for wz's, or want to do a hm fp, there is no set in stone rule for leaving.
  15. I understood the /rc, but what does OP mean by ends timer? that the match never starts? That it could possibly never end?
  16. personally, a full gear set doesn't matter to most pvper's. What would really, really help is if they made those those armor sets, or even weapon sets as legacy gear. Otherwise all those good players that faction hop with legacy gear, will have some new armors to play with, otherwise, it's just a waste of a reward. Hell, my personal goal is to have a full 16 toons all to 60, and all with legacy gear for pve and pvp.
  17. I can agree that there is a definite problem with the rating system for Yolo Ranked. And I agree that for the most part it is entirely luck based. Which as mentioned is mitigatable with queue-synicing, esp on low faction servers. I don't have an issue with queue syncing because a lot of it is just taking advantage of population imbalance and there's not a whole lot Bioware can do about that. IMO, the thing that needs to change, as OP touched on, is the rating system. ELO needs to be completely scrapped in Yolo. It should be entirely participation based, at least that's my take on it. For the simple reason, as stated, that grouping forthe majority of pvpers is entirely luck based. There are not enough players in the pvp population to merit a true ELO system. As of last check, granted a few days ago, there were a total 7807 players in the yolo pvp leaderboard. And out of all of those people, how many have more than 1 toon? I'd venture quite a lot. At least 25%-50% in all likelyhood, definitely reducing the amount of actual players in yolo. Even those that do yolo a lot will tell you that it really doesn't mean anything to have a good rating. That it's all just for ***** and giggles anyways, and the only real true test of RANKED is groups. Thus, IMO, YOLO ranked should reflect this with just a participation based reward system. Rewards should not in any way be equal to what grouped gets. Something like 10pts for a win, 1pt for a loss. Thus if some scrub wants the basic rewards, then they have to play 10x the matches as the good players. Bioware can figure out the scale of the scope of how high they want to go with the reward cap numbers. But in a system like it, it not only encourages participation and reduces the need to find ways to queue sync. I know, I know, people are going to say but the scrubs aren't good enough to deserve the reward, but realistically, if it takes a good player 200 games to get a 2000 rating, and the srub needs to play 1800 games to get there, who cares. as a good player, I would laugh at the guy that took that long to get there and persistence should be rewarded. And lets face it, pvp for that long and you can't help but to learn something and get a full set of gear.
  18. The only time I leave people alive in WZ's isoin Huttball where a respawn at the wrong time can be bad. Better to leave someone alive and low and helpless and on the other side of the field, than to let the respawn with full health with them between the goal and the ball carrier.
  19. seems more to me like you are trying to protect you PT/VG from the nerf bat and trying rationalize your skill as a player because you play an OP class. And while I don't necessarily agree with all of OP's statements, I can respect the work he did in putting it together. I don't think you can get equal representation in the classes, and, to me, that really isn't possible or should be the goal. People will gravitate to the class that they want to play, for whatever reason, could be story driven, or ability driven, or because they like to tank, or to heal, or imagine themselves as a jedi, or a sniper, whatever. What needs to happen is that all those advanced classes need a chance at viability in the top end of game, whether that's pve and/or pvp.
  20. you might wanna rethink that, because I just took the numbers from the leaderboards which.....gasp....gasp, doesn't separate that out. So though I only said 'sins, it meant shadows and assassins. A simple click and you could have figured this out. Thus the big three, as everyone talks about are 'sins/shadow, PT/VG, Sage/Sorc. Think before you post.
  21. It might also help to know what times and days you want to do OPS and PvP
  22. I'd suggest Wrath of Xedrix Ghost Infantry Goof Troop (said they were coming back) don't know how many are.
  23. I've done this many times in unranked. Hell, unranked has tons of dps, you'll be thanked because you did spec heals.
  24. honestly, the main problem(s) with your post. 1) pvp gear can be somewhat viable in raids. Relics as a good example. Therefore negating your point. 2) You can spend ZERO money an dget max expertise, just go to Oricon, buy purple 162 gear with basic comms and it's all good. And if you are just doing it for ***** and giggles for an hour, PERFECT, just sell the gear back to vendor for a full refund. Therefore negating your point 3) You're talking about ranked, and just as in HM Rav/ToS, you are expected to play and know the encounters with sufficient skill. Therefore negating your point 4) your analogy seems to leaning more towards SM Group Finder ops, and as thus, you do have the ability to vote kick someone with a lot of ease. Therefore negating your point. 5) Also based on your post, this is yolo Ranked. Thus it is extremely varied and since it's only 4 people, you extremely gimp and pretty much negate your chance of winning. Well, you maybe have a .001% chance of winning. Thus it will take you about a year to get the weekly done. Granted, if you want to carry someone in a NiM 8man in greens, that's your choice. But this is more like a GF FP and having someone queue as a tank with ZERO gear to do so. The main difference is that you only have about 30 seconds to get that tank replacemment or you lose. 6) and dovetailing off of point 5, the huge difference in Ranked is that when you lose, you lose ranking, instead of that nightmare HM FP with a bad tank, you can just leave and no worries. Try again later. You don't have this option in Ranked. Thus you not only hurt yourself, but hurt your teammaates and your faction. Your name becomes mud and someone avoided at all cost. Add that it also gives your guild and your guildmates a bad name because of your actions.
  25. honestly, one of the easiest ways to help out the raider in 1000 expertise is to tell them to go burn their basic comms on 162 purples on oricon. they usually have their basic comms maxed and this gives them an excuse to purchase them. And also remind them that they can get a full refund on it if they are only planning pvping for a couple of hours, and then they can rinse repeat tomorrow.
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